====== Chronicle ======
===== Completed Missions =====
^Mission ^Report ^
|**#103** \\ \\ Mar 22 2019 \\ \\ All |The preparations are complete, and the time has come. If our alliance is to survive, if all we have struggled for is not to have been in vain, if the light of civilization is ever to burn again, you must travel into space and put a stop to Copa's machinations for good. Ravens were once considered the least among us, but all now know the truth: you are the beating heart and unassailable spine of our society, and always have been. This is the Ravens' finest hour, and we salute all who choose to go. \\ \\ //The mission proceeded in three stages: first, a titan-scale brawl between a large number of attacking starman warmechs and the Goddess' Bulwark, Desperate Measures and Wizbit Skyfortress in a surprise assist. Most of this was left to the ground forces as the team launched themselves into orbit. Copa's location turned out to be a space station guarded with large numbers of laser turrets and fighters, but these were blown to bits in a brief, but fierce dogfight via the ship's onboard cannon. Finally, a ground assault against the station's inhabitants- a six-armed, no-legged species calling themselves Seraphs- granted entry to Copa's control room/prison. She was unplugged, and Alan Hale uploaded his own consciousness in her place to provide something for the remaining Seraphs to continue to "guard" and to maybe use her vast network of spy satellites for a positive purpose.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Anna, Max Fontaine, Ricard, Omega 42, The Social Club, Feyna Mountain, Deathwrench. |
|**#102** \\ \\ Mar 15 2019 \\ \\ Hierophant |I have received knowledge of a large stash of specialized equipment that you will undoubtedly find useful in a future mission. The downside is that it's all sitting in a mistblade lair in the mountains of the far south. \\ \\ //An unusual approach was used to get into the mistblade lair: Oswald recognized one of them, whom he had previously met in the Manifest and shared an interest in kinkiness with. With a little bit of schmooze and a lot of bribery, the party was given limited access and allowed to remove the Hierophant's treasure: a huge cache of spacesuits and zero-gravity gear. As a bonus, they also brought back a massage-bot because why not?// \\ \\ **The Team:** Oswald Martin, Danger Zone, Omega 42. |
|**#101** \\ \\ Mar 1 2019 \\ \\ Magister |We've cooperated with Channel 5 to create a launch site out in the forest, which predictably has caused Channel 8 to declare them heretics and defilers. They're sending a sizable force to destroy it, and your job is to put up convincing resistance when you let them. \\ \\ //The team employed a straightforward skirmishing retreat tactic. The launch site was destroyed as per instruction.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Deathwrench, Feyna Mountain, Omega 42, Ricard. |
|**#100** \\ \\ Feb 22 2019 \\ \\ Duchess |An artillery battery we installed in Black Rocks territory had successfully repelled another starman mech, but then the Penthousers destroyed it and every soldier we had operating it with their superior firepower. Now they've claimed the mech's remains. We cannot afford to let this happen again. \\ \\ //The team was minimal, but the destruction was anything but. By walking on the ocean's bottom the team avoided being targeted by any artillery shells from the Penthouser's tower, and a quick round of intimidation and bluster convinced the sentries they encountered to take them directly to the chief. While riding the elevator to the top they blew it up (alongside the dozen guards sent as escort), followed by a pitched battle on the rooftop against the Penthouser's chieftain Horizon Watcher. With no elevator to take them back down again and a huge, hostile crowd below them anyway, they elected for a different exit: shooting themselves out of the cannon and letting it all explode behind them.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#99** \\ \\ Feb 15 2019 \\ \\ Hierophant |I am disturbed by your reports of a, quote, "titty-maggot demon keeping the Weepers in torment forever." The Weepers have never done anything for us, but decency demands we not turn a blind eye to their suffering. Descend into the earth again and destroy the source of their misery. \\ \\ //On their way to one boss fight, the team stumbled across another: the cthonic dream-demon they had inadvertently awoken during their last visit to those tunnels. They dove into the manifest and slew it in a fierce battle, then pushed forward and destroyed their original target in another battle no less fierce. Back-to-back boss fight champions!// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Danger Zone, Ricard, Alan Hale. |
|**#98** \\ \\ Feb 8 2019 \\ \\ Duchess |I've heard tell of an ancient ship made all of stone and metal sunk far off the coast. A team of divers has been assembled to raise it from the deep, but they'll need protection. Retrieving this vessel is of key importance. \\ \\ //As it turns out, the ancient ship was made for traversing space, not the sea. Also, the reason it wasn't buried despite being many millenia old was because it was serving as a shell for a truly enormous hermit crab that scuttled away with it on its back. The team managed to fabricate the crab a new, roomier shell from the broken remnants of the Bighead mothership, which it swapped to after a bit of hesitation. Win-win.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Feyna Mountain, Omega 42, Oswald Martin, Where The Water Goes. |
|**#97** \\ \\ Feb 1 2019 \\ \\ Hierophant |We've revealed the existence of another deity slumbering deep under the earth, one with a very intriguing sphere of influence. Locate and awaken her. \\ \\ //The journey under the earth was a long one with many side-distractions including a lying trog, a lost city filled with grues and weepers, and a great cathedral housing a titty-maggot demon of the ancient world providing the Weepers with the addictive milk of cursed immortality. All of these things were regretfully bypassed for now and in time, the end goal was reached: Tamriem the Goddess of Travel was resurrected and several of the team volunteered to be among her first clergy.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Feyna Mountain, Alan Hale, Omega 42, Deathwrench, Ricard, Danger Zone. |
|**#96** \\ \\ Jan 25 2019 \\ \\ Hierophant |We've seen splashdown off the coast, which means the Starmen have sent their first landing crew. Plan A isn't ready yet, so I need you to rush to Labyrinth and inform Dr Hanz. He'll tell you what to do next. \\ \\ //Labyrinth was already being attacked by a twelve-story wooden warmech when the team arrived. They managed to sneak past it and contacted Dr. Hanz, who unveiled the Plan B he'd been working on: an equally-large abomination called the Desperate Measures controlled via a cockpit in its exposed skull. The team drove it outside and battled three starman warmechs at once with the help of a coastal battery cannon, finally pinning the last long enough to slip into an air vent in its back and battle its crewbeasts up to the pilot's chamber in the cranium. With a little quick thinking and a LOT of luck, the starman pilot was convinced to surrender and the final warmech was captured largely undamaged.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Feyna Mountain, Oswald Martin, Omega 42. |
|**#95** \\ \\ Jan 18 2019 \\ \\ Hierophant |We've long known that Namico is built above something of a hotspot for Curdies, and some recent excavation I've been doing has uncovered the biggest nest anyone's ever seen. It won't be pleasant, but I need them cleared out. \\ \\ //Despite the exceptionally large team, nobody was keen to act overconfidently and the party spent some time setting up a system of mirrors to shine sunlight down into tge passages they were to explore. This turned out to be exceptionally fortuitous when a huge, cancerous curdie mass was discovered acting as a primitive hivemind and birthing more by the minute. Bright light kept it on the defensive while the team threw everything it had at the creature until it was destroyed.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Willy Wizbit, Oswald Martin, Feyna Mountain, Danger Zone, Omega 42, Where The Water Goes, Cruz, Rex. |
|**#94** \\ \\ Jan 11 2019 \\ \\ Duchess |The lawless situation in the homelands has given rise to a new breed of pirate- the extremely well-funded kind. There have been sightings of a royal galleon with a full battery of cannon flying a black flag and preying exclusively on Namico shipping. Regardless of birth or background, pirates are scum and will face justice. \\ \\ //A front-on assault was considered a bad idea by pretty much anyone, so the party decided to use their favorite tactic: subterfuge and trickery. Connections and a carefully-seeded reputation got them on board peacefully, where they convinced the foppish Captain Nougat to split his forces. This made it easy to impersonate him, take control of his golems, and order them to slaughter the rest of his crew in small manageable chunks before bashing themselves to bits. Nougat's funding turned out to be coming directly from Patriarch Diet Root Beer IV, which is a sobering thought.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Max Fontaine, Tatia, Feyna Mountain, The Social Club. |
|**#93** \\ \\ Nov 16 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |I need a very large engine for a matter of national security, the kind that's way beyond our understanding to make. Coordinate with This One Leads From The Front to retrieve one from the wreckage of Grandmother's old fortress in the mountains. \\ \\ //The site had been occupied by a band of Bigheads that had found an alternate source of nutrition other than conversion worms: other Bigheads. The cannibal clan had grown twisted and strange with their close proximity to the buried engine and the strange energy it produces, but equal parts hand-to-hand combat and artillery strikes cleared them out (although not before poor Nosy lost her head). // \\ \\ **The Team:** Deathwrench, Plasma Viper, Nosy Manhunter, The Social Club, Frank the Tank. |
|**#92** \\ \\ Nov 2 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |There have been sightings of strange folk gathering around the twisted wreckage of the Gatling Angel. I have an uneasy feeling about this- go investigate and secure the site so we can transport the body here where we can keep an eye on it. \\ \\ //A band of Lilium scrappers were looting the remnants and factory of the Angel, but were willing to sell the corpse to the Ravens after they took care of a "demon hippo" that was attacking their slithercraft. While dragging it back to civilization, they were attacked by the very last remnants of the Third Lantern riding on the back of their dropwhooper... which Feyna managed to charm into unceremoniously dropping them. Scratch that threat forever, I guess.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain, The Social Club. |
|**#91** \\ \\ Oct 12 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |We have a large number of Bighead refugees, but no access to the worms that supplement their food. If you can get us some, I promise not to ask how you did it. \\ \\ //A three-person team of trogs took on this mission, and eventually resolved it the way trogs like best: fast, loud, and furious. An entire sledge-container of worms was boosted out of the grow-factory of Northern Watch by slaloming it down the side of a mountain behind a carload of whooping trogs chugging moonshine and shooting their guns in the air.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Deathwrench, Plasma Viper, Nosy Manhunter. |
