~~NOTOC~~ //Never trust anybody that describes themselves as lucky. They're either an idiot or they know something you don't.// Lucksters manipulate probability somehow, giving them greater (but still not absolute) control over situations where random chance plays a part. To an adventurer, random chance is a highly potent governor of their lives and fortunes. As such, Luckster makes a versatile and useful archetype option for just about anybody. ^[[#Luckster]] ^^Make things go your way. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Gambit]] |Enforce extreme results. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Joker]] |Reroll others' dice. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Lucky Charm]] |Mojo freebies. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Money Spider]] |Get more loot. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Serendipity]] |Reroll challenge dice. | ^ ^^^ ====== Luckster ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Charmed Life:** Whenever you roll a trigger die for any reason, you can choose to reroll it after seeing its result and keep whichever of the two results you prefer. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Mojo:** Rerolling a trigger die costs one Mojo. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Trigger Dice Only:** Some die rolls in the game are explicitly not trigger dice and thus cannot be affected via the use of Luckster (usually these are dice rolled to produce a random effect from a table, such as looting rolls). Such situations are both rare and clearly noted, so don't worry about it too much but do be aware that's a thing. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} ^{{fa>star?24|Alternative}} |{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Luck Pusher:** You can reroll a single die result as often as you want and keep whichever single result you like the best. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**So Much Mojo:** Every time you reroll a die, it costs another Mojo. | ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Favored Soul:** You are completely immune to the Cursed condition. | ^ ^^^ ^Condition ^^Explanation ^ |{{ra>arcane-mask?32&align=left}} ^Cursed |{{fa>minus-circle?18&align=left}} Cannot recover from any other condition before recovering from this one. | ====== Gambit ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Life On The Edge:** You have a way of producing the most unlikely of results, though not necessarily the ones you want. When you reroll a die using the Luckster ability, you may choose to enhance it with Gambit if you want. A result of 1-6 on a Gambit-enhanced die counts as a 1, and a result of 7-12 counts as a 12. | ^ ^^^ ====== Joker ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Scales of Fortune:** You aren't just personally lucky; your mere presence can change the luck of others. You can use Luckster to alter the result of any trigger die rolled in your presence (including both those of your allies and your enemies), not just those you roll personally. You choose which result you like better. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Normal Costs:** Rerolling other people's dice costs 1 Mojo as normal for your own dice. | ^ ^^^ ====== Lucky Charm ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Good Karma:** Your panache and style is inexhaustible. Any time you use a point of Mojo for any reason, roll a trigger die immediately afterward. If the result is 9+, then you did not actually consume any Mojo at all. | ^ ^^^ ====== Money Spider ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Phat Lootz:** When looting a fallen foe, you may make one looting check per three levels of the target instead of one check per five levels as normal. | ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Trigger Added:** Dice you roll to loot fallen foes are now considered trigger dice and thus can now be freely manipulated via effects that change trigger die results. | ^ ^^^ ^ Sidebar: Looting ^ |When treasure and other valuable rewards need to be generated on the fly, the referee may call for a looting roll. This most often happens when you're going through the pockets of a defeated foe and helping yourself to the contents. You can roll once per 5 levels of a defeated creature and get everything that comes up (so creatures of level 1-4 never yield any loot, but creatures of level 5-9 give one loot roll, level 10-14 give two loot rolls, and so on). \\ \\ Looting rolls are not trigger dice and thus cannot have their values changed by any ability that alters the result of trigger dice. What you roll is what you get, period. | ^Check ^ Loot ^ |1-3 |Nothing | |4 |Provisions | |5 |Supplies | |6 |Mojo | |7-8 |Dosh | |9-10 |Keystone | |11-12 |Treasure | Keystones looted from a creature always correspond to one of the archetypes that creature has training in (referee's choice). ====== Serendipity ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>gear-hammer?48|Utility}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**That Was A Freebie:** When starting an operation challenge, you can choose to reroll any single die in the chain of your choice and pick whichever result you like better. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**No Cost:** Rerolling an operation die with Serendipity does not cost Mojo. It just happens. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Limitations:** You can only reroll a single die once with Serendipity, and only at the beginning of an operation challenge. Once you/your party starts actually interacting with the challenge, you can no longer use Serendipity. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} ^{{fa>star?24|Alternative}} |{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Fall in Place:** You can reroll additional dice in an operation challenge before it begins. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Mojo:** Every time you reroll any operation die beyond the first, it costs 1 Mojo. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Starter Limitation:** You cannot reroll any operation dice after an operation has actually been begun/interacted with. | ^ ^^^