~~NOTOC~~ //Sir, I have for the last week eaten nothing save lentil casserole, discount unsalted pemmican, spicy curry of questionable provenance, and a slightly fermented potato salad I found behind the rail station. Now sir, I ask you to pull my finger. Pull it good and hard, sir, and then you tell me if you still believe there is a God.// Miasmists attack by creating a cloud of damaging material around a target location which can have lingering effects on the battlefield without any further intervention needed on their part. This most often takes the form of (war-crimey) poison gas but can be easily re-flavored to create similar other effects (for example, an ice magician might combine this archetype with a few levels in [[Cryophile]] to create small, localized blizzards). This is a weapon and subject to [[UWR|universal weapon rules]]. ^[[#Miasmist]] ^^Create a cloud of gas. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Billowing]] |Lingering attacks enlarge. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Drift]] |The cloud moves. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Malaise]] |The area inflicts conditions. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Storm]] |Area becomes tough to deal with. | |{{fa>caret-right?24}} |[[#Tainted]] |Immunity to your own miasma. | ^ ^^^ ====== Miasmist ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Attack:** As an action, you may make a Whelm attack against any target(s) within a a space of your choice in throwing range (0-10 meters), plus all adjacent spaces. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Lingering:** When the trigger die is 7+, the attack's effects linger for an additional round. At the beginning of your next turn as a free action, you may make another Miasmist attack in the exact same location as before. This lingering attack does not consume Supplies regardless of the trigger die result. If the lingering attack's trigger die is also 7+, it continues to linger for another round. This can keep happening again and again for as long as the trigger die's result is 7+. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Conditions:** When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Bleary, Bleeding, or Choking conditions to its target. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Area Weapon:** This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment and failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Wind Interference:** You cannot use lingering attacks at all when in an area of high wind; your Miasmist clouds are scattered almost as soon as you make them. Regular attacks (the kind that you spend an action to make) are unaffected by the wind conditions. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Constrained:** The attack's effect emanates outwards from its center point. Walls and solid barriers can prevent its spread and protect things behind them. Creatures do not constrain the effect's spread. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Ammunition:** When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-6, mark off 1 Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining. Lingering after-attacks do not use or require Supplies. | ^ ^^^ ^Condition ^^Explanation ^ |{{ra>bleeding-eye?32&align=left}} ^Bleary |{{fa>minus-circle?18&align=left}} Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment. | |{{ra>cut-palm?32&align=left}} ^Bleeding |{{fa>minus-circle?18&align=left}} When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. | |{{ra>noose?32&align=left}} ^Choking |{{fa>minus-circle?18&align=left}} Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?18&align=left}} Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal). | ====== Billowing ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**It Grows:** When you make a lingering attack, the area of effect increases by +1 meter from the epicenter. This effect is cumulative if the attack effect lingers across multiple rounds, increasing the radius of the area of effect by +1 meter each time until the effect dissipates. | ^ ^^^ ====== Drift ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Following Cloud:** When you make a lingering attack, you may choose to move the epicenter of the effect up to 2 meters away from where it was during your last turn. | ^ ^^^ ====== Malaise ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Clinging Effluvia:** You can choose to make your attacks particularly nasty, capable of inflicting one of their relevant conditions (Bleary, Bleeding, or Choking) regardless of the trigger die result instead of only on a 10+. This effect also extends to all lingering attacks made afterward. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Overwhelmingly Vile:** If the trigger die rolled with a Malaise attack is 10+, you deal two conditions of your choice to all targets struck. \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Expensive Compaction:** Throwing a Malaise-empowered Miasmist attack always costs 1 Supplies regardless of the result on the trigger die. | ^ ^^^ ====== Storm ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>fireball-sword?48|Offense}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Thoroughly Unpleasant:** When you make a Miasmist attack (either regular or lingering), the area of effect becomes difficult terrain until the beginning of your next turn. All movement through difficult terrain takes an impairment. \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Semi-Opaque:** Until the beginning of your next turn, the area of effect of your Miasmist attacks gain partial concealment. If they had partial concealment already, they gain full concealment instead. Concealment created by this ability cannot be seen through the way that concealment created from darkness can. If a creature is on the opposite side of a miasma-filled space with complete concealment, then they have complete concealment relative to you even if their actual position is outside the area of effect entirely. If a creature is inside the attack's area, they treat all spaces as having partial concealment. | ^ ^^^ ====== Tainted ====== ^ ^^^ ^{{ra>eye-shield?48|Protection}} ||{{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Nurgle's Chosen:** You are completely immune to your own Miasmist attacks and cannot be damaged or gain any conditions from them (including elemental conditions if relevant, even if you are not normally immune to those conditions). \\ \\ {{fa>plus-circle?24&align=left}}**Unruffled:** If you also know the Storm ability from this archetype, you are also immune to the secondary hindering effects of your own attacks (partial concealment, impaired movement). \\ \\ {{fa>minus-circle?24&align=left}}**Only You To Yours:** Your allies are not immune to your attacks and can still be damaged by your miasma clouds. You have no special protection from Miasmist attacks used by your enemies or anyone other than yourself. | ^ ^^^