You want to know the secret to making a really, really good cup of coffee? Lots of whiskey. In fact, I usually skip the coffee altogether.

Dopers can grant a variety of useful effects on demand, provided the receiver doesn't mind a bit of unpredictability in their outcomes (and the occasional detoxing session when they develop a dependency). Like pretty much everything else in this game, realism was not the primary goal here and this is not how drugs really work, but it's abstractly in the same ballpark.

Doper You have drugs.
caret-right Inhibitors Drugs for comfort.
caret-right Kickstarters Drugs for going hard.
caret-right Mindspins Drugs for acting weird.
caret-right Prosocials Drugs for making friends.
caret-right Vitalizers Drugs for healing.


Utility plus-circleUnlawful Chemistry: You have access to a selection of drugs which you can use yourself or share with others. Taking drugs can be done as an action and grants two randomly-selected effects, with different types of drugs granting different effects. By default you have access to the Feelgoods type, described below.

plus-circleLong-Lasting: Once you take drugs, their effects last until the exploration die check comes up 5-6 (Depletion), whereupon they wear off.

minus-circleDependency: When a drug's imbiber rolls up their two random effects and both effects are the same, they experience only that one effect and gain 1 point of Dependency on that drug type. For every point of Dependency a creature has, they must use that drug at least once per day or they will gain 1 point of Stress.

minus-circleIn Deep: Dependency can stack multiple times- if you have 3 points of Feelgoods Dependency, you must use Feelgoods three times per day and will suffer 1 Stress for every dose you miss. Different types of drug have different dependencies, and a single creature can grow dependent on multiple kinds at once.

minus-circleKick The Habit: If a dependent creature goes for a full day without taking any doses of what they're dependent on (suffering the Stress penalty as normal), they may roll a trigger die. If the result is 9+, then dependency is reduced by -1 point.

minus-circleOverdosing: If a subject takes another dose of the same type of drug before the previous one wears off, they gain one Stress for every effect they roll that they're already experiencing.

minus-circleProvisions: Roll a trigger die when taking a dose of drugs. If the result is 1-6, then doing so costs 1 Provisions. You cannot take or provide drugs to others if you have no Provisions remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circlePurer Sources: When any creature (including yourself) imbibes your drugs, they may roll three times on that drug's effects chart and choose whichever two results they would prefer.

minus-circlePricier: Getting a choice of rolls on the effects chart costs always costs Provisions without any trigger die roll needed.
Utility plus-circleFeelgoods: Drugs that help their users deal with Stress. Every time somebody takes Feelgoods, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: Blissful Oblivion. Pass out unconscious until the end of the current exploration turn.
2: Total Relaxation. Lose control of your bladder/sphincter. Gross.
3: Channeled Unease. If the imbiber cracks from gaining Stress, they may roll on the Cracks table twice and pick whichever result they like better.
4: Quick Relief. Reduce current Stress by 2. Stress removed by this effect does not return after the dose wears off; it's just gone.
5: Future Me's Problem. Reduce effective Stress to 0. All Stress removed by this effect will re-appear after the dose wears off.
6: Keep on Truckin'. Until the dose wears off, every time the imbiber would gain a point of Stress they may roll a trigger die. If the result is 7+, they completely negate that point of Stress and do not increase their Stress total or have to roll for a Crack.
7: Quiet Moments. At the end of every exploration turn in which the imbiber did not gain any Stress, they lose 1 Stress.
8: Steady Heartbeat. Imbiber is immune to death from excessively high Stress.
9: I Got This, Bro. When an ally gains a Stress point, imbiber can gain it for them instead.
10: Varied Trip. Every time imbiber cracks while high, write down the crack type. Imbiber is immune to cracking the same way twice before they sober up again.
11: Mental Dungeon. Imbiber is immune to Stress from dungeon exploration.
12: Enlightened Chaos. All Stress taken during current exploration turn is inverted, removing Stress instead.
Social plus-circleEye for Tells: You always know when another creature is on drugs, and what kind of drugs they are.


