~~NOTOC~~ //Someday that child is going to be the Prime Minister... gods help us all.// The Fool is a classic archetype: the oblivious, bumbling type who nonetheless avoids tragedy and experiences great success. You don't have to be foolish to take levels in Fool, but its abilities are strongly helpful towards allowing you to survive and thrive despite acting that way. Besides, sometimes it's more fun to fuck up. ^[[#Fool]] ^^Blunder your way to victory. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Bedlam]] |Redirect failed attacks against you. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Homer]] |Succeed despite failing in challenges. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Noncombatant]] |Seem harmless. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Oblivious]] |Evade unseen attackers. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Wheel-Rider]] |Bad luck causes good. | ^ ^^^ ====== Fool ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Oooh, a Penny:** You have an almost supernatural ability to evade harm and danger by what seems to be a series of stupid coincidences and blunders. Up to once per round you can choose to negate any harmful effect such as an attack that is directed at you. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Pratfall:** When you use Fool to completely negate a harmful effect you trip, get tangled in something, or otherwise make things temporarily more difficult for yourself. You lose the ability to take any normal actions at all on your next turn (although you may still take free actions and regenerate lost Attention as usual). \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Mojo:** Every time you use Fool to dodge something that would have otherwise hit, you must spend one Mojo. | ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Old Man Henderson:** You're supremely difficult to traumatize. You never gain points of Stress from death & dismemberment rolls (either your own or your allies'), encountering enemies with levels in the [[Boss]] archetype, or being attacked by enemies with levels in the [[Abomination]] archetype. | ^ ^^^ ====== Bedlam ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Sow Chaos:** Whenever you evade an attack (with Fool or with any other ability that allows you to evade or negate incoming attacks such as Parry from the [[Blade]] archetype or Dodge from the [[Vigilant]] archetype) or an attack fails against you for any reason, you may redirect its effect to any other creature within 2 meters of your location of your choice. The original trigger die roll is used against its new target as normal. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Respective Range:** You cannot redirect an attack to a new target that's outside of the original attacker's range. It just doesn't work. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**No Doubles:** Attacks that hit multiple targets (such as most Whelm-type effects) cannot be redirected to any target that has already suffered their effects as part of the same attack. | ^ ^^^ ====== Homer ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Push All the Buttons:** When making an adjustment or using a knack during an operation challenge, you always succeed in what you intend to do. If you roll a 1-4, the die is jammed or the knack is locked out AFTER the desired effect takes place instead of before as normal. | ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Headbutt The Console:** You can completely reset a challenge, even if it's an unsolvable jammed-up mess. All dice are unjammed and rerolled. Hidden dice that weren't revealed already remain hidden, but no new dice become hidden. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Continuing Issue:** Any knacks that have been locked out (either yours or any allies) remain locked out after resetting the operation. All you've done is vastly recontextualize the problem. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Pricey Business:** Resetting an operation challenge costs 2 Mojo. \\ \\ {{ra>doubled?24&align=left}}**Luckster Synergy:** If you (or any of your allies) have the Serendipity ability from the [[Luckster]] archetype, the free die reroll also happens whenever you reset a challenge. | ^ ^^^ ====== Noncombatant ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Mostly Harmless:** You just don't seem to be at all threatening. So long as you haven't directly and meaningfully participated in a battle, all attacks have a failure chance of 12 against you. Most enemies won't even bother targeting you. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**It's On, Motherfucker:** As soon as you start making actions to attack enemies, aid allies, or do anything else that establishes you as a for-real participant in the current battle this effect ends. | ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>two-hearts?48|Social}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Professional Hostage:** If you offer to surrender, it will always be honored by any enemy capable of understanding your intent. Depending on the enemy in question, their reaction to taking you prisoner might range from letting you go on the spot to tying you up and hauling you back to their headquarters (so some investment in the [[Escapist]] archetype might help you break out later and cause mischief). \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**They're With Me:** This effect also extends to anybody else in your party that wants to surrender along with you. | ^ ^^^ ====== Oblivious ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Did You Say "Abe Lincoln":** Your ability to coincidentally evade harm is enhanced when you don't know you're in danger. Attacks made against you by enemies that you cannot see (or otherwise sense) have a failure chance of 6. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Does This Mean I Can Wear a Blindfold Into Battle for All-Purpose Defense:** Yes, although every attack that DOES land is going to get a backstab bonus (if applicable). I'd tell you to choose tactics wisely, but that's against the spirit of the archetype. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**No Cheaters:** The important component of your defense is obliviousness, not blindness. If you have some other sense that allows you to note the presence/location of an attacker (such as scent or tremorsense) then you don't get the Oblivious bonus to defense against attacks from such targets even if you cannot see them. | ^ ^^^ ====== Wheel-Rider ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**O Fortuna:** Your bad luck is inevitably followed by good. Every time you roll a 1 on a trigger die, your single next trigger die result is always a 12. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Trigger Dice Only:** Some die rolls in the game are explicitly not trigger dice and thus cannot be affected via the use of Wheel-Rider (usually these are dice rolled to produce a random effect from a table, such as looting rolls). Such situations are both rare and clearly noted, so don't worry about it too much but do be aware that's a thing. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} ^{{fa>star?24|Alternative}} |{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Fool's Fortune:** You can also choose for Wheel-Rider to give you an automatic 12 on your next roll when the trigger die result is a 2-3. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Mojo:** Making a result of 2-3 trigger Wheel-Rider's effect costs 1 Mojo. | ^ ^^^