===== Fortunes ===== Generating a fortune requires five die rolls: the first for its general form, the other four to generate two random elements that plug into its form. - A(n) (agent) will (action) you. - The (agent) is more (descriptor) than they seem. - A(n) (agent) will bring you (result). - You will (action) a(n) (agent). - You will refuse to (action), thereby becoming (descriptor). - You will (action) and avoid (result). - Being (descriptor) will make you a(n) (agent). - You will become (descriptor) when you (action). - In (descriptor) surroundings, (result) will follow. - Your (result) will be prevented by a(n) (agent). - You will achieve (result) when you (action). - You will have (result) when you become (descriptor). Sample fortunes with possible interpretations: * 7, 10-9, 2-8: "Being strange will make you a blunderer." * You're going to make a serious faux pas when you interact with somebody from a different culture. * Your next really bizarre scheme will go very wrong. * When you meet somebody new for the first time, they are going to greatly underestimate your competence. * 5, 3-9, 6-1: "You will refuse to drop, thereby becoming hungry." * When you save yourself from falling, provisions fall out of your bag and are lost. * When you insist on having an argument, free food will be served to everyone else but you. * When you hit 0 Flesh, you automatically avoid death but gain the Parasites injury. * 9, 11-6, 1-10: "In torn surroundings, apprehension will follow." * When things start going badly, somebody you've made a deal with will get nervous and back out. * Scaring somebody by hiding in a messy tailor's workspace will definitely be successful for you. * The monster's secret weakness is the song "Torn" (by Natalie Imbruglia). Crank that shit and it will flee. ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^1-1 |abductor |accept |abandoned |ability | ^1-2 |absorber |accommodate |adorable |adoration | ^1-3 |abstainer |achieve |adventurous |advantage | ^1-4 |admirer |acquire |alert |adventure | ^1-5 |agitator |adapt |ancient |amazement | ^1-6 |apologizer |admit |arrogant |anger | ^1-7 |arguer |allow |attractive |annoyance | ^1-8 |avoider |approach |average |anxiety | ^1-9 |backer |astonish |benevolent |appetite | ^1-10 |baiter |avoid |black |apprehension | ^1-11 |bearer |bathe |bloody |artistry | ^1-12 |beautifier |beg |blue |awareness | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^2-1 |befriender |bind |bored |awe | ^2-2 |betrayer |blame |brave |beauty | ^2-3 |bewilderer |borrow |bright |belief | ^2-4 |biter |build |brown |bravery | ^2-5 |blamer |carry |cautious |brilliance | ^2-6 |blazer |celebrate |cheap |brutality | ^2-7 |blocker |commit |cheerful |calm | ^2-8 |blunderer |compare |clumsy |care | ^2-9 |blusher |concern |competent |chaos | ^2-10 |boaster |dare |condemned |charity | ^2-11 |bootlicker |deceive |confused |childishness | ^2-12 |botherer |delay |cooperative |clarity | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^3-1 |builder |demand |corrupt |cleverness | ^3-2 |bumbler |deny |cowardly |coldness | ^3-3 |buyer |destroy |creepy |comfort | ^3-4 |catcher |discover |cromulent |communication | ^3-5 |challenger |discuss |curious |compassion | ^3-6 |cheater |distribute |cute |confidence | ^3-7 |cleanser |doubt |deadly |confusion | ^3-8 |climber |dream |decaying |contentment | ^3-9 |collector |drop |defeated |courage | ^3-10 |complainer |earn |defiant |curiosity | ^3-11 |consumer |encourage |depressed |death | ^3-12 |contender |enjoy |determined |deceit | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^4-1 |controller |enter |dry |dedication | ^4-2 |corrupter |examine |elegant |defeat | ^4-3 |creeper |explore |enchanting |delay | ^4-4 |crusader |extend |energetic |delight | ^4-5 |dancer |fail |evil |depletion | ^4-6 |defender |feed |expensive |despair | ^4-7 |defier |feel |familiar |determination | ^4-8 |destroyer |fight |famous |dexterity | ^4-9 |diner |find |feminine |disappointment | ^4-10 |doubter |finish |filthy |disbelief | ^4-11 |dreamer |fold |forsaken |dishonesty | ^4-12 |enabler |forget |frail |disquiet | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^5-1 |enforcer |forgive |frantic |disregard | ^5-2 |experimenter |freeze |frightened |disturbance | ^5-3 |explainer |fry |furious |dream | ^5-4 |faker |give |gentle |education | ^5-5 |finder |grow |green |ego | ^5-6 |finisher |hate |grieving |elegance | ^5-7 |flatterer |hide |helpful |envy | ^5-8 |forager |hug |hideous |evil | ^5-9 |forgetter |hurry |hollow |exhaustion | ^5-10 |frightener |identify |honest |failure | ^5-11 |fumbler |ignore |huge |faith | ^5-12 |gambler |impress |humble |fascination | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^6-1 |gossiper |include |hungry |fear | ^6-2 |grinner |inform |hurt |fragility | ^6-3 |grumbler |install |ignorant |freedom | ^6-4 |haggler |insult |illegal |friendship | ^6-5 |hater |investigate |important |gain | ^6-6 |helper |involve |innocent |generosity | ^6-7 |hider |justify |itchy |goodness | ^6-8 |hoarder |kiss |jagged |gossip | ^6-9 |imitator |kneel |jealous |growth | ^6-10 |inquirer |learn |kind |happiness | ^6-11 |insulter |lose |lawful |hatred | ^6-12 |joiner |love |lazy |hope | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^7-1 |keeper |manage |lonely |horror | ^7-2 |kneeler |measure |lopsided |hurt | ^7-3 |knower |meet |magnificent |illusion | ^7-4 |leader |mimic |masculine |infatuation | ^7-5 |liar |mock |meager |inflation | ^7-6 |limiter |need |mellow |insanity | ^7-7 |lingerer |neglect |monstrous |intelligence | ^7-8 |listener |offer |nasty |irritation | ^7-9 |loser |operate |naughty |joy | ^7-10 |lover |order |obedient |justice | ^7-11 |lurker |organize |obnoxious |kindness | ^7-12 |maker |overcome |obvious |laughter | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^8-1 |meddler |owe |odd |liberty | ^8-2 |motivator |own |orange |life | ^8-3 |mutilator |pay |ornate |loneliness | ^8-4 |noticer |pinch |outrageous |loss | ^8-5 |objector |play |plain |love | ^8-6 |obstructor |postpone |playful |luck | ^8-7 |organizer |practice |polite |luxury | ^8-8 |pacifier |prefer |poor |maturity | ^8-9 |panderer |prevent |precious |mercy | ^8-10 |patroller |promise |prickly |misfortune | ^8-11 |pauser |protect |proud |movement | ^8-12 |perceiver |prove |punctual |music | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^9-1 |player |purchase |pure |need | ^9-2 |pleader |quit |purple |oblivion | ^9-3 |pleaser |realize |quick |opinion | ^9-4 |plotter |recall |reckless |opportunity | ^9-5 |plunderer |recommend |red |order | ^9-6 |possessor |reduce |regal |pain | ^9-7 |promoter |reflect |repentant |patience | ^9-8 |purger |regret |rich |peace | ^9-9 |questioner |relax |rootless |perseverance | ^9-10 |quitter |remember |secret |pleasure | ^9-11 |recruiter |repair |selfish |poverty | ^9-12 |regretter |replace |sexy |power | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^10-1 |remover |represent |shallow |pride | ^10-2 |reneger |resent |shifty |reality | ^10-3 |reuser |resist |shiny |relaxation | ^10-4 |rewarder |retire |slow |relief | ^10-5 |rider |ride |smiling |restoration | ^10-6 |satisfier |risk |smooth |riches | ^10-7 |scrambler |roast |smug |sacrifice | ^10-8 |screamer |satisfy |stormy |sanity | ^10-9 |selector |scrub |strange |satisfaction | ^10-10 |silencer |sell |successful |self-control | ^10-11 |sleeper |serve |sweet |sensitivity | ^10-12 |slider |settle |talented |separation | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^11-1 |smotherer |shine |tasty |service | ^11-2 |snatcher |sink |tense |shock | ^11-3 |spender |sit |thick |silliness | ^11-4 |stinker |slide |thoughtless |skill | ^11-5 |stopper |smell |tiny |sorrow | ^11-6 |sucker |solve |torn |speed | ^11-7 |swindler |split |tough |strength | ^11-8 |sympathizer |stack |tragic |success | ^11-9 |tainter |start |troubled |surprise | ^11-10 |tattler |steal |unique |talent | ^11-11 |tester |stop |useless |thrill | ^11-12 |trader |study |vengeful |timing | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^ ^12-1 |traumatizer |submit |victorious |tolerance | ^12-2 |twirler |supply |vivid |trust | ^12-3 |uniter |surprise |wandering |uncertainty | ^12-4 |user |survive |welcome |unemployment | ^12-5 |viewer |threaten |wet |union | ^12-6 |visitor |tolerate |white |victory | ^12-7 |wallower |value |wild |wariness | ^12-8 |wanderer |volunteer |wretched |warmth | ^12-9 |whiner |wager |wrong |weakness | ^12-10 |winner |warn |yellow |wealth | ^12-11 |withholder |weigh |young |wisdom | ^12-12 |worker |win |zealous |worry | ^Dice ^Agent ^Action ^Descriptor ^Result ^