With my completion of the Urchin Suit, man has finally managed to properly mimic the formidable defense employed by the ocean's stupidest-looking animal.

Possible Keystones 1. Hedgehog Fancier's Society lapel pin.
2. Jar of high-quality nails.
3. Nametag reading “THAGOMIZER”.
4. Punk rocker's leather jacket.
5. “Free Hugs” T-shirt.
6. Small potted cactus.

This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.

Bristler Wear a coat of spikes.
caret-right Ablation Reduce damage taken.
caret-right Flying Daggers Longer range.
caret-right Outflow Auto-damage those nearby.
caret-right Preemption Counterattack first.
caret-right Spike Slam Spike on demand.


Passive Combat plus-circleStick Yourself On Me: Whenever you are targeted with any weapon attack by an enemy within 1 meter, you automatically counterattack them with a Melee attack as a free action that is resolved immediately after the attack that provoked it.

plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Afraid, Crippled, or Vulnerable conditions to its target.

plus-circleSemi-Area Weapon: This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment. Failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12.

plus-circleWater-Capable: This weapon works just fine when underwater.

plus-circleHigh Speed Sieve-maker: If you are launched by any ability effect and stop moving because you ran into another creature, you automatically attack the creature you ran into with Bristler as a free action (even if they're an ally and you'd rather not). Same goes if you fall from a great height onto somebody.

minus-circleNo Skullduggery: Despite being a Melee-type, this weapon cannot be used to perform backstabs or assassinations.
Active Combat plus-circleBed of Nails: If you have inflicted the Grabbed condition to or have had the Grabbed condition inflicted on you by any adjacent creature, you can attack them with Bristler as an action on demand.

minus-circleGrab Required: You cannot use an action to attack with this weapon unless there's a grab involved.
Condition Explanation
desert-skull Afraid minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal.

plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected.
snail Crippled minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0).
falling Vulnerable minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage.


Active Combat plus-circleBreakaway: When you take damage from any source, you can choose for your spikes to take the brunt of it instead of getting personally harmed. Doing so reduces damage taken by 5 points. This can reduce damage taken to 0 but not below 0.

minus-circleSpike Loss: When you use Ablation to absorb damage, some of your spikes are broken off. This causes all future Bristler attacks to have a cumulative failure chance of 3 each time you do so (so 3, then 6, then 9, and then makes you completely unable to use Bristler attacks at all after the fourth time).

minus-circleOnce Per Danger: You can use Ablation a maximum of once per time you're damaged, regardless of how many uses you have left.

plus-circleRegrowth: All your spikes are automatically repaired for free between sessions.
Active Logistics plus-circleSpike Repair: You can repair your spikes with time and materials. As a procedure of effort, you reduce the effective number of times you've used Ablation by 1. For example, if you'd used Ablation three times (thus having a failure chance of 9 with all Bristler attacks) and then repaired your spikes once, you would act as if you'd only used Ablation twice instead (giving you a failure chance of 6 with all Bristler attacks instead).

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die every time you repair your spikes with this ability. If the result is 1-6, then doing so costs 1 point of Supplies. You cannot repair your spikes at all if you have no Supplies remaining.

Flying Daggers

Enhancement plus-circleLong Spikes: Your spikes are either physically longer or perhaps reactive when struck, flying off to embed themselves in attackers further away. Bristler attacks have a range of 5 meters with all applications instead of only being usable against adjacent targets.

minus-circleVery Long Spikes: Every time you make a Bristler attack at a range of 3-5 meters, you lose 1 Energy. You can choose not to attack a target at a range of 3-5 meters if you'd rather not do so.


Passive Combat plus-circleJagged Aura: Your spikes ripple and move of their own accord, eagerly seeking targets. Every round at the beginning of your turn before you take any actions, you may choose to make an attack against every creature in range as a free action. Roll one trigger die for this attack no matter how many targets there are.

minus-circleIndiscriminate: Your Outflow effect hits allies as well as enemies.


Enhancement plus-circlePain Up Front: When you are attacked and use Bristler to counterattack, the counterattack is resolved immediately before the attack that triggered it instead of immediately after. If this causes you to kill or otherwise debilitate your attacker, their attack is completely canceled and you suffer no ill effect from it at all.

Spike Slam

Active Combat plus-circlePorcupine Tail: You can use an action to make a melee attack with Bristler against any adjacent target even if you're not currently grabbing/grabbed by them.

plus-circleSkullduggery: When using Spike Slam to attack, this weapon can be used to backstab (+2 damage to targets that cannot see you) and assassinate (instantly kill targets of equal or lower level who weren't expecting an attack). You do not gain this benefit when using the weapon in the standard way as a counter.

minus-circleStandard Failures: When using Spike Slam to attack, you suffer the normal failure chances for size (3 per category of difference between you and your target) and concealment (3 for partial, 6 for total). You do not suffer these penalties when using the weapon in the standard way as a counter.