The butcher here makes the best cuts of mutton I've ever seen. He was raised by wolves.

Beastmasters have an uncanny connection with animals, which is great for any player that wants to channel their inner savage hero or Disney princess. If you're interested in having an animal companion/pet/partner that goes on adventures with you all the time, you might be more interested in the Tamer archetype than this one (but you can also, of course, take levels in both).

Beastmaster Influence and handle animals.
caret-right Behaviorist Influence anything simple-minded.
caret-right Borrowing Possess animals.
caret-right Caller Call animals to you.
caret-right Repellent Keep an area safe from animals.
caret-right Whisperer Animals react very positively.


Social plus-circleDolittle: You have the ability to communicate with animals. This might be through the use of actual language or simply an advanced form of empathy, but the result is the same. This allows you to establish relationships (Friend or Bond) with animals like you would with any other NPC if you have a positive interaction with them.

plus-circleAndrocles: You can employ animals as followers if you meet all the other normal requirements to do so.

minus-circleBestial Minds: Even if you can talk to animals, that doesn't mean that they will necessarily have much to say. Animals are primarily concerned with basic instinctual motivations: food, shelter, mates, and the like. They might or might not be able to actually give you any information you can use for other purposes than simply communicating wants.
Sidebar: Followers
You can hire an NPC to come along with you on your adventures as a follower. Followers are generally under your control and do what you want them to for as long as they remain in your service, including fighting at your side and helping you carry the loot. In order to be hired as a follower, an NPC must be willing, sapient (they cannot have the Simple weakness) and be of equal or lesser level than yourself. Followers remain in your employ until the end of the session, upon which point you must re-hire them if you want them to come along again the next time.

In order to hire a follower, you must pay an up-front fee of Dosh equal to the follower's level. Followers immediately consume/spend/stash their hiring fee, removing it from the game. This means that they do not bring it with them for use on your adventure together, nor can you steal it from their pockets or loot it off their corpse.

Every time a follower accumulates a point of Stress, roll a trigger die. If you roll a number equal to or less than that follower's total current Stress, they desert you (either immediately or at the next available opportunity). In addition to all the normal means of accruing Stress, followers automatically gain a point of Stress every time you significantly mistreat them (referee's call).

Although you control your followers, the referee always has the option of taking temporary control of them if they decide that the NPC would behave differently than you want them to. For example, if you have a habit of using followers as bait or trap-springers, they'll probably refuse after the first time they get hurt doing so. If you hire a known glutton as a follower, the referee can say that they eat the forbidden pie you gave them to carry even if you specifically told them not to. That kind of thing.


Utility plus-circleOperant Conditioning: Your talents are applicable to a wide variety of creatures. You have the ability to communicate with and otherwise use Beastmaster abilities to influence any creature that has the Simple weakness, even if they are not “animals” exactly (such as slimes, zombies, robots, spirits, plant monsters, or whatever else).


Utility plus-circlePossess Animal: As a procedure, you can enter a trance that places your consciousness directly into an animal. This allows you to see through their eyes and directly control their actions in order to perform complex tasks. The animal in question has to remain in direct physical contact with you during the procedure required to initiate Borrowing, but can freely move elsewhere after you're in control. You can stop Borrowing anytime as an action.

minus-circleWilling Host: You can only use Borrowing to possess an animal that is currently employed as a follower or who has an attitude of Welcoming towards you. Animals remain aware while you possess them and can override your control and kick you out at any time, but generally won't unless you try to make them do something clearly suicidal or otherwise against their interests.

minus-circleHelpless Guest: While possessing an animal, your own body is comatose and helpless until you stop Borrowing.

minus-circleProvisions: Initiating Borrowing costs 1 point of Provisions.


Utility plus-circleEpona's Song: As an action, you can summon any animal follower currently in your employ to your side. They show up from offscreen somewhere as quickly as they are able without straining credulity too much.
Utility plus-circleCall to the Wild: Name any animal species that lives in your current region. As a procedure, you can guarantee an encounter with one or more animals of that species; they show up at the end of the procedure required to call them.

minus-circleLocals Only: You can only use this ability to call animals that could reasonably be nearby- for example, you probably couldn't call up lions if you're currently in a city, although you could easily call up rats, pigeons or cockroaches. If you're not sure what kind of animals are nearby, you can let the referee decide what answers your call.

minus-circleOtherwise Normal Encounter: The referee determines exactly how many animals show up according to the local ecology of the species in question, and their attitude towards you is determined by a reaction check as normal.

minus-circleThis Ain't a Faucet: You can summon animals with this ability a maximum of once per exploration turn.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleWild Summons: You can cause animals to show up as a single action instead of taking a whole procedure to do so. They immediately show up and intrude on whatever's currently happening according to their nature.

minus-circleLay Bait: Causing animals to show up immediately in this way requires you to spend 1 Provisions.


Protection plus-circleCritters Out: By spending a procedure, you can mark off a smallish area (one dungeon node, your campsite, etc) in some way. Animals will avoid entering the area or messing with anything inside it. This effect lasts until the end of the session whether or not you're actually present in the area yourself.

minus-circleNot Actually A Barrier: Animals can still enter the area without suffering any negative effects if they are compelled to do so somehow, but will leave as soon as possible and with a minimum of interference. Animals that were already in the area that cannot leave (such as fish confined to a pond) will simply stay out of your way as much as possible. You can also allow specific animals (such as pets or animal followers) or even entire species of animal to enter your area freely, allowing them to ignore the effect.

minus-circleProvisions: Making an area repel animals requires you to spend 1 Provisions.


Protection plus-circleWild Compact: All animals have a special failure chance of 6 with all attacks and offensive abilities they make against you.

minus-circleBroken Compact: If you use an attack or offensive ability against an animal, that animal ignores this effect for the remainder of the current session.
Social plus-circlePrincess Special: Animals are naturally drawn to you. Whenever a reaction check is made to see how an animal reacts to you or those in your direct company, the animal's attitude is +2 steps higher than it would otherwise be.
Sidebar: Reaction Checks
All creatures have a general default attitude from the following list in ascending order of friendliness: Hostile - Confrontational - Suspicious - Neutral - Curious - Polite - Welcoming.

If a creature is randomly encountered, the referee might ask for a reaction check. This is a trigger die roll that adjusts their default attitude up or down the scale.
Die Result Attitude
1 -2
2-4 -1
5-8 0
9-11 +1
12 +2