Here's the basic plan: keep squeezing the trigger until the entire world before you turns to blood.
Possible Keystones | 1. Ammunition bandolier. 2. Collapsible stand. 3. Statuette of ancient forge deity. 4. Loyalty discount card for ammunition manufacturer. 5. Recoil-dampening arm bracers. 6. Playbill for an especially dramatic opera. |
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Gatling | Unleash a hail of bullets. | |
caret-right | Bullet Hose | Double attack freely. |
caret-right | Cheesemaker | Destroy targets' cover. |
caret-right | Saturation | Reduce failures. |
caret-right | Sweep | Shoot everybody. |
caret-right | Thunderhead | Escalate things. |
Offense | minus-circleSpin Up: Gatling attacks must be spun up before you can start firing with them. Spinning up the weapon takes an action. You can only use Gatling to make an attack if your last action was either spinning up the weapon or making a Gatling attack. | |
Offense | plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Remote attack against any target within 50 meters. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Cracked, Crippled, or Dizzy conditions to its target. plus-circleDamage Bonus: This weapon is overwhelmingly powerful, dealing +5 bonus damage on every attack. plus-circleBackstab: If you attack a target that cannot see you, you deal +2 damage. minus-circleLoud: Attacking with this weapon creates a loud noise that gets the attention of everything in the general area, especially when used multiple times in succession. The consequences of this will vary depending on the circumstances, but in any case makes this weapon an exceptionally poor choice for stealth. minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-6, the attack uses 1 point of Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleLonger Range: You can fire at subjects further away than 50 meters, up to a maximum of 500 meters. minus-circleAccuracy Drop: Shooting at very distant targets carries a failure chance. Failure chance is 3 for targets within 51-100 meters, 6 for targets within 101-200 meters, and 9 for targets within 201-500 meters. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleAutocannon: You can fire the weapon as a single action without having to spin it up first. minus-circleTripod: Eliminating the weapon's spin-up times requires it to be mounted on an immobile tripod. The tripod requires a procedure of time to set up. You cannot move away from the tripod's location without losing its benefits. You can only have one tripod set up at a time. |
Condition | Explanation | |
cracked-helm | Cracked | minus-circle Maximum Flesh is reduced to 4. Lose any excess Flesh when gaining the condition. Regain any Flesh lost to the condition when it is removed. When inflicted by a weapon attack, Cracked is applied to the subject immediately after damage is dealt. |
snail | Crippled | minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0). |
ringing-bell | Dizzy | minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy. minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action. plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected. |
Offense | plus-circleMetal Hell: When you make a double attack (spend two actions during a round attacking) with this weapon and the trigger die on the second attack is 7+, the double attack does not cost any Energy. | |
Offense | plus-circleSwiss, Specifically: If your target creature has cover from another creature, you may choose to transfer your attack to the covering creature (the trigger die result is unchanged) if the attack fails instead of just failing outright. plus-circleMr Gorbachev: If your attack fails against a target due to cover from inanimate objects or battlefield features, then your bullets destroy the cover instead. You can freely fire at creatures that have total cover even though you have no chance to hit them; Cheesemaker will tear a new hole in their cover that you can then subsequently shoot through with later attacks. minus-circleDemolition Limits: When you destroy cover with Cheesemaker, you can destroy an amount of it no larger than you are yourself per attack. Especially thick, durable cover (like a steel vault door, maybe?) might be destroyed significantly slower than this and require multiple attacks to get through. |
Offense | plus-circleSpray Everywhere: You shoot so many bullets that some of them are bound to find their mark. Your total combined failure chance regardless of source (such as from cover, concealment, your target being larger/smaller than you, or similar) when using this weapon is reduced by 3 (minimum 0). plus-circleTenacious: No matter how high your failure chance is, you always hit your target on a trigger die result of 10+. |
Offense | plus-circleFree Bullets For All: You can choose to sweep with your weapon instead of focusing fire on a single target. Sweep attacks hit a total number of targets within your sight arc equal to the number on the trigger die (e.g. if you roll a 7, your attack hits up to 7 targets at once). Closer targets are hit first before further-away ones. minus-circleScatterfire: Your bullets are much less concentrated when using Sweep. When making sweep attacks with this weapon, you no longer deal the +5 bonus damage to targets hit. minus-circleKa-Thunk: Failure chances from cover apply normally when sweeping a weapon- you might not be able to damage targets if you roll low and they're standing behind other targets you've already damaged. doubledCheesemaker Trouble: If you also know the Cheesemaker ability, it allows you to ignore cover provided by creatures when making sweep attacks. It does not allow you to destroy obstacles when sweeping, however. |
Offense | plus-circleCue 'Ride of the Valkyries': Immediately before attacking with this weapon, you can choose to increase the overall Escalation of the current conflict by +1 as a free action. minus-circleLimited Pumps: Escalation can be raised via Thunderhead a maximum of twice per round, no matter how many Thunderhead users are present. |