Thanks for the rescue I guess, but that wasn't a dungeon and I wasn't a prisoner. Not that kind of dungeon, anyway.

Captor is a archetype with a rather unusual flexibility of application: it can be used for either moral purposes (defeating enemies without killing them like Batman et al) or highly immoral ones (capturing people and forcing them into slavery) or even value-neutral utility (locking down doors/people). As with anything that gets added to your game, make sure everybody at the table is cool with whatever you end up doing with it.

Captor Capture without killing.
caret-right Binder Tie creatures up and lock doors.
caret-right Conditioning Break captives' wills.
caret-right Entangle Wrap targets better.
caret-right Disarm Wrapped targets struggle to attack.
caret-right Monitor Track and punish.


Offense plus-circleSubdual: You're skilled in non-lethal takedowns: rubber bullets, knockout gas grenades, smacking them in the head really hard with the flat of your blade, etc. When you assassinate or strike the killing blow against a target with any weapon, you can choose to knock them unconscious instead of killing them. Unconscious creatures don't lose any Flesh from the blow that finished them and become totally helpless and oblivious for a few hours instead.
Offense plus-circleRetiarius: As an action, you can wrap up an adjacent target with a net, sticky goo, spiderweb or whatever. Wrapped up targets cannot move from their current location under their own power (including via free actions) until they or an adjacent ally uses an action to remove the wrapping.

minus-circleSize Failure: This move suffers failure chances from having a differently-sized target (3 per category of difference).

minus-circleSupplies: When you wrap up a target, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot wrap anybody up if you have no Supplies remaining. If wrapping up has a failure chance due to your target being of a different size category than yourself, roll just one trigger die for both failure and Supplies consumption.


Utility plus-circleManacles: With a procedure of work, you can fully bind a willing or helpless target (such as one you've already knocked out with a weapon attack). Depending on how much you care to bind them, you can make any individual creature incapable of taking any actions, capable of moving only, capable of moving with a permanent impairment (so they can't easily run away from you) or capable of doing anything except move (so they can do whatever but cannot leave their current location).

plus-circleSolid Binds: You're so talented at tying people up that they have no chance to escape, not even with an operation. Somebody who swipes your keys (or who has the Lockpicks ability from the Thief archetype) could totally let your captives loose, though, as could anybody with the right tools and enough time to untie/saw/blowtorch their way through.

minus-circleSlippery Devils: A creature that has the Unbound ability from the Escapist archetype can escape bonds anytime they want, even bonds created by you. They're simply impossible to tie up.

minus-circleSupplies: When you completely tie up a creature, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-6, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot tie anyone up if you have no Supplies remaining.
Utility plus-circlePadlocks: You can lock any item capable of being opened and closed (doors, treasure chests, books, handcuffs, whatever) as an action. You have the key and can freely unlock anything you've personally locked as another action, but nobody without the key can use the object after you've locked it (at least not without destroying it).

minus-circleSupplies: When you lock something, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot lock things if you have no Supplies remaining.


Utility plus-circleWheel Of Pain: Through repeated application of punishment and reward you can slowly break the will of a captive, allowing you to make them loyal to you, willing to carry out your desires, and completely losing all desire to escape.

minus-circleIt's Obvious, But: You cannot break the will of a creature unless they are totally in your power somehow.

minus-circleSlow Process: An individual captive's will can be broken by spending a certain number of days training them depending on their level- if their level is half or less than yours, breaking takes 5 days. If their level is equal to or less than yours, breaking takes 20 days. If their level is equal to or less than double yours, breaking takes 100 days. If their level is higher than double yours, you cannot break them. Breaking days do not need to all be in a row, but if a creature escapes your custody before the training is complete their accumulated breaking time resets to 0 days.

minus-circleThe Unbreakables: Any creature that has the Focused ability from the Steadfast archetype cannot be broken no matter what level they are. They simply have too much mental control over themselves to be swayed (even by your methods).
Utility plus-circleRehabilitation: You can also use the Conditioning ability to undo negative conditioning done by others and restore a broken creature to full mental health.

minus-circleSame Limitations: You have all the same limitations when rehabilitating a creature as you do when conditioning them.


Offense plus-circleLasso: You can wrap up any target within throwing range (0-10 meters), not just adjacent targets.
Offense plus-circleGulliver: All size-based failure chances for wrapping up targets that are bigger/smaller than you are reduced by 12.
Offense plus-circleHopeless Tangle: If the trigger die rolled when wrapping up a target (to determine Supplies consumption/failure chances) is 10+, the wrapping is harder to escape than normal. When a creature uses an action to remove wrapping, they must roll a trigger die: on a 7+ they succeed, but on a 1-6 they do not and their action is wasted.


Offense plus-circleWeapon's Stuck: When you wrap up a subject, their weapons are also affected. The target has a special failure chance of 6 with all weapon attacks until the wrapping is removed.


Utility plus-circleTracking Collar: You can fit a captive with some form of tracking equipment which is extremely difficult for them to remove. Stealing your keys or otherwise picking the lock can get it off, as can having the right tools and enough time to saw/blowtorch through it. Nothing else is going to, though.

plus-circleHow You Doin: At any time, you can check the status of anybody you've installed a monitor on. This lets you know their general status (how much Flesh they currently have) and approximate location (the closer you are, the more accurate the locator gets). If the subject has somehow gotten rid of the monitor, you also learn that when you try checking up on them.

plus-circlePunisher: If you are within sight of a creature you've fitted with a monitor, you can inflict pain and death. As an action, you can do any of the following: remove 1 Energy, remove 1 Flesh, or remove all Flesh.

plus-circleInvisible Fence: You can proscribe a certain area or range when fitting a subject with a monitor. If the subject ever leaves that area, they immediately start losing 1 Energy (or Flesh when all Energy is gone) per round until they either return or die.

minus-circlePricey Equipment: A monitor is an advanced, but somewhat expensive piece of equipment. Every time you fit a creature with one, you must spend 1 Supplies.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleImplanted Monitor: You can implant your monitor device into a creature such that it cannot be removed (or even noticed) via any means less than invasive surgery.

minus-circleEven Pricier: Implanted monitors cost 2 Supplies instead of only 1.