Get that damn jar of leeches out of my sight or I swear you're going to be the one who needs a doctor.

Players who are less familiar with the Annulus system might assume that the Healer archetype is absolutely essential. While undeniably useful, the fact that only the bottom third of one's health doesn't quickly and automatically regenerate means that there are plenty of parties that survive just fine without a dedicated medic.

Healer Cure the injured.
caret-right Contingent Heal automatically when needed.
caret-right First Aid Restore Flesh and revive the dead.
caret-right Helping Hand Help remove elemental conditions.
caret-right Pharmacist Help remove standard conditions.
caret-right Throw Medicine Ranged treatment.


Protection plus-circleTreatment: As an action, you can give medical treatment to yourself or any creature within 1 meter of you. Giving a creature medical treatment immediately restores up to 5 points of lost Energy to that creature.

minus-circleEnergy Only: Lost Flesh, if any, is not restored. Each point of Energy must have a corresponding point of Flesh to support it. Lost Attention is also not restored.

minus-circleProvisions: Roll a trigger die when you give someone medical treatment. If the result is 1-6, you lose one Provisions. You cannot give treatment if you have no Provisions remaining.
Protection plus-circleNurse: Anybody in your care (including yourself) automatically restores 1 point of lost Flesh per day of bed rest. This does not cost any resources other than time.
Protection plus-circleOunce of Prevention: Receiving treatment from you at any point during an exploration turn in which the patient was also exposed to a disease completely negates the possibility of infection. The patient does not need to roll for infection at the end of the turn at all. Disease exposure in future exploration turns might still lead to infection, but never during the same turn in which treatment was given.


Protection plus-circleAuto-Injector: You instantly and automatically give yourself medical treatment as a free action after you take damage that removes your last Energy, even if it is not your turn.

minus-circleYou Only: Contingent healing only helps you personally. You can't contingently heal anybody else.

minus-circleProvisions: Contingent medical treatments require and cost Provisions at the normal rate for any medical treatments.

minus-circleSequence: If the damage that removed your last Energy also removed one or more points of Flesh, then this is resolved before the healing happens.

First Aid

Protection plus-circleRestore Flesh: You can restore a point of lost Flesh to a creature as a single action rather than an entire procedure. This still costs 1 Provisions as normal.

plus-circleBonus Treatment: Using First Aid to restore lost Flesh to a subject also gives them all the benefits of medical treatment. Energy is restored immediately after the Flesh it covers.

minus-circleNormal Flesh Costs: You do not need to roll a trigger die to check for costs when giving medical treatment in this way, as the cost is built-in and automatic.
Protection plus-circleRevive: If you give medical treatment to a subject that previously passed out due to hitting 0 Flesh, they may immediately wake up with 1 Flesh and rejoin the action instead of having to wait until the end of the current exploration turn to wake up.
Protection plus-circleKickstart A Heart: You can give medical treatment to a recently-dead subject to bring them back to life. Doing so restores 1 Flesh to the dead subject.

minus-circleLingering Weakness: Subjects revived from the dead gain a random injury.

minus-circleRace Against Time: You can only revive a dead subject if they died within the current exploration turn. Anybody who's been dead longer than that is too far gone to be revivable.

minus-circleNo Retissue: Revival requires a mostly intact body. Anybody who died in an especially messy or thorough fashion cannot be revived.

minus-circleProvisions: Reviving a dead subject costs 1 Provisions.

Helping Hand

Protection plus-circleFlushing Station: You have a wide array of antitoxins, counteragents, material suppressants and other useful chemicals. Whenever you give medical treatment to a subject, that subject may automatically remove any single elemental condition they're currently suffering from.

minus-circleCan't Flush That: You cannot use this ability to remove the Grabbed condition or any standard condition, only elemental ones.


Protection plus-circleThe Candyman Can: You have a wide array of coagulants, painkillers, stimulants and other useful drugs. Whenever you give medical treatment to a subject, that subject may automatically remove any single standard condition they're currently suffering from.

minus-circleThe Candyman Can't: You cannot use this ability to remove the Grabbed condition or any elemental condition, only standard ones.

Throw Medicine

Protection plus-circleChuck A Potion: You can give medical treatment to anyone within throwing range (0-10 meters) instead of only adjacent targets.