Utility plus-circleAnesthetics: Drugs that slow or suppress their users in useful ways. Every time somebody takes Inhibitors, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: Totally Numb. The referee keeps track of the imbiber's Flesh/Energy/Attention. The imbiber knows when they get hit, but doesn't know how hard or exactly how hurt they are at any given time.
2: Torpor. Imbiber cannot regain Energy until end of exploration turn.
3: It's All Good. Once per round, the imbiber can reroll a check to remove any standard condition and take the better result. Elemental and universal conditions are unaffected.
4: Terminator. Once per exploration turn, imbiber ignores a fatal blow and is left with 1 Flesh remaining.
5: Deadened Pain. Imbiber's combat ratings (Melee, Remote, Whelm) are treated as +2 points higher for purposes of resisting damage only. Outgoing damage is unaffected.
6: Hearty AF. Gain +1 Flesh/Energy/Attention above normal maximum.
7: I Feel Fine. Ignore the effects of all injuries and illnesses. Injuries are not removed.
8: Slowed Metabolism. Imbiber can ignore the effects of any single standard or elemental condition on them each round.
9: Statue. Imbiber can hold completely still and does not need to breathe so long as they don't move.
10: Delayed Reaction. Imbiber can delay all damage taken until the end of their next turn.
11: Hardly Hungry. Imbiber doesn't need to eat for the next 3 days.
12: Late Arrival. So long as imbiber hasn't taken any actions yet in a given conflict, they take 5 less damage from all sources (minimum 0).


Utility plus-circleStimulants: Drugs that energize and excite their users. Every time somebody takes Kickstarters, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: Scatterbrain. Imbiber loses all Attention and cannot regain Attention by any means.
2: Foolhardy. Imbiber must use all their actions first before any of their allies in every round of combat.
3: Insomnia. Imbiber won't need to sleep for the next 3 days. They'll crash pretty hard afterward, though.
4: Amped Up. Imbiber can take a bonus action for free during their turn (once per exploration turn).
5: Can't Wait. Imbiber can take actions during the enemy phase as interruptions to whatever the enemies are doing. Doing so means 1 less action on their next turn, can be done a maximum of twice per round.
6: Tear Shit Up. Imbiber deals +2 damage with all weapon attacks.
7: Hyper. Imbiber regains 1 point of Energy at the end of each turn.
8: Spurred. When imbiber takes damage from an enemy attack, they roll their single next attack trigger die twice and take the preferred result.
9: Itchy Feet. Imbiber can and must move 2 meters as a free action at the beginning of each turn.
10: Single-Minded. If imbiber fails an attack roll against a target, re-attacking them reduced failure chance by 3. This stacks with multiple failures but is reset every time an attack succeeds.
11: Maximum Effort. Imbiber can ignore the effects of heavy encumbrance (impairment to movement, increased incoming damage) until the beginning of their next turn by spending 1 Energy.
12: Go Hard. Once per exploration turn, imbiber can sprint or make a double-attack with no Energy cost.


Utility plus-circleHallucinogens: Drugs that alter their users' perceptions. Every time somebody takes Mindspins, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: Delusions. Imbiber has full-blown hallucinations. When the referee describes what they see, they describe it accurately but change: 1-4: an adjective (what something looks like), 5-8: a verb (what is happening), 9+: a noun (who or what is present).
2: Total Nonverbal. Imbiber temporarily cannot use or understand language.
3: Overlooked Windfalls. Every time the exploration die result is 11-12 (Respite) imbiber finds 1 point of Provisions, Supplies, or Mojo (their choice). No matter how closely they're watched, it's impossible to tell just where they got it from.
4: Bizarre Movements. All attacks directed at the imbiber have a failure chance of 3.
5: Time Distortion. Imbiber can spend an action to bank it for later. At any later point during their turn, they can spend a banked action to gain a free action of their choice. Maximum 1 banked action at a time. Banked actions disappear at the beginning of each new exploration turn.
6: Uncanny Perception. Imbiber knows when they're being watched with perfect accuracy, but not necessarily by whom or from what direction.
7: Weird Insight. Imbiber can ask any single yes/no question, and the referee will answer them accurately.
8: Alternate Troubles. When imbiber gains a standard or elemental condition, they can roll up a new random condition of the same type. Imbiber can then choose whether to take the original condition or the randomly-rolled one.
9: Uncanny Locator. Imbiber can ignore the effects of concealment for a single creature each round, chosen at beginning of imbiber's turn.
10: Ingress. Imbiber can bypass a single locked door or mechanism without having the key/password/whatever.
11: Future Sight. Imbiber can choose to undo a single action they take every round, including all immediate consequences of that action- it turns out they only thought about taking it instead of actually doing it. Imbiber does not get the spent action back, though.
12: Enlightenment. Imbiber gains +1 XP. This can happen a maximum of once per session no matter how many times this result is rolled.