|**#90** \\ \\ Oct 5 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |We need to do something about the Wizbit Skyfortress before things get out of hand. More out of hand, I mean. \\ \\ //Although everybody showed up ready for a fight (Omega 42 in particular) the Skyfortress was traversed, its puzzles overcome and its guardians defeated solely through wits, chutzpah and stealth. Gazaan Khiraj was deposed, and a more pleasant wizbit who subscribes to a friendship-based magical schema was installed in his place. The Skyfortress will not be a threat again... at least, not for a while.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Omega 42, Feyna Mountain, Max Fontaine, This One Sleuths, Ricard. |
|**#89** \\ \\ Sep 28 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |The residents of an outlying hamlet have all mysteriously disappeared, along with all their food stocks. We are in desperate need of more information. \\ \\ //There was a bit of investigation and a few leads followed, but it didn't take long to find the culprit: a giant flying stone wizbit head the size of a small mountain had sucked up all the townsfolk and everything else. The team got inside, but had to beat a hasty retreat after a noteworthy string of bad luck left Omega 42 on death's door.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Omega 42, Feyna Mountain, Alan Hale. |
|**#88** \\ \\ Sep 21 2018 \\ \\ Magister |Turmoil in the homelands is making colonization much more popular than in the past, and I've gotten word of a few different sites up and down the coast that have had landings. I want you to head south and gather information on one of them under the guise of establishing diplomatic relations. \\ \\ //While there were a few ideas about diplomacy at the beginning, they dried up after finding out about the imperialist nature of the new colony's leader Duchess Ludmila. The team quickly got into the empire-toppling business by digging a tunnel for local trog chieftain Wish A Mother Would to invade and burn everything down that he deemed tacky (which, to be fair, was legitimately everything). Now there's about a thousand new colonists with few supplies, no shelter, and a long road to safety.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Omega 42, Feyna Mountain, Alan Hale, Where The Water Goes. |
|**#87** \\ \\ Sep 14 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |Children have been disappearing at an alarming rate, and one mother spotted the culprit: a broodmother spider. Find it, make it stop, and get everybody's babies back. \\ \\ //The team decided early on that they would much rather find a way to bring the spider into the fold instead of simply slaying it, but this was much easier said than done. The spider reacted disdainfully to most of their suggestions due to a wildly different worldview and set of values, but was eventually convinced to secretly run a daycare instead of kidnapping babies. Clearing out a massive curdie incursion from her lair impressed her enough that she's going to play along with the experiment... for now. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Omega 42, Max Fontaine, Anna, This One Sleuths, Feyna Mountain, Gilmore. |
|**#86** \\ \\ Sep 7 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |Somebody has murdered the Channel 5 high druid Tau 16. Regardless of his history of anti-Alliance preaching and incitement of violence against humans, we can't let this one go unsolved. Find the killer and dispense justice. \\ \\ //Means, motive and opportunity were difficult to all pin down for any single suspect at first- was it the incompetent apprentice? The "druid" wizbit? Maybe even a political maneuver from the chieftess? In the end, it was none of those things; Tau 16 had simply made a nuisance of himself to a local smuggler, who was arrested along with his accomplice after a brief skirmish. Case closed.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Alan Hale, Omega 42, Nosy Manhunter, Revenant Micheals. |
|**#85** \\ \\ Aug 31 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |The Starman you retrieved seems to have been clutching something when it fell through our atmosphere- something strange and magical we're calling the Star Crown. Before we decide if we want to attempt to fix it, I believe it would be prudent to try and discover its true nature and purpose by accessing it through the Manifest. \\ \\ //Like many pieces of ultra-tech, the Star Crown unfolded in the Manifest into a dreamspace structure full of symbolic logic and rogue monsters. After several rounds of puzzle-solving (including making a Rube Goldbergian device to feed tendies to a penis pianist) the Crown was revealed as a storage device for a brutalist totalitarian AI which the party dispatched by throwing in a black hole/meat grinder. What the Starman was doing when it fell to Earth remains unknown, but it seems likely that it was either some sort of villain or hero.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Alan Hale, Omega 42, Max Fontaine, Feyna Mountain. |
|**#84** \\ \\ Aug 24 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |As we increase in numbers our sewers are washing a tremendous amount of waste out into the ocean, which is a problem since many of our citizens live there. I've heard of an ancient dam that magically purifies the water that passes through it. See if you can figure out how it's done so we can replicate it here. \\ \\ //The dam was discovered without too much trouble, and the carnivorous bloodfruit growing outside its entrance were tamed by making them a nice pudding, but the expedition met a hard obstacle in the form of the mistblades guarding the place. After a bit of thinking, a secondary solution was developed by sending somebody to swim into the dam from the lake to its rear and get access to the selected part that way.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, Gilmore, Alan Hale, Omega 42, Where The Water Goes. |
|**#83** \\ \\ Aug 10 2018 \\ \\ Magister |A group of workers has escaped from the Northwatch labor camps and our insider has dispatched none other than This One Smells of Brimstone. This is an excellent opportunity to both make sure he doesn't come back from his little expedition and save some of those poor bastards that got away. \\ \\ //A clever method of scouting via mindlinked bird allowed the team to spot and intercept the hunting party before they managed to catch up to their quarry at all. A semi-buried ruin was utilized as a defense point and the hunters were exterminated without a single escapee being killed or injured.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Feyna Mountain, Alan Hale, Omega 42, Ricard. |
|**#82** \\ \\ Aug 2 2018 \\ \\ Magister |A leader has arisen in the Bighead outpost of Northern Watch on our border. While I appreciate the added stability This One Boils Roots has brought to the region, I disapprove of his habits of brutal daily executions and caravan raiding. That's why we're going to secretly replace him with one of our agents. Your job is to get him in. \\ \\ //Replacing This One Boils Roots with This One Casts No Shadow was a bit touch and go, but the party had learned from their last mission to not just go with whatever idea popped up first and took a careful, infiltration-based approach by posing as bighead migrants and smuggling in all their gear. A bunch of disguise changes and several dead guardsmen later, a "new" leader was installed. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, This One Knows Things, Revenant Micheals. |
|**#81** \\ \\ Aug 2 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |A strange star has fallen in the mountains, and I suspect it may be dangerous. Investigate and retrieve it, if possible. \\ \\ //The fallen star turned out to be the curled-up partially-metallic corpse of a five-meter humanoid that we're calling the Starman. Retrieving it was more difficult than anticipated due to its being seemingly being claimed by a mistblade, but after several failed attempts to get close enough to load it on the vehicle the party simply fitted the vehicle with a grasping attachment on the front and made a rolling pickup instead.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, This One Knows Things, Deathwrench. |
|**#80** \\ \\ Aug 2 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |Our dropwhooper egg has hatched and the experiment in domestication is off to a good start. Little Clara has gotten old enough that she needs to learn how to hunt on her own, however, so I need you to escort her around the reef for a few days and make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. \\ \\ //Clara proved a fierce but affectionate companion while snatching up thorncrawlers and picodiles, and the party was content to let her take the lead until they ran into a small group of corsairs that wanted to kill her for fun. Said corsairs very nearly killed the party instead due to a range advantage, but a fierce fight kept everyone alive and Clara had her first taste of combat against humans. Maybe not the best lesson to teach her, but at least she's alive.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, This One Knows Things, Revenant Micheals. |
|**#79** \\ \\ Jul 27 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |It's about time to formally induct the Irontree Horde into the Namico Alliance. Doing so apparently requires us to send our champions through something called the Funhouse Gauntlet, which I'm not entirely sure they aren't just making up. They're serious about it, though, and they've proven very helpful as allies in the past. \\ \\ //The trogs announced they were throwing a party and that Namico representatives were welcome, so long as they delivered a proffered briefcase intact to the event. A cheerful warning was given that some trogs didn't want outsiders to come, so they would be lying in wait to kill the party and smash the case. As it turned out, the case contained a serum developed by the Goddess to rewrite portions of this tribe's biology and make them less fecund and thus develop social values. The whole "party invitation" was just a big experiment to prove that K-selection wasn't necessarily any weaker than r-selection. In the end, the goods were delivered. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Danger Zone, This One Was Forgotten, Frank the Tank, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain, Max Fontaine. |
|**#78** \\ \\ Jul 20 2018 \\ \\ Magister |I've tried to stall them, but the Inquisition has gotten suspicious and sent another team to kill the Goddess. This time, I'd like to allow them to reach her and report back that she's the real deal, but we're still going to stack the deck in our favor. That's where you come in. \\ \\ //A number of schemes and trickeries were employed to subtly (and not so subtly) sabotage the Inquisition team: plans were stolen, explosives were sunk and ruined, a local guide was seamlessly replaced with an insider, and perhaps most importantly of all the idea was deeply planted among the twenty-strong escort of Torquetum Ravens that maybe the Goddess they had been dispatched to slay was the real thing after all. When it came time for the showdown Inquisitor Richard Silvers found himself standing alone. The Goddess allowed him to strike her twice before mournfully turning him to flowers. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Where The Water Goes, This One Sleuths, Danger Zone. |
|**#77** \\ \\ Jul 13 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |You've smashed the flame trucks in the Angel's fleshyards, leaving them defended only with mad, burning cultists. I would not ask you to go back were the need not so great. \\ \\ //Flush with their unexpectedly rapid victory against Powerfist, the team decided to tackle another challenge right away. Delta 69 mentioned his long-boiling scheme to slay the Gatling Angel through the use of an overwhelming artillery barrage, and everybody gladly forked over the resources needed to make it happen. Ten blessed rockets soared through the sky and blew the Angel to absolute smithereens after the party got its attention in the usual fashion.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Ricard, Delta 69, Deathwrench. |
