As far as I'm concerned, if you don't occasionally blow something up then you really aren't trying hard enough.
A Grenadier is a straightforward thrower of explosive ordinance. Explosives are a powerful but somewhat expensive and unpredictable weapon; nothing quite decimates an enemy formation like a well-placed one but you'll want to be well clear of the blast zone when it happens.
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Grenadier | Throw bombs. | |
caret-right | Afterblast | Explode twice. |
caret-right | Bomb Voyage | Surprise explosions. |
caret-right | Debris | Tear up the landscape. |
caret-right | Delayed | Deal more damage after a short delay. |
caret-right | Expansion | Affect a larger area and control it closely. |
Offense | plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Whelm attack against any target(s) within a set distance from a space of your choice in throwing range (0-10 meters). plus-circleDamage Bonus: This weapon is exceptionally powerful, dealing +2 bonus damage on every attack. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Bleeding, Dizzy, or Numb conditions to its target. plus-circleArea Weapon: This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment and failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12. minus-circleVariable AoE: The exact size of the explosion varies depending on the trigger die: - If the result is 1-4, the attack damages the target space and all adjacent spaces. - If the result is 5-8, the attack damages the target space and all spaces within 2 meters. - If the result is 9-12, the attack damages the target space and all spaces within 5 meters. minus-circleConstrained: The attack's effect emanates outwards from its center point. Walls and solid barriers can prevent its spread and protect things behind them. Creatures do not constrain the effect's spread. minus-circleLoud: Attacking with this weapon creates a loud noise that gets the attention of everything in the general area, especially when used multiple times in succession. The consequences of this will vary depending on the circumstances, but in any case makes this weapon an exceptionally poor choice for stealth. minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-6, mark off 1 Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining. |
Condition | Explanation | |
cut-palm | Bleeding | minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. |
ringing-bell | Dizzy | minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy. minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action. plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected. |
aura | Numb | minus-circle Treat Escalation as 1 for purposes of attack damage dealt regardless of its true level. |
Offense | plus-circleCluster Bomb: Your grenades pack in extra ordinance that explodes in stages. As a free action at the beginning of your next turn after attacking, you automatically attack the same location again with another Grenadier attack. Roll a new trigger die for this secondary burst; it never consumes Supplies but has a special failure chance of 6. | |
Offense | plus-circleAssassinate: If you attack a creature of your own level or lower that wasn't expecting to be attacked, it instantly dies. Creatures that are higher-level than you are immune to assassination and your attack is resolved normally against them. | |
Offense | plus-circleDepth Charge: The weapon can be used while in water or against a subject that is in water. | |
Offense | plus-circleLandmine: You can set explosives to blow up when triggered instead of immediately. Setting up a mine requires an action, and mines can be thrown just like regular explosives can. A mine occupies a space. If a creature walks (or is otherwise moved, voluntarily or not) over one of your mines, it immediately explodes. plus-circleCheap And Pre-Paid: Roll a trigger die when you set a mine- if the result is 1-3, setting the mine cost one Supplies. You cannot set mines if you have no Supplies remaining. When the mine is set off, you roll another trigger die as normal but never have to spend additional Supplies from the actual attack roll. plus-circleRemote Detonator: You can set off all your planted mines at once by spending an action. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleHidden: You can hide your mines when you set them. Hidden mines are invisible to anyone who didn't actually see you set them. Creatures can automatically discover any mines or other hidden features in the environment, but doing so requires a search procedure. minus-circleSlower Setup: Setting up a hidden mine requires two actions instead of one, and can only be done on an adjacent space. Anybody who sees you set the mine knows that it's there. |
Utility | plus-circleDestroyer: The explosion destroys any objects made of wood (or materials of similar durability such as plastics, plaster or fiberglass) in its target area. plus-circleOptional: If you don't wish to use this feature with a given attack, you are not obligated to. |
Utility | plus-circleMessmaker: Every space affected by the blast becomes difficult terrain (like sticky mud, deep snow, shifting sands, or similar) until the end of the current exploration turn. Creatures take an impairment when moving through difficult terrain and all attacks against a creature in difficult terrain deal +2 damage. plus-circleOptional: If you don't wish to use this feature with a given attack, you are not obligated to. |
Offense | plus-circle3… 2… 1…: When you use the attack, you can choose to set it to explode after a short delay of 1, 2 or 5 rounds instead of immediately. The explosion happens at the beginning of your turn after the specified number of rounds has elapsed. Explosives that have not yet gone off advertise their danger in an obvious manner (blinking lights, beeping noises, etc). plus-circle Enhanced Effect: The explosive deals bonus damage based on the selected delay: +2 damage for one round, +5 damage for two rounds, and +10 for five rounds. This is in addition to the +2 bonus damage that the weapon always deals anyway. plus-circleHot Potato: Unexploded bombs can be picked up and tossed to a new location. Every time somebody picks up an unexploded bomb, they must roll a trigger die; if the result is 1-4, then the bomb goes off prematurely in their hand (dealing all bonus damage as if it had waited for its full chosen delay). |
Offense | plus-circleBigger Blast: The blast affects the target space and all adjacent spaces when the trigger die is 1-3, within 2 meters when the trigger die is 4-6, within 5 meters when the trigger die is 7-9, and within 10 meters when the trigger die is 10-12. | |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circlePinpoint Zone: Instead of leaving it up to the whims of the trigger die, you can choose the exact size of the blast zone from all the potential outcomes. minus-circlePre-Calls Only: You must declare the blast size you want before you roll the trigger die. Once the die is down, you have to simply take what it gave you. minus-circleSupplies: Every time you decide the exact blast size you want, the attack costs 1 Supplies regardless of the trigger die result. |