~~NOTOC~~ ====== Inventory ====== Every adventurer has ten inventory slots. Every interesting item occupies one slot, regardless of how bulky or heavy it might or might not be. If you have items in your second five slots you are considered heavily encumbered and take an impairment to all movement. Any items suggested or required by the archetypes and abilities you have are considered to always be on your person and don't take up inventory slots. Provisions, Supplies, and Mojo are held separately from inventory slots. ^Treasure |Valuable item, can be sold or kept as a trophy. Exact value is determined randomly at the time of sale, not when first picked up. | ^Keystone |Specific to a single archetype. Can be used to level up in that archetype, temporarily access a new ability from that archetype, or accumulate research towards unlocking that archetype. | ^Capital |Specific to a single establishment. Can be used to create +1 construction progress towards that establishment type. | ^Adventuring Gear |Three basic universal items good for almost every adventurer: lights, rope, and survival gear. Other useful items and tools can also fall under this category. | ^Dosh |Money. Can fit up to 5 Dosh in one inventory slot. | ====== Treasures ====== Referees that wish to give each treasure a more specific touch can pick or roll a random type from the below chart for inspiration. ^# ^Value | |1-3 |1 | |4-6 |2 | |7-8 |3 | |9-10 |4 | |11 |5 | |12 |6 | ^ ^1 ^2 ^3 ^ ^1 |Academic manuscript |Ancient artifact |Animal pelt | ^2 |Antique book |Antique coins |Antique weapon | ^3 |Arcane diagram |Artisanal playing cards |Badge of authority | ^4 |Bag of dye |Bag of gem dust |Banned writings | ^5 |Bar of precious metal |Belt/bandolier |Body piercing jewelry | ^6 |Bolt of fine cloth |Bottle of aged wine |Bracelets | ^7 |Burial mask/goods |Bust |Cameo brooch | ^8 |Celebrity autograph |Ceremonial tool |Chemical reagent | ^9 |Chess set |Clerical vestments |Cloak/cape | ^10 |Collectible junk |Crest (family/company/etc) |Crown/coronet | ^11 |Cut and polished gem |Dice set |Doll/stuffed animal | ^12 |Drinking vessel |Embroidered handkerchief |Engraving plates | ^ ^4 ^5 ^6 ^ ^1 |Enigmatic object |Ewer/jug |Exotic jam/preserves | ^2 |Exotic meat |Exotic spice |Eyeglasses/monocle | ^3 |Fancy box |Fancy cheese |Fancy hat | ^4 |Fine cookware |Fine soap |Fine vase | ^5 |Fireworks |Foreign currency |Fur/leather garment | ^6 |Gears/mechanisms |Gourmet candies |Gourmet coffee | ^7 |Hair ornament |Hairbrush/comb |Historical figure's remains | ^8 |Historical object |Holy relic |Horn/fang/claw | ^9 |Hourglass/clock |Incense |Landscape painting | ^10 |Lighter/firestarter |Live small creature |Locket/pendant | ^11 |Lovely seashell |Luxurious bedding |Luxurious clothing | ^12 |Magnifying glass |Marionette/dummy |Masterwork tool | ^ ^7 ^8 ^9 ^ ^1 |Medal of accomplishment |Medical supply |Mild narcotics | ^2 |Mounted animal head |Music box |Mutated specimen | ^3 |Mysterious liquid |Naughty undergarments |Necklace | ^4 |Nerd junk |Official stamp/signet |Original poem | ^5 |Ornamental fan |Ornate mask |Percussive instrument | ^6 |Perfume |Personal electronics |Porcelain pot | ^7 |Portrait painting |Powerful magnet |Precious mirror | ^8 |Precious ring |Prize produce |Promissary note | ^9 |Prosthetic |Purse/wallet |Puzzle object | ^10 |Quality wig |Rare pornography |Rare wood | ^11 |Raw ivory |Religious idol |Religious painting | ^12 |Ritual knife |Rug |Sack of coinage | ^ ^10 ^11 ^12 ^ ^1 |Saddle/bridle |Scale model |Scented candles | ^2 |Scented oils |Scroll/map case |Secret recipe | ^3 |Semi-legal drugs |Set of paints |Sex toy | ^4 |Shoes |Single armor piece |Slightly damaged currency | ^5 |Small mosaic |Smoking pipe |Special occasion clothing | ^6 |Specimen collection |Specimen in jar |Spool of metal wire | ^7 |Spyglass/binoculars |Statuette |Stone/clay tablet | ^8 |Strange costume |Strange map |Stringed instrument | ^9 |Sturdy shackles |Tapestry |Tea pot/set | ^10 |Trophy/award |Uncut gems |Unusual gem | ^11 |Unusual potted plant |Watch (pocket/wrist) |Wheeled toy | ^12 |Wind instrument |Wind-up clockwork toy |Writing set | ====== Adventuring Gear ====== ^Item ^^Uses ^Price ^ ^Light ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Illuminating:** Having a Light in your inventory illuminates everything around you without any extra actions or hassle required. Every space within 5 meters becomes well-lit, and every space out to 10 meters has its light level increased by 1 step (darkness becomes dim light, dim light becomes well-lit). \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Droppable:** If you don't want your light to come with you, you can put it down and it will light up the area around wherever you left it. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Quenchable:** Lights will burn out on their own when a dungeon exploration die comes up 5-6. Water or other excess moisture will quench a light automatically. You can also choose to quench a light on purpose as an action if you want. You can relight a burnt-out Light item by spending 1 Supply or one use of a Tool Box item. | 1 | ^Rope ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Strong Line:** 10 meters of strong, durable rope. If you have multiple Rope items, they combine to make a longer rope if you want. You can do pretty much anything with a rope that you'd expect rope to be able to do. Anybody can slide down a rope or be pulled up by one, but climbing up one under your own power requires the [[Acrobat]] archetype. Walking across a tightrope stretched horizontally requires the Perfect Balance ability from the Acrobat archetype. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Tensile Strength:** A rope can hold up to 5 Bulk at once (equivalent to five human-size creatures or one horse-sized creature), but any more and it will probably break. You can use multiple ropes to hoist heavier things, though. Ropes can be cut or destroyed as an action. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Grappling Hook:** You can attach the end of a rope to anything within throwing range (0-10 meters) that conceivably has something for the rope to catch onto as an action. | 1 | ^Survival Gear ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Climate-Ready:** So long as Survival Gear is in your inventory, you no longer accumulate Misery points from days spent outdoors in more extreme climates (too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, etc). You've got appropriate clothing for the situation. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Bedroll:** So long as Survival Gear is in your inventory, you have no trouble getting a good night's sleep in basically any circumstances and thus avoid accumulating Misery points from that either. | 1 |