|**#76** \\ \\ Jul 13 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |There's been a spike in attacks on caravans traveling between Namico and the Channel 5 hometree. To be more specific, we're talking about Powerfist attacks, and only against Ferrous traders. We need to shut this down and bring that maniac in. \\ \\ //By traveling to the location where the attacks were happening and performing a search for electrostatic anomalies, Powerfist's "lair" was tracked down. He apparently had an enemy named "Metal Brain" he was mistaking local Ferrous as being minions of. A quick skirmish reverted Powerfist back into somebody's dead grandmother and the mission was brought to an abrupt end.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Ricard, Delta 69, Deathwrench. |
|**#75** \\ \\ Jul 6 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |You've destroyed the outskirts area of the Angel's Sanctum, leaving the Fleshyards beyond them vulnerable. Push onwards into the devil's lair. \\ \\ //The team found the Fleshyards more difficult to infiltrate than the Outskirts due to a lack of cover, but struck with a head-on assault that managed to destroy a large number of thralls and two flametrucks before the Angel showed up to wreck their day. The surprise MVP was Gilmore, who spent most of the fight pumping everyone up by playing the guitar in the background.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Max Fontaine, Feyna Mountain, Ricard, Delta 69, Gilmore, This One Was Forgotten. |
|**#74** \\ \\ Jun 15 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |A ship of Her Imperial Majesty's Navy has appeared off our coast. Find out why they're here and what they want. To be clear, I expect you to defend the interests of the Namico Alliance above those of the Empire of Torquetum. \\ \\ //As it turned out, the ship was carrying a very surprising guest to the Black Horizon: Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Gloriosa herself. Even the best doctors in the land could not stave off the illness attendant to a lifetime of hedonistic excess and a body weighing over 250 kilograms, so Gloriosa and a small team of loyal bodyguards had come in search of a different sort of cure: the immortality of undeath. It was decided with direct input from the Duchess that Gloriosa's eternal rulership would be an undesirable outcome, so the Empress was killed indirectly through the use of a lured dropwhooper. The homelands are about to enter a time of turmoil.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain, Where The Water Goes, Delta 69. |
|**#73** \\ \\ Jun 8 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |Judgment Day continues to approach. Return to the Angel's Sanctum and make another attempt at deicide. \\ \\ //The fight against the Gatling Angel is by necessity a guerrilla war of attrition to winnow down its thralls and make it vulnerable. This approach was fully embraced through clever scouting and well-placed explosives followed by a rapidly-escalating brawl royale. The Carnage Nun guarding the gate was slain along with large numbers of Angel cultists before the Angel itself made an appearance and the party beat an extremely hasty retreat. The Outskirts have been destroyed, allowing for deeper entry with later strikes.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain, Ricard, Willy Wizbit, Delta 69, Gilmore. |
|**#72** \\ \\ Jun 1 2018 \\ \\ Magister |An informant I've used in the past has crossed a line and needs to be put down. I'd prefer you do it without opening any official investigations, if possible. \\ \\ //The informant in question: Mr. Buster, the head of a smuggling ring moving contraband between the colony and the homeland. His crime: kidnapping prepubescent gillman tadpoles and selling them across the sea. His operation involved both humans and gillmen, including the creepy chef Tiny Barrels and the beautiful but twisted Death of Innocence who carried out the actual kidnappings. The team dispatched to the site cleaned house like a righteous tide of fury, leaving Mr. Buster's pet mutant romper Georges as the only survivor. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain, Ricard, Max Fontaine. |
|**#71** \\ \\ May 17 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |We are in need of an outpost to help project power towards the east, and Auntie Molars' old farm in the ghost circle is an ideal location. The only problem is that with her gone, a band of vehicle-obsessed trogs have moved into the area instead and sent back our diplomat's head in a sack. Get rid of them. \\ \\ //In consideration of the fact that their opponents were much, much more mobile the team set up an ambush by putting together a fake bit of wreckage to honeypot them. As expected, things got insane with all the motorcycle lancers, flaming spike trucks and one archer in a gyrocopter but fierce fighting got the job done.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain. |
|**#70** \\ \\ May 10 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |Signs have recently appeared pointing to the awakening of a Gatling Angel, an ancient abomination that must be driven from this world. Find and penetrate its lair before Judgment Day is upon us. \\ \\ //The lair of the Gatling Angel is completely surrounded by a shantytown filled with fanatical survivors of its attacks seeking desperately to prove themselves worthy of its murdering them. A BDSM nun with a shotgun guarding the front gate was fooled into believing the party were petitioners and let them in, but caught on to their ruse immediately when Revenant Micheals couldn't resist showing interest in the honeypot of treasure left in plain view. A hasty retreat was put in order. No cultists were defeated or treasure gained, but the front gates of the Angel's Sanctum now lay in splinters and that's something, right?// \\ \\ **The Team:** Revenant Micheals, Omega 42, Alan Hale, Jesus. |
|**#69** \\ \\ May 3 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |If we want to cross the Sandsea, we're going to need to construct our own slithercraft. For that we need lead, and lots of it. I've heard rumors of a large cache of the stuff out in the wilderness- you will investigate and secure the site. \\ \\ //The lead cache in question was located at the edge of an old "ghost circle" where the land and everything on it had been turned to blue-grey dust and was only recently being reclaimed by life. The area's cursed reputation and general isolation must have been what drew the necromancer Auntie Molars to establish her lair there, presiding over her undead thralls. She was unhappy to be disturbed and full of hatred for Ravens, whom she met in battle and gave a fierce beating before finally being overwhelmed.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Deathwrench, Ricard, Max Fontaine, Gilmore, Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain. |
|**#68** \\ \\ Apr 26 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |The Hierophant has been kidnapped. Find him, save him, bring him home. \\ \\ //By starting at the scene of the crime and following the trail of the perpetrators, it became clear that the Hierophant's kidnappers were a band of radicalized bigheads with a grudge against humanity for killing Grandmother... the same band they had previously met during mission #66 outside the Mirror Temple. They had brought the Hierophant there, gouged out his eyes, and mirrored him before cheerfully and willingly handing him back over to the pursuing Ravens with a demand for regular shipments of food and weapons in exchange for the mirrored food he would need to stay alive. The team decided not to negotiate with terrorists and launched a surprise raid on the Mirror Temple, re-mirrored the Hierophant and smashed the device there into gravel.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Omega 42, Alan Hale, Feyna Mountain. |
|**#67** \\ \\ Apr 19 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |After snapping up the dropwhooper egg from under the Black Rocks' noses, there are a few ways our relationship can go. I'd like to give them a gift, the kind that's grand and generous but also sends a message about fucking with us. Hunt down a deepcoiler leviathan and throw them a barbecue. \\ \\ //After a tremendous amount of time spent on planning, the actual hunt was over shockingly fast thanks to blowing half the leviathan's primary face off with a well-aimed cannonball. After that it was pretty much just BBQ party time, and the Black Rocks reversed their previously held position and gladly joined the Namico Alliance.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42, Alan Hale, Gilmore, Deathwrench. |
|**#66** \\ \\ Apr 12 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |Hidden in the mountains is an ancient complex that's rumored to be horribly cursed by every native I've asked about it- those who wander in sometimes come out again infinitely hungry. I need you to carefully check it out and use your best judgement as to how we should handle the situtation. \\ \\ //The complex was indeed cursed: a seemingly-innocuous archway sometimes perfectly and irreversibly mirrored those who walked through it. The right-handed became lefties, scars switched sides, and food became nutritionally worthless unless it was also mirrored. The team managed to patch up the mysterious equipment causing the phenomenon enough to be able to reverse the process and turn everything off, making several new friends (and enemies) along the way.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Max Fontaine, Revenant Micheals, Ricard, Omega 42, Anna, Alan Hale. |
|**#65** \\ \\ Apr 5 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |The lilium expedition you ran across during the last mission must have crossed the Trinitite Sea in one of their sandships. See if you can find whatever's left of it and get as much information about its manufacture as possible so we can make our own someday. \\ \\ //The team back-tracked the ill-fated lilium expedition to the ruins of a small embarkation village on the near shore of the sandsea. Navigating traps, dangers and enigmas got them to the craft... which was unfortunately being sampled by an Eye Archon, leaving it with gaping holes that let in the sand. The craft was abandoned to its sunken fate but the team at least got a decent look inside even if they didn't get much more than that.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42, Gilmore. |
|**#64** \\ \\ Mar 29 2018 \\ \\ Magister |With rumors of the return of the Goddess, the motherland has sent a team of inquisitors to investigate. My sources tell me they carry secret sealed orders from the Patriarch himself. We need to know what they say. \\ \\ //After some deliberation and a fair amount of preparation of the suite where the inquisition team would be staying, it was determined that the best way to get the orders out of their sealed envelope without raising suspicions would be to have Ricard adopt spectral form and "patrick swayze" them out without breaking the seal at all. The orders involved several unacceptable ones including "execute the Hierophant" and "kill the Goddess" so what began as a heist quickly transitioned into an assassination. The Hierophant was promptly whisked out of town and the inquisition team replaced with disguised party members in order to send messages back to the Patriarch that everything was going just fine, no really.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42, Revenant Micheals, Max Fontaine. |