Utility plus-circleEmpathogens: Drugs that make their users confident and socially deft. Every time somebody takes Prosocials, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: Oversharing. Imbiber cannot shut up. If they have any secrets, they will share them with everybody they meet. Sneaking and trickery are impossible.
2: Overwhelming Empathy. Imbiber cannot make any attacks or offensive actions at all.
3: Aphrodisiacs. Imbiber's libido surges. If they get a chance to act on it with a consenting partner or partners, everybody involved will have a fantastic time guaranteed. They're not out of control or anything though.
4: Likeability. All creatures have their attitude adjusted +1 step in favor of the imbiber (Hostile → Confrontational → Suspicious → Neutral → Curious → Polite → Welcoming.)
5: Empathetic Communication. Imbiber can easily communicate basic concepts with others who do not share a language, even animals or other non-sapient creatures incapable of language.
6: Warm Hugs. Imbiber cannot attack or be attacked by any creature that they have inflicted the Grabbed condition to or who has inflicted the Grabbed condition to them for as long as the condition lasts.
7: Intent Reading. If imbiber can see a creature clearly, they know how that creature is feeling and (broadly) what it intends to do in the near future.
8: Soothing Voice. If imbiber spends a procedure talking to a subject that doesn't feel threatened, that subject immediately falls asleep.
9: Gatecrasher. Imbiber can get invited into anybody's home or dwelling just by showing up and asking to be let in.
10: Dance Partner. Once per round during their turn, imbiber can switch positions with any adjacent ally as a free action.
11: Attention Grabber. Imbiber can spend an action to make any subject within 10 meters immediately turn to face them and forget what they were about to do/say.
12: New Friend. Imbiber can instantly gain a relationship level of Friend with any single creature of their choice that they meet while high.


Utility plus-circleMedicines: Drugs that enhance their imbiber's healing abilities. Every time somebody takes Vitalizers, roll on this chart twice for their effect:

1: So Hungry. Imbiber must roll a trigger die every exploration turn until the dose wears off. If the result is 1-4, they must consume 1 Provisions or gain 1 Stress.
2: Health-Obsessed. If imbiber's Energy is not currently full (equal to their current Flesh), they can take no actions other than recovery.
3: Regrown Wrong. Imbiber gains a random mutation that wears off when the drug does.
4: Cleanse. Once per round, the imbiber can reroll a check to remove any elemental condition and take the better result. Standard and universal conditions are unaffected.
5: Fleshknit. Imbiber regains 1 lost point of Flesh. This doesn't go away when the drug wears off but cannot exceed the imbiber's normal maximum, either.
6: Detox. Imbiber removes all drug addictions.
7: Revival. If imbiber dies before the drug wears off, they live and take an injury instead. Can only happen once per dose.
8: Quick Surge. Imbiber can make a recovery action for free once per exploration turn.
9: Chemical Resistance. Imbiber can ignore one drug effect of their choice per dose they take.
10: Sound Body. Imbiber immediately removes one non-permanent injury. This persists after the dose wears off.
11: Primed. Imbiber can recover lost Flesh as a single action rather than a full procedure. This still costs 1 Provisions per point.
12: Inoculation. All active diseases removed from imbiber and they become immune to all new diseases for duration of dose.