Working with zealots is a dangerous game: you've got a mission, but they've got a madness.

Avengers are judge, jury and executioner over those they consider unworthy, granting them powerful single-target debuffing ability tied to an admittedly subjective moral code. Avengers that are interested in taking criminal scum alive to face due process might also want to multiclass as a Captor, while those that find themselves facing purely supernatural evils might be better off as a Helsing instead.

Avenger Punish the wicked.
caret-right Hindrance They struggle to harm.
caret-right Inquisition Read others' hearts.
caret-right Retaliation Hurt them as you've been.
caret-right Vainglory Beat them down.
caret-right Wrath Justice is swift.


Offense plus-circleEdgelord: Choose a single type of behavior that you find abhorrent, such as cruelty, weakness, heresy, or impoliteness. You feel obligated to punish all who exhibit that behavior.

plus-circleYou Have Been Judged, And I Am Your Punishment: As an action, you can pronounce judgment on any subject within 20 meters that you believe is guilty of your selected prohibited behavior. You deal +2 damage with all attacks against judged subjects.

plus-circleWhere Do You Think You're Going: Judged subjects struggle to escape the ass-whooping you have promised them. They take an impairment to all movement speed, but only when trying to move further away from you.

minus-circleProsecutor's Burden: In order to pronounce judgment on a subject, you must have some form of knowledge or evidence that they have performed or are performing an act you prohibit and that they have the ability to choose differently. Merely standing in your way does not make somebody worthy of punishment, especially if you're currently invading their home or interfering with their business. Likewise you cannot pass judgment on a spider for devouring flies (or giant spiders for devouring your followers) as a spider has no real ability to understand morals or feed itself in any other way.

minus-circleQueue Up: You may only pronounce judgment on a single target at a time.

minus-circleNext Time, Gadget: The effects of pronouncing judgment disappear at the end of the current exploration turn. If any creature you were judging gets away before then, you'll have to spend another action judging them again when next you meet.


Protection plus-circleJustice Will Not Be Denied: Anybody you've pronounced judgment on has a special failure chance of 3 with all attacks made against you or any of your allies.
Protection plus-circleLimit The Destruction: Anybody you've pronounced judgment on cannot inflict any conditions with their weapon attacks when the trigger die is 10+. This includes both the weapon's standard three options and any elemental conditions normally inflicted by the target.

minus-circleOther Stuff: Damage from attacks are unaffected. Judged subjects can still inflict conditions via other means, just not as an additional effect from a weapon attack.


Social plus-circleThe Devil's Mirror: You know with only a glance if somebody deserves punishment, even if you have no other form of evidence. Just ask the referee and they'll tell you.
Social plus-circleDevil's In The Details: By spending a procedure studying a target, you can learn more about what they've done that warrants punishment according to your definition. The referee tells you about the worst thing the target has done, what (if anything) they've done to try to put it right and whether or not they feel any guilt about it.

minus-circleEye Contact: Reading a target's sins in this way requires you to observe them clearly and prominently, and allow them to observe you in return. They won't necessarily be able to explain how, but they will know that you know.


Offense plus-circleStrikeback: Whenever you are successfully attacked, make a note of how much damage you took. The next time you successfully attack the one who attacked you, you are guaranteed to do at least that much damage to them in return regardless of how high their defenses are.

plus-circleFor Example: Say you were attacked with a Melee-type weapon for 8 damage, and took 6 after subtracting your Melee score of 2 from the result. You attack back with a Melee-type weapon of your own for 5 damage, but your target subtracts their Melee score of 5 from the result and would normally take none. Thanks to this ability, they take 6 anyway.

plus-circleI Stab At Thee: If you're using Retaliation to strike back at a target upon whom you are currently passing judgement, you are guaranteed to deal the amount of damage you took from them +2.


Offense plus-circleGoing Down, Scum: When you attack a subject that you've passed judgment on, you may roll the trigger die twice and take whichever result you prefer.


Offense plus-circleCastigate: You may pronounce judgement as a free action any time during your turn.

plus-circleAnd Your Little Dog, Too: You may pronounce judgement on up to two subjects at once instead of only one.