|**#63** \\ \\ Mar 22 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |With the defeat of a dropwhooper, we find ourselves in a unique position: scouts say that there's now an unguarded dropwhooper egg at the top of a tower down south. Go get it and bring it back while keeping it warm and unbroken, and we can see if the species is capable of being tamed. \\ \\ //After some improvised scaffolding and dead shellhounds, the nest was reached. Unfortunately, the Black Rocks had sent an expedition of their own for precisely the same purpose, and a stand-off situation emerged... then was promptly disarmed as the interlopers recognized their inferior tactical position. The team managed to strong-arm the competition into selling them their incubator and went on their merry way with the egg both safe and warm.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42, Revenant Micheals, Chadmir, Gilmore. |
|**#62** \\ \\ Mar 15 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |I've finally gotten some time to properly examine that axe you brought back from the Southern Labyrinth, and it's rather disturbing. I've heard rumors of a cache of similar material in some ruins to the north. Please investigate and bring me back a sample, if possible. \\ \\ //The axe, much like the Egg that granted it to its chosen champion, is created of material that is ultraterrestrial in origin. The existence of a much larger lode of the same material had attracted the attention of a few other parties before the Raven team arrived on-site: a new, tiny Egg carried by its chosen champion, a "college" of wizbits, and a lilium expeditionary force had all attempted to stake a claim and posed obstacles to both the Ravens and to each other. These obstacles were overcome through a combination of cleverness, negotiation, and straight up lightning blasts. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Omega 42, Revenant Micheals. |
|**#61** \\ \\ Mar 8 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |Despite the settlement we've established there, there is still a lot that we simply don't know about the functionality of the machines in the Labyrinth and it's causing trouble for the community. Go investigate and solve their problems. \\ \\ //Upon arrival at Labyrinth, it became clear that the most pressing problem facing the fledgling colony was a callback to its previous ruler: the King of Paradise's brain and heart had both been stopped when it was killed, but as it turns out it had quite a few backups. Its enormous bulk was swimming around in the flooded lower levels guided by pure animalistic instinct, swallowing creatures whole, mumbling to itself and masturbating. The team figured out how to drain the water to even the odds a bit and then slew it for good in a fierce, moist battle.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Ricard, Revenant Micheals, Max Fontaine. |
|**#60** \\ \\ Mar 1 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |We've got a caravan full of resources, settlers and weapons we're sending to our new settlement of Labyrinth. That area is very isolated and politically unstable, though, so we need Ravens to make sure it gets there. Normally caravan guarding is way below your pay grade, but this time I suspect there will be quite a bit of trouble. \\ \\ //The caravan was managed by two gillmen with different ideas: Thunder Road wanted to take the fastest, most dangerous path through the wilderness and Tiny Barrels wanted to take a much longer, but safer route through the reef with plenty of resupplying stops along the way. The party felt Tiny Barrels was just a little too insistent on stopping by the Penthousers and smelled a trap, so went with Thunder Road's plan and cut a bloody swathe through dangerous, but unorganized beasts. As they approached the entrance to Labyrinth they were set upon by a dropwhooper and slew the legendary beast in a wild struggle.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Ricard, Willy Wizbit, Gilmore. |
|**#59** \\ \\ Feb 15 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |We've had a high-profile murder that requires investigation. The victim was Vorheim Two-Fingers the trog chieftain who had agreed to live by our laws, and now the new chief wants to clarify if this means that they can start killing whoever they like again or if our "no murdering" rules only apply to trogs. They do not. \\ \\ //By interviewing various persons of interest and performing thorough investigations of several scenes, the team pieced together the chain of events that lead to Vorheim being found floating face-down in a tidepool full of skullcrabs: his killing had been ordered by Jeremy Brown, a drunk with a hatred for trogs stemming from being cuckolded by Vorheim's lieutenant Skidiron (who he mistook for Vorheim personally). To give himself an alibi, Jeremy extorted his barber Lance Ferry into carrying out the killing, then personally transported the corpse in his porter's wagon and dumped it in the bay. Jeremy was executed by hanging and Lance imprisoned, but released early for good behavior. More importantly, the rule of law was upheld.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Max Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, Revenant Micheals. |
|**#58** \\ \\ Feb 8 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |The Bighead civilization has collapsed into chaos as several warring factions have emerged. The largest such faction seeks to destroy the vats from which they were spawned, which would also spell the eventual extinction of their entire species. Locate, defend and secure the hardware. \\ \\ //Thanks to the judicious use of trotter cavalry troops lent from the Namico guard, the mobs of disaffected Bigheads attacking the Mothership were driven off with ease and the spawning vats of their species were quickly stripped and loaded for transport while explosive charges were set. The Mothership is now a smoking crater and the future of the Bigheads was secretly given over to the Goddess herself, who may well inherit the veneration previously given to Grandmother. Everyone agreed that this would be a significant upgrade.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Max Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, Ricard, Willy Wizbit, Gilmore. |
|**#57** \\ \\ Feb 1 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |A band of marauders was totally wiped out before we even knew they had appeared. Problem is, so was the homestead they were attacking. The few survivors have all mentioned a flying man that referred to himself as Captain Powerfist. Get to the bottom of this and bring that maniac in. \\ \\ //As it turns out, Captain Powerfist is not so much a man as a disease that provokes transformations when its host is sufficiently distressed. The daughter of the homestead Jamie Lundgren was infected but remembered nothing of it. Confronting her with the evidence revealed two new pieces of information: one of her friends was also infected, and every Captain Powerfist believes every other Captain Powerfist to be an imposter that must be destroyed. The resulting super-brawl wiped out only an apartment instead of a whole block thanks to the quick interference of the Raven team.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Max Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, Ricard. |
|**#56** \\ \\ Jan 25 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |The Bigheads have closed their borders to us, and executed one of our merchants. The rest of the merchant's caravan is still in their lands and don't have a lot of time left. Rescue them. \\ \\ //The plan had some major setbacks along the way, but eventually more-or-less worked itself out: the prison complex near the Mothership was broken out of (from the inside) and an enormous rockslide helped distract the entire village as the team made a break for it along with a few other incidental prisoners (two lilium and a broodmother spider). This One Talks With Outsiders ran a different way when the chaos erupted: into the Mothership itself. There he found Grandmother's secret chambers and smashed her life support machines, causing a huge explosion that ended her ancient, tyrannical reign and his own young existence in a single moment. The Bigheads are free now. The world can only wait and see what that means.// \\ \\ **The Team:** James Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, This One Talks With Outsiders. |
|**#55** \\ \\ Jan 19 2018 \\ \\ Magister |Omicron 91 says part of the reason Channel 8 hates us so much is because our arrival parallels several parts of the story of their prophesized end times. Fortunately, we can work with that- we've just got to sow doubt. \\ \\ //Channel 8's legend revolved around an evil empire led from the shadows by a half-flesh Ferrous named Zeta 00 attempting to awaken an evil god slumbering inside the moon. After some deliberation, the party decided the best way to head off comparisons would be to "discover" Zeta 00 manipulating their empire, kill him, and deliver the body to Channel 8. A suitable Ferrous body was provided by killing Omicron 91, and Dr. Hanz was enlisted to graft organic components to the corpse (a task he accomplished with both skill and glee). // \\ \\ **The Team:** James Fontaine, Anna, Ricard. |
|**#54** \\ \\ Jan 11 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |We probably should have seen this coming. A group of gillmen from somewhere up the coast have captured a pirate ship and taken to piracy themselves, and they're very good at it. Find a way to shut down the Blood Conch. \\ \\ //With a bit of research, the raiders were identified as members of the Toothless Serpent tribe, a neighbor of the Underlanterns. Fortunately, James Fontaine totally had an in with Sawblade Ghost, the Underlanterns gillwoman assassin from mission #41. A deal was struck and a lightning-fast surprise attack was carried out to capture the Toothless Serpent village at dusk while the tide was low. After striking a second deal, the conquered tribe agreed to join up with the Namico Alliance.// \\ \\ **The Team:** James Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, Gilmore, Ricard, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#53** \\ \\ Jan 4 2018 \\ \\ Duchess |With the defeat of Egg Watcher, there is not likely to be much remaining between us and ferreting out the Skimmer stronghold once and for all. Let's finish this. \\ \\ //Hacking their way past both guardians and electronic countermeasures, a seven-Raven team broke into the ancient facility that spawned Skimmers: a repurposed cryonics lab turned into a hedonistic paradise for its handful of inhabitants grown immortal and strange through institutional body-snatching. After some deliberation, a grim course was set: every last one was wiped out, including the King of Paradise on the bottom floor (a mountain of flesh covered in stolen genitals) but the facility itself was preserved to turn it into a new settlement for the good of all rather than a few. Dr. Hanz retired on the spot in order to oversee this new institution. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Dr Hanz, James Fontaine, Anna, Alan Hale, Gilmore, Ricard, Omega 42. |
|**#52** \\ \\ Jan 2 2018 \\ \\ Hierophant |An outlying homestead has been overrun with curdies, which all die during the daylight but replenish during the night. Find out what's causing them to surface, or at least find out where they're coming from and seal it off. \\ \\ //The curdies were coming to the surface due to a lack of water. The source of the underwater stream that fed their massive subterranean fungal forest had been blocked off by an unusually large cthonocyte named Big Red which was also in turn being hunted by several trogs who coveted the large amounts of plastic explosives that it had engulfed. Getting rid of it proved to be a truly volatile problem. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Ricard, Omega 42. |
|**#51** \\ \\ Dec 11 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |We've had far fewer reports of skimmer attacks since we started delving the Southern Labyrinth- I think we're making trouble for them. Good. Let's continue. \\ \\ //The team solved the riddle of Egg Watcher by stumbling across the Egg itself: the immobile fetal form of an ultraterrestrial godbeast, capable of birthing new clones of its press-ganged guardian while filling the air with hallucinogenic toxins. It was of course defended by Egg Watcher's most recent incarnation, joined in short order by two more Egg Watchers(!). By directing all their attacks at the Egg itself, the team managed to destroy it after a fierce fight. Egg Watcher will not trouble further expeditions into the Southern Labyrinth. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Frank the Tank, Dr. Hanz, Ricard. |
|**#50** \\ \\ Nov 20 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |Every time we hit the Southern Labyrinth, we get further and learn more. Let's keep it up. \\ \\ //By questioning two different groups of dungeon-dwellers, the team filled out a good number of additional rooms on their map and discovered a couple caches of treasure. Egg Watcher made another appearance (without his axe this time, thankfully). The Skimmers' base must be somewhere deeper inside. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Frank the Tank, Dr. Hanz, Newb. |
|**#49** \\ \\ Nov 13 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |Skimmers are still hiding somewhere in the Southern Labyrinth. See if you can explore any deeper this time. \\ \\ //A significantly deeper delve was accomplished but brought short by the random reappearance of Egg Watcher, thought slain by the previous expedition but just as alive, berserk and dangerous as before. After putting him down the team elected to take his weird axe back for study in hopes that separating it from the dungeon would prevent Egg Watcher's cyclic resurrection. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Gilmore, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#48** \\ \\ Oct 30 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |We've got intel that places a high volume of Skimmer traffic at what the gillmen call the Southern Labyrinth. Go map out as much as you can, and be sure to pack some dry socks. \\ \\ //Mapping "as much as you can" turned out to be about four rooms, partially due to the monster presence in the area but mostly due to the noise from Frank the Tank's drill lance luring in more and more (including a particularly fearsome and insane gillman warrior named Egg Watcher who wielded an unnerving axe and rapidly began to decompose almost immediately after dying). The mission was far from a failure, however, since a lot of good intel was uncovered. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Dr. Hanz, Teddy Smalls. |
|**#47** \\ \\ Oct 23 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Even though I hate him already, Omicron 91 is too useful to set free. Unfortunately he has particular needs that must be met before he'll cooperate. Get some fresh Ferrous corpses, but don't do anything I wouldn't do. \\ \\ //Producing a freshly-dead body without doing anything immoral to get it is something of a tall order, so the team decided to "outsource". A visit to the Sworn of Manpac revealed reports of a skimmer passing into Ferrous territory, and a bit of luck allowed them to pick up its trail despite nobody present being trained in tracking. It was a simple enough matter to ambush the monster and then steal its kill; they even ended up saving a Ferrous life in the process. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#46** \\ \\ Oct 16 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |Our people are hungry for farmland, and new territory keeps getting cleared on our border despite my promises to Channel 5 that we would look elsewhere. Keep order in our house, or we will have another war on our hands. \\ \\ //The situation was volatile, with several key figures on both sides pushing for conflict: the priest Carlos Pimento's popular sermons emphasized the manifest destiny of humanity and the soullessness of demihumans, while the druid Tau 16 claimed that the spirits of the forest had personally called upon him to even the scales of Nature by removing every human from the continent. The hapless banker Abigail Larson fanned the flames, as she had made a fortune selling land deeds to territory now declared off-limits and didn't want to pay it back. And the trog chieftan Twisty Blinkers, perhaps sensing an opportunity for easy pickings, had moved in to exploit the situation. The Raven team dispatched to the site expertly manipulated all these players against each other resulting in Tau 16's shameful retreat, Abigail Larson being taken into custody, and Carlos Pimento ending up in a trog stewpot. Rich rewards were doled out both from Duchess Lavian and Channel 5's chieftess Sigma 47. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Alan Hale, Willem, This One Talks To Outsiders. |
|**#45** \\ \\ Oct 2 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |Even as we conquer old enemies, we must take precautions not to make new ones. The Bighead civilization to our south has never been friendly, but relations have cooled in recent times. Convince them to accept an embassy from us, and we can start to repair the damage. \\ \\ //Bighead society is ruled by a mysterious figure known only as Grandmother, who controls the spawning cauldrons from which all Bigheads are born and prevents insurrection through literal thought policing. After learning this, the team made a decision to pursue an alternative lead: making contact with the guerilla rebel leader This One Undermines Society. One transport strike later they were made honorary members of the Resistance. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Willem, This One Talks To Outsiders. |
|**#44** \\ \\ Sept 25 2017 \\ \\ Magister |So we know Channel 8 hates us, but we also know that Omicron 91 hates them. Go find that creepy schmuck and bring him back here. I have questions for him. \\ \\ //The team headed out to Omicron 91's last known location, reasoning that he must not range terribly far afield due to his bum leg. With a bit of tracking they managed to uncover his lair, filled with half-butchered Ferrous corpses and a guardian bolt serpent suffering from crude brain surgery. Despite their deep distaste, they opened negotiations and convinced Omicron 91 to come back with them peacefully (though not before suffering several injuries from his traps).// \\ \\ **The Team:** Oswald Martin, Nosy Manhunter, This One Talks to Outsiders. |
|**#43** \\ \\ Sept 11 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |We can score some major points towards harmony with the Hungry Starfish during this transitional time by honoring their traditions alongside our own. Go undertake a vision quest and become Sworn of Manpac. \\ \\ //In Trevyn's last mission for the Ravens, the team headed into the Manifest to experience a gauntlet of dangerous combat in a darkened maze that nearly proved deadly as they continually pushed themselves to attain the High Score. In the end, they met with the avatar of Manpac that bestowed upon them (and upon the Ravens as a whole) a grand destiny: find and destroy the source of all Skimmers. Wakka wakka.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Ricard, Dr. Hanz. |
|**#42** \\ \\ Sept 5 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We have a powerful enemy that flies far above our heads, and the first step towards evening the odds is finding a way up there ourselves. I've heard rumors of an Eternal Tower far to the east- far, far to the east. Head out that way and see if you can at least find out if the rumors are true. \\ \\ //Along with the normal challenges of long distance wilderness travel, the team's path led them straight through the hostile territory of Channel 8. The creepy Ferrous Omicron 91 (outcast from Channel 8 due to his habit of cannibalism) tried to use the party to enact vengeance on his former tribe, but they ditched his ass and successfully pursued diplomacy instead. On the other side of the mountains lay a huge, flowing desert. On the horizon, a great domed city with the Eternal Tower faintly visible as a thin silvery thread stretching into the sky. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Anna, Omega 42, Ricard, Trevyn, Gilmore, James Fontaine, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#41** \\ \\ Aug 28 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |With the newly-named Raven's Perch coming under our control, we have to secure the territory in-between. Pirates keep hitting our transports going back and forth, though- there must be a base in the reef. Find it and deliver justice. \\ \\ //An outlying patrol of pirates was defeated and the survivors interrogated to give the party more than ample information to carry out a surprise attack on the pirate's base while their main force was out. There they found picodiles, a malfunctioning hologram, a gillwoman assassin with a blood oath, and plenty of ill-gained plunder. The pirates will never be back, but one question still goes unanswered: is it spelled "bonbons" or "bon bons"?// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Ricard, Dr. Hanz, Teddy Smalls. |
|**#40** \\ \\ Aug 21 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Recent events have revealed that we've got traitors inside the Ravens. I think it's time for a little inquisition to plug the leak. \\ \\ //Though the initial list of seven suspects was a bit daunting, searches of the environs, conducting interviews, and a bit of the ol' misdirection revealed dispatch worker Wendy Andrews was feeding information to somebody through the local wharf office of the Transoceanic Shipping Company. She tried to pin the blame first on the childish stablehand Charles Lunkey, then on the veteran Captain Gonzales, and finally on the janitor Dennis Gold but none of her deceptions held up for long.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Willem, Dr. Hanz. |
|**#39** \\ \\ Aug 14 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |I need you to head back to the Chained Borehole, and quickly. I can't say too much more right now, but it's important. \\ \\ //While the Goddess had recently been re-awakened, she was still weak. Copa, perhaps fearing the competition, whispered to many downtrodden groups to go and kill her while she was helpless. Wishing to take no chances, a huge team of Ravens was dispatched to the Chained Borehole to install her in Owmac's old hardware. Half the team frantically worked to hack the system while the other half held off increasingly more dangerous waves of humanoids, but in the end the Goddess was restored and her sanctum in the new world established.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Willy Wizbit, James Fontaine, Ricard, Thorah Vonschweits, Oswald Martin, Alan Hale, Trevyn. |
|**#38** \\ \\ Aug 4 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |At the end of a hidden tunnel just off the secret vault you raided on Whore Island, there lies the private ritual chambers of the mysterious Third Lantern leadership. Unfortunately, it also seems to be full of the sounds of drillworms, so we need you to clear it out and remove everything of interest you can find. \\ \\ //Two items of especial interest: a summoning circle that allowed for the embodiment and binding of monsters native to the Manifest, and a great metal column girded with rings that granted direct telepathic contact with Copa to whomever touched it. The summoning circle was destroyed. The column was not. After looting everything of interest, the entire complex was flooded and left.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Sue McBacon, Delta 69, Dr. Hanz, Teddy Smalls. |
|**#37** \\ \\ Aug 3 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |After the arrests of Mirren's revolutionaries, we've acquired intelligence about a secret fortification held by a second group out in the woods. Shut them down. \\ \\ //Self-styled revolutionary general Henry Bludger hadn't been invited to the previous night's party due to a well-deserved reputation for flying off the handle easily. While the team successfully infiltrated and swept the fort clean, Bludger brutally gunned down Inspector Micheals at close range after Micheals attempted to convince him to peacefully surrender.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Inspector Micheals, Sue McBacon, Delta 69, Teddy Smalls. |
|**#36** \\ \\ Aug 2 2017 \\ \\ Magister |With the military success at Whore Island, my colleague the Duchess has decided that the time is right to hold a celebratory fete and sign legislation giving the Hungry Starfish tribe the full rights and legal protection of citizenship. Many people are unhappy about this, and my sources say that Baroness Mirren is planning a coup. Make sure it doesn't happen.\\ \\ //The Baroness was throwing a fancy party by invitation only to gather her supporters, so the two human Ravens crashed it and gathered information from the party guests while the two demihumans snuck in through a service entrance in the cellar and uncovered the location of the would-be revolutionaries' munitions cache. Although things came very close to blows, the Baroness was forced to surrender and the entire masquerade was bloodlessly arrested en masse.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Inspector Micheals, Delta 69, Sue McBacon, Mildew. |
|**#35** \\ \\ Aug 1 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |You've already laid the groundwork with the missions given by my colleagues. Now is the time to attack Whore Island with everything we've got. \\ \\ //A great alliance of Namico soldiers, Hungry Starfish gillmen, and Irontree Horde commandos was assembled and led against Namico's most long-standing enemy. With a prayer to Owmac, Dominic made sure the invasion coincided with a bank of heavy fog rolling in from the coast. Sue McBacon secured the back path while Cletus swam out with a platoon of gillmen to sink their ironclad flagship. The Red Sands tribe made an appearance, slaughtering all before them... and unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly had to be put down. In the end the island was seized and subjugated but three mysterious figures were spotted climbing aboard a dropwhooper and taking to the skies just before their palace fell. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Sue McBacon, Cletus, Mildew. |
|**#34** \\ \\ Jul 31 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |The Third Lantern's power and connections come from the dark goddess Copa, the queen of strife and patron to the downtrodden and rebellious. Copa's existence technically contradicts a large amount of established doctrine, but I'm hardly the only church official who knows this secret and frankly we all have bigger problems right now. Find a way to contact her and convince her to withdraw her protection from Whore Island. \\ \\ //To learn the ways of contacting Copa, the party hunted down the most desperate, downtrodden group they could think of: the former White Sands tribe of Whore Island, now called the Red Sands. The Red Sands were broken by hate and despair, yearning only for the murder of everything living on their former island followed by the complete eradication of every human on the continent. Fortunately, they were also still willing to deal. Copa sent her avatar after the sacrifice of the rescued gillwoman Blood Dancer, and agreed to destroy the majority of Whore Island's fleet when reminded that this would severely strain relations with the motherland. Although she didn't know it, Copa also was tricked into revealing her location (high above the earth in a metal vessel) and the method by which a deity can be killed (find and destroy their central processing core).// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Oswald Martin, Cletus, Sue McBacon, Mildew. |
|**#33** \\ \\ Jul 31 2017 \\ \\ Magister |That was excellent thinking, pickpocketing Captain Copenhagen's key like that. To pave the way for our imminent invasion of Whore Island, let's take advantage of our good fortune to inflict some bad and cripple them financially.\\ \\ //In the last of what had become something of a long tradition, the Ravens infiltrated Whore Island and pulled a heist. Things almost got very dicey when it was revealed that the treasure room was guarded by a full squad of cutthroats, but Inspector Micheals greased their palms and convinced them to work for him instead. With their treasury decimated, a large number of Whore Island's mercenary squads immediately left for better prospects elsewhere.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Inspector Micheals, Oswald Martin, Cletus, Sue McBacon, Mildew. |
|**#32** \\ \\ Jul 30 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |Fourteen people have gone into mysterious comas in the past week alone, suggesting that there may be something lurking in the Manifest that is picking us off in our sleep. Make it stop. \\ \\ //A twisted clock tower had arisen in the Manifest's version of our central market square. Inside its illogical, shifting rooms clocks rapidly spun hour-to-hour and monsters of every description stalked the halls. Every time it became 12:00 a huge, rubbery giant appeared in the tower and reached a deformed arm out a window to snatch up a sleeper. After a moderate amount of exploration, Frank the Tank decided that he had a simpler solution and simply blasted the tower to smithereens from a kilometer away with an artillery strike... then frantically fired three more times to take down the enraged Rubber Giant bounding towards his position. Problem solved.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank, Oswald Martin, Cletus. |
|**#31** \\ \\ Jul 29 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |Our eastern territory has been hit by raiders, but the damage is completely unlike what a typical trog band would do and I fear we may have a new enemy that we know nothing about. Find out more information and see what can be done. \\ \\ //The raids were the responsibility of the Ferrous tribe Channel 5, a race of metal men who consider themselves guardians of the forest. Channel 5 had been watching us, seeing humans clear the land to make way for farms and homesteads. Their druids had decided that coexistence was likely impossible, and so they set about the work of exterminating us. The Raven team decided to forgo a military solution and instead gambled everything on diplomacy to pull off a masterful negotiation, even as a Whore Island representative tried to force a breakdown. While Channel 5 is still following a "wait and see" approach, a grand experiment in cohabitation has been commenced.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Oswald Martin, Cletus. |
|**#30** \\ \\ Jul 29 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Time for the last little step. We've hooked up the Brain Crystal, but it seems to be dormant. You'll have to start it up the hard way by going into the Manifest and activating it there. \\ \\ //In addition to the normal monsters and weirdness, the Brain Crystal's Manifest-equivalent core was guarded by several Torvus in a long held, incomprehensible vigil. With a bit of negotiation, the party was allowed past them and awakened the sleeper at the center. She was instantly recognizable despite none of the party having ever actually seen her before; no human who had ever been to church could mistake the visage of the Goddess. She smiled and disappeared.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank, Oswald Martin, Cletus. |
|**#29** \\ \\ Jul 24 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We've got word of an ancient machine site called the Chained Borehole, but all we really know is that it's a big hole in the ground and there's some kind of ancient entity trapped inside. Check it out and see if you can find something we can use to decipher the Brain Crystal. \\ \\ //The Chained Borehole was indeed the prison of an ancient entity: a weather-control AI called the Omniweather Meteorlogical Array Cascadia, or OWMAC. In between fighting off dangerous denizens of its underground complex, the Ravens dispatched to the site struck a deal. In exchange for fabricating a satellite, uploading OWMAC's consciousness into it, and firing it into space they were given all the computer equipment they could possibly need in order to carry out their mission. An unintended side effect of this particular method of resolution was the emergence of a new religion following the god Owmac the Storm-Mad, Lord of Weather.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank, Alan Hale, Ricard, Oswald Martin. |
|**#28** \\ \\ Jul 17 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We got ourselves something really neat from that heist you pulled that we're calling the Brain Crystal, for lack of a better name. I can't figure out how to link it with the stuff from the Electric Barrow so we can see what's inside, though- we might need more equipment. Maybe one of the local tribes has a lead on where we can find more computer parts. \\ \\ //Both Ravens who chose this case tend to define themselves as men of action more than of investigation, but they made clever use of their limited resources to hunt down a lead among the mysterious Bigheads to the south. Three things were learned: machines of sufficiently advanced processing power can often be accessed via the Manifest, a local dungeon is likely to hold such machinery, and one of the chief shamans of the only known Bighead village is probably a psychic grizzly bear.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Willem, Alan Hale. |
|**#27** \\ \\ Jun 26 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Captain Lucas has been most cooperative after you captured and brought him in, and has given up intel on a secret vault hidden on Whore Island. I think you know where I'm going with this. \\ \\ //The team put together a two-part heist plan: first they stole the access card from the head of the Imperial Bank and installer of the vault in question Abigail Larson, and then they rolled onto Whore Island disguised as merchants from the homeland and made off with the contents of the vault: a single black crystalline object capable of storing massive amounts of data.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Captain Duke, James Fontaine, Alan Hale, Inspector Micheals, Gilmore. |
|**#26** \\ \\ Jun 19 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Nice job clearing the Electric Barrow! Now you need to get in there and strip it of everything useful. We might not have a lot of time. \\ \\ //The Magister had gotten word that the Third Lantern were sending a strike team to the Electric Barrow, hence the need for speed. What was originally envisioned as a defensive heist mission slowly morphed into a straight-up conceptual Crazy Ivan and the team ended up taking the entire Third Lantern strike force prisoner without a single drop of blood spilled.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Captain Duke, Frank the Tank, Alan Hale, Inspector Micheals. |
|**#25** \\ \\ Jun 11 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |I won't deny that capturing the Shark Teeth village was strategically sound, but it's now placed us in a rather delicate diplomatic position with a couple other gillman tribes further south who had no love for the Shark Teeth but no particular reason to be friendly to us, either. Go establish friendly contact, or at least win their respect. \\ \\ //Despite being faced with any of a score of different ways the situation could have gone very sour, the negotiation team managed to placate both the Black Rocks and Penthouser tribes (who still hate each other, but are at least neutral towards us now) while arranging to transfer ownership of the Shark Teeth village to the Hungry Starfish in order to promote stability in the region.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Trevyn, Gilmore. |
|**#24** \\ \\ Jun 5 2017 \\ \\ Magister |In light of the recent confession of Captain Jeffries, I've stepped up our efforts at the Electric Barrow. It seems it's only the top layer of a larger underground complex, which predictably is full of horrible traps and monsters. Clear it out and then the real work can begin. \\ \\ //The Electric Barrow was the largest and most dangerous dungeon yet encountered by any Raven team, but careful work and a few desperate fights got the job done. The acid scars will heal in time.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Captain Duke, Frank the Tank, Alan Hale. |
|**#23** \\ \\ May 31 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |Trogs somehow tunneled into the colonial branch of the Imperial Bank and destroyed a lot of important documents, including articles of indenture. This has sparked upheaval among many among the underclass, and there has already been a violent incident at a plantation resulting in three deaths. A thorough investigation and proper justice is crucial towards preventing further trouble. \\ \\ //The situation at the plantation quickly resolved itself into a complex, multi-threaded murder mystery that with careful investigation, a bit of luck, and an impromptu sexy bondage session ended with the perpetrator in handcuffs. Though the human drama was thoroughly explained and evidence gathered, one circumstantial side mystery might remain forever unsolved: what can kill a man by rapidly aging them?// \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Inspector Micheals. |
|**#22** \\ \\ May 24 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |The Shark Teeth gillman tribe has stepped up its raids on the Hungry Starfish. They stood with us against the Irontree Horde, and it's time we returned the favor. Take our ranger squads into the reef and drive them out. \\ \\ //The team hatched a plan to do one better than merely driving the Shark Teeth away: they lured them out, seized their village, and then held it until the Shark Teeth's few survivors fled broken into the wilderness. Their village is now held by the two surviving squads of Namico Rangers until such time as it can be repurposed into a village of our own.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank, Captain Duke, Gilmore. |
|**#21** \\ \\ May 14 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Jeffries isn't talking much, but we've gotten some useful information out of him anyway. One of the things he's let slip is that he expects a rescue before he goes to trial, so I need you to keep watch and make sure nobody interferes with Namico's justice. \\ \\ //Careful snooping around the Rookery where Jeffries was being held uncovered a plot to break him out with the use of a mysterious twitching explosive device planted in the Ravens' locker room. Quick preparation and a fair amount of trickery allowed the team to reverse the breakout attempt and turn it into a trap for the would-be rescuers... who revealed that they had been sent to silence Jeffries, not rescue him. Given this new information and a promise of clemency, Jeffries spilled everything he knew about his prior activities and was sent off to be the colony's new ambassador to the Irontree Horde.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Willem, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#20** \\ \\ May 10 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |Some sort of explosion went off at an inn and the survivors have gone homicidally mad, so we've boarded them in for right now. Clear them out and investigate the situation, but remember: these are our citizens and there may be a cure, so do it non-lethally. \\ \\ //The inn's survivors were rounded up through a careful ruse that lured them into the meat-wagon, clearing the way for a thorough investigation of the premises and reconstruction of the events leading up to the tragedy. The Third Lantern has apparently reverse-engineered Sacred Earth to cause disease instead of curing it, and coerced the inn's bartender to slip some into the evening's common stew meal. This was nothing less than an act of bio-terrorism meant to make us afraid.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Ambrose Glenham, James Fontaine, Frank the Tank. |
|**#19** \\ \\ May 3 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We've got a solid paper trail from those documents you brought back to connect both local Imperial Bank head Abigail Larson and Raven captain Calvin Jeffries to the Third Lantern. We can't touch Larson yet, but this is a good time to go catch Jeffries and bring him to justice. \\ \\ //Jeffries was single-mindedly striving to repair an ancient machine complex to working condition for some mysterious purpose involving a device held by "Jennifer". The crew talked their way past his clueless guards and beat him into submission with ease despite Jeffries' nickname of "The Wall", then hauled him back to Namico to stand trial. The guards were left to stand watch over the machine complex with orders to trust no one and let none through.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Trevyn, Captain Duke, Frank the Tank. |
|**#18** \\ \\ Apr 26 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |A hunter stumbled into a sunken complex and brought back a most unusual catch: a plump creature with almost no bones shaped like a rope of sausages. It was absolutely delicious. See if you can bring back some live specimens- if they can be domesticated, it would be a major boon to our food supplies. \\ \\ //Dominic's talent for taming wild beasts was a key part of the ease in which this objective was reached, though actually getting it done took a bit of cave-delving and a lot of dead curdies. The grue lurking on the bottom level was prudently left alone and the team made it back with two breeding pairs of sausage beasts, several useful war trophies, and a completely depleted stock of supplies.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Captain Duke. |
|**#17** \\ \\ Apr 19 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We're going to try and get some useful information about the Third Lantern one more time. I've got word that Captain Sharphill's account with the Imperial Bank is still active... very active. Find out who's been accessing it and where the money's gone. \\ \\ //After a flurry of brainstorming, it was decided that outsourcing was the best plan, and that trogs were the best candidates. A deal was struck to teach them how best to use their new boat in exchange for a tunnel into the vault, which the trogs immediately trashed and tore up every piece of paper they could get their hands on. The records dossier was saved, but a whole lot of debt notices, land deeds and articles of indenture are now lost. Such a shame.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, James Fontaine, Ambrose Glenham. |
|**#16** \\ \\ Apr 12 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |The Sworn of Manpac have picked up the trail of another skimmer, but this one headed inland where the gillmen are reluctant to follow. Track it, find it, snuff it. \\ \\ //The skimmer was tracked carefully through the forest (with a nearly disastrous encounter with a troop of scarlet capuchins and a roving band of wizbits that fortunately turned their attention on each other) upriver to an ancient ruin, where it was sorting its ghoulish trophies into piles according to some unknown criteria. Ambrose kept its attention while the rest of the team smashed it into scrap metal.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Captain Duke, Ambrose Glenham, Trevyn, Gilmore. |
|**#15** \\ \\ Apr 5 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |We've been getting reports of a large band of trog raiders hitting our northern homesteads. You Ravens have the most experience dealing with trogs, so I'm giving you command of some soldiers to help drive them off. \\ \\ //Careful scouting and information-gathering revealed that the trogs in question were being paid for their efforts by the Sharphill Scum, so a plan was hatched to make them a better offer. Dominic procured an interview with their warchief by defeating an underchief in single combat, and a deal was struck: the trogs would be given Sharphill's old galleon in exchange for an immediate cessation of hostilities. After a massive battle, the ship was captured and the raids called off.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Captain Duke. |
|**#14** \\ \\ Mar 29 2017 \\ \\ Magister |We know something of where the Third Lantern went when they cleared out, but not everything. Fortunately, moving that many people and supplies always leaves a trail. Follow it. \\ \\ //The Raven team mostly wandered around the wilderness killing things. Eventually they worked out that the Third Lantern had escaped to Sharphill's old fortress-island. No other information was uncovered.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Willem, Bridget, Willy Wizbit. |
|**#13** \\ \\ Mar 22 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |Another boatload of settlers has arrived from the Motherland, including an official representative of the Empress Gloriosa herself. Make sure she's safe during her stay here. \\ \\ //The ambassador Marcia Penn was a horrible person prone to making unreasonable demands of everyone. She also turned out to actually be a con artist instead of an ambassador, though by the time proof was in hand the situation had already turned sour. Careful case-building and body-hiding of both Marcia and her husband had to be employed to make doubleplus sure there would be no harsh repercussions.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Bridget, Ambrose Glenham, Rex, James Fontaine. |
|**#12** \\ \\ Mar 15 2017 \\ \\ Magister |So I heard there's a possible secret cult setting up in our colony? Sounds like something that should be investigated. I've got a lead. This is a pure fact-finding mission, so don't get caught. \\ \\ //Despite a promising start to their investigation, the Ravens who took on this case ended up doubling down on a bad bluff and things went south rapidly. The lumber yard being used as a cult meeting place has been abandoned, all its assets taken or destroyed, and worst of all the Third Lantern knows we're on to them now while we know almost nothing more than we did before.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Frank the Tank, Adam Fells. |
|**#11** \\ \\ Mar 8 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |Our colony has suffered an unfortunate first: somebody was found murdered in their own home, and the reports are rather grisly. Investigate and bring the perpetrator to justice. \\ \\ //Careful detective work and asking the right questions revealed that the killer was none of the initial list of suspects, but rather the possessed Metallius Heartengrave come to spread terror in the material world. The inumbro doing the possessing was tracked to the Manifest and destroyed, and Metallius' inert body respectfully burned before being laid to rest.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Frank the Tank, Walter. |
|**#10** \\ \\ Mar 1 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |As our city grows it will need better sanitation, and it's easier to set that up now rather than waiting. Unfortunately, our sewer-digging crew has broken into some kind of underground cave full of monsters that has halted construction. Clean it out. \\ \\ //A team of seven Ravens went fast and loud through an ancient underground facility full of huge swarms of curdies. Their bombs, gunshots and powered drill-hammer made plenty of noise, but the monsters were mown down almost as quickly as they appeared.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Ty Jameson, Adam Fells, Ambrose Glenham, Evan Butler, Frank the Tank, Walter. |
|**#9** \\ \\ Feb 22 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |We can cement our good relationship with our gillman allies and clear the path for our own expansion with one move. Climb the reef tower to the south of their lands, knock down the dropwhooper nest there, and set up some spikes so it can't rebuild. This will be both dangerous and difficult. \\ \\ //The dropwhooper's tower was also acting as a den of gillman raiders occupying its lower levels. By disrupting the timing of the dropwhooper's daily hunting flights by providing an immense feast for it nearby, the Ravens were able to cause it to become aware of the raiders living underneath it and subsequently were able to kick back for a couple weeks as the dungeon effectively besieged itself. It was a simple matter to later go knock down the creature's nest.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Willem, James Fontaine. |
|**#8** \\ \\ Feb 15 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |We cannot allow the plague demon Hush to continue to prey on our people. Find a way to confront it and put an end to its threat. \\ \\ //A group of Ravens took a large dose of hallucinogens in order to enter the Manifest, where they met weird dangers, bizarre sights, an unusually friendly bear, and Hush. After a fierce fight, the plague demon was destroyed. // \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Trevyn, Frank the Tank, Adam Fells, Metallius Heartengrave. |
|**#7** \\ \\ Feb 9 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |I'm concerned about whatever got let out of that chained box that was discovered at the Blowhole Caverns. It was magically warded as well as physically, but the enchantments are different from ours and I don't recognize them. See if you can find a demihuman sorcerer who knows more. \\ \\ //The gillman shamaness Pale Eyes recognized the runes inside the box as relating to the Manifest, and pointed the Raven team south to the village of the Bigheads (who are renowned dreamwalkers). The box was the prison of a plague demon named Hush that infects and destroys victims while they sleep and only dwells inside the Manifest, so an accord was struck to be led there.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Trevyn, Frank the Tank, James Fontaine, Evan Butler. |
|**#6** \\ \\ Feb 1 2017 \\ \\ Magister |Sharphill's been tried in absentia and found guilty. I don't personally see that there's any difference whether the sentence is carried out by rope or by sword, and our scout's reports on his activity tell me delays will only let him hurt more people. Go end his life. \\ \\ //After carefully gathering information from multiple sources about the nature of their quarry in order to better kill him, a small team of Ravens much less carefully infiltrated his camp. The results were perhaps not as graceful as could be hoped, but certainly effective: Captain Sharphill is dead.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Willem, James Fontaine. |
|**#5** \\ \\ Jan 25 2017 \\ \\ Hierophant |I lost my bottle of Sacred Earth in the shipwreck, but I know there was another on board the Mercy. I can't make any more without a sample. If you go at low tide, you shouldn't have to swim the whole time. \\ \\ //The Sacred Earth had changed hands several times by the time our Ravens caught up with it, but at last it was tracked to a small outpost on the fringes of our land occupied by cultists of the Third Lantern... long thought extinct.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Trevyn, Willem. |
|**#4** \\ \\ Jan 18 2017 \\ \\ Duchess |The new city site is coming together nicely, but scouts report a tidal cave not far away with crude totems out front made from skulls on sticks. Investigate and clear out any hostiles. \\ \\ //The tidal cave, now known more popularly as Blowhole Caverns, was being used as a base by a raiding band of trogs. Ravens dispatched to the site slew the chief and scattered the survivors while rescuing a prisoner and releasing "something" from a chained-up box.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank, Rex, Trevyn. |
|**#3** \\ \\ Dec 28 2016 \\ \\ Magister |Not much we can do about Captain Sharphill right now, but that doesn't mean we should let him off easy- he'll just come around again to backstab us in the future, and I plan to be ready. Somebody needs to go gather information about where he set up camp. \\ \\ //A small scouting team was dispatched and eventually tracked Sharphill's location to a rocky island off the coast to the north, where he has apparently butchered and enslaved the local gillman tribe and is busily building a settlement of his own. His ship was successfully sabotaged by the scouting party before they left, so at least he won't be raiding anyone else for a while.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank. |
|**#2** \\ \\ Dec 21 2016 \\ \\ Duchess |The local gillmen don't trust us after Captain Sharphill's traitorous stunt. I don't blame them, but we have reason to believe they might have raided our camp in retaliation. Find out the truth and bring justice to the perpetrators. \\ \\ //Careful detective work eventually led to the discovery that the raid was carried out not by gillmen, but by a "skimmer" instead. Ravens joined with a gillman hunting party to corner and defeat the demon in a brief, but intense battle. This has worked greatly to restore some amount of trust between our peoples.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Dominic, Frank the Tank. |
|**#1** \\ \\ Dec 7 2016 \\ \\ Duchess |We're in pretty bad shape after the storm drove us into the reef. Someone's got to find where the Mercy went down and rescue any survivors. \\ \\ //After climbing a reef tower to get their bearings, a group of Ravens managed to locate the Mercy being evacuated by a charitable local gillman tribe. Unfortunately, Captain Sharphill arrived shortly afterwards and laid into them with cannon fire. When given a court-martial summons, he elected to flee with our only functional ship and most of our trained soldiers and food supplies instead.// \\ \\ **The Team:** Lady Eleanor, Dominic, Frank the Tank, Tory Vincent. |
===== Notable NPCs =====
^Name ^Description ^
^Abigail Larson |Former chief banker and Third Lantern sympathizer who has fallen extremely far due to her continuously making financial bets against the interests of the Ravens. Currently in prison. |
^Baroness Mirren |Noblewoman with designs to take control of the colonies for herself. Her rebel coup was shut down by Ravens before it even began. Served a stint in prison before using her status to buy her freedom and fled back to the homelands. Unlikely to be a problem again. |
^Blood Dancer |Gillwoman from the former White Sands tribe. Saved from slavery at the hands of the Sharphill Scum, but then ritually murdered by her own former tribe in order to contact Copa. |
^Brews Strong Putt-Lokk |Chief of the Hungry Starfish and retired Sworn of Manpac. Pursues a hobby of brewing alcoholic beverages now instead. |
^Calvin Jeffries |Former Raven captain and Third Lantern cultist nicknamed "The Wall". Became the official "emissary" to the Irontree Horde trog band and hasn't been heard from since. Almost certainly dead. |
^Captain Gonzales |Captain of the Ravens. Doesn't go on missions anymore due to missing a leg, so she mostly takes care of the paperwork now. She keeps "medicinal" herbs in a hollow compartment in her prosthetic and is a strong supporter of the inclusive culture the colony is adapting. |
^Captain Sharphill |The original third leader of the new colony appointed by the Empress. Between being supplanted by the Magister and doing some Christopher Columbus shit immediately after arrival, he was declared a criminal and set up his own colony of pirates. Assassinated by Ravens early in his reign. |
^Christine Sparks |An apprentice doctor from the first wave of colonists. Sarcastic and slightly awkward. Lover of Frank the Tank. |
^COPA |Goddess of strife, revolution and conflict. Aids the weak in their struggle against the strong, then turns on them when they become strong. Sees all secrets and knows all names. Real designation: Collective Order Panoptical Authority, a spy satellite and manipulative AI. |
^Cracked Kelp Bandages |Current leader of the Sworn of Manpac. She is a fearless and cunning slayer of demons. |
^Egg Watcher |Powerful gillman berserker that once roamed the Southern Labyrinth. Driven mad from contact with the ultraterrestrial Egg and repeatedly cloned by it to serve as its guardian. Finally resting in peace with the smashing of the Egg. |
^GODDESS |The creatrix-deity of humanity. Has no name and was assumed until recently to be the only "true" deity. While not omnipotent nor omnescient, she is in fact omnibenevolent and pursues an agenda of peaceful prosperity for all civilizations. Real designation: Global Development System (GDS), an AI tasked with rebuilding civilization in the case of total collapse. As her creation was meant more as a publicity stunt than as an actual safeguard, her programmed personality is highly idealistic, nurturing and selfless. |
^Jamie Lundgren |First known carrier of the Captain Powerfist disease. Otherwise a nice, average girl. |
^Lance Ferry |Mild-mannered barber and gentleman. Formerly an assassin back in the motherlands, but doing his best to leave that life behind. Still deadly with a straight razor. |
^Lucas Jones |Former pirate captain captured by Ravens. Now gone legit after getting out of jail early for cooperation and good behavior. |
^Omicron 91 |Creepy Ferrous from Channel 8, outcast due to his habit of cannibalism. Was briefly used as an informant by the Ravens before being quietly disposed of. |
^OWMAC |God of weather, the sky, madness and prophecy. Erratic and somewhat unpredictable. Occasionally gives mortals the gifts of divination and weather control. Real designation: OmniWeather Master Array Cascadia, a weather-control and machine-prediction AI. Left its original station behind in favor of being launched into space. |
^Pale Eyes |Hungry Starfish shamaness. Wrinkled and bald, but extremely wise. |
^Pi 13 |Channel 8 huntress. More sympathetic than most of her tribe to the Namico Alliance. |
^Sawblade Ghost |Gillwoman assassin from the northern Underlanterns tribe. Has a looooot of notches on her pirate-hunting knife. |
^Sean Copenhagen |A pirate captain and former best friend of the Raven Oswald Martin. Hoisted by his own petard and executed by Channel 5. |
^Sigma 47 |Chieftess of Channel 5. Open-minded and forward-thinking, but also serious business all the time. |
^Tau 16 |Head lightning druid of Channel 5. Dislikes humans and continually urges war, but gets overruled by Sigma 47. |
^This One Sleeps In Trees |Bighead shaman stationed in the settlement of Northern Watch. Not very integrated into Bighead society. Evidence suggests he is actually a psychic grizzly bear and thus not under Grandmother's control. |
^This One Undermines Society |Leader of the Bighead rebel faction. Hates Grandmother with a passion for what she's done to his people. Due to a chance encounter with a regenerative medical pod, he is the only Bighead in the world that has genitals. |
^Tommy Black |Wealthy alcoholic. Joined the Ravens (kind of) after discovering his wife had been cheating on him for years and committing murders to cover it up. |
^Vorheim Two-Fingers |Leader of the Irontree Horde trogs and member of the Namico Alliance. Fiendishly intelligent and strong enough to impose his will. |
^Watches Horizons |Chief of the Penthousers tribe of gillmen. Kind of a dick, but always willing to talk. |