Oh boo hoo, you got cursed. Do you have any idea how many times that's happened to me? My advice is to find that mummy and shove his head in the privy until he begs to take it back.
The Cursed condition does nothing by itself but is quite potent when combined with other conditions, making the Hex archetype quite possibly the most effective wielder of conditions in the game. Flavorwise it could definitely be considered one of the more “black magic” type archetypes, but that doesn't necessarily make it evil (unless the referee says it is).
Hex | Wield curses. | |
caret-right | Black Mirror | Pass along your misfortunes. |
caret-right | Blight | Add rider conditions. |
caret-right | Cackle | Re-inflict conditions. |
caret-right | Pariah | Curses oppress all nearby. |
caret-right | Woe | Bad luck in their future. |
Offense | plus-circleCastigate: As an action, you may inflict the Cursed condition on any subject within throwing range (0-10 meters). minus-circleWeaponized: This ability suffers failure chances from cover, concealment, and size differences between yourself and your target just like weapon attacks do. minus-circleMojo: Roll a trigger die when inflicting the Cursed condition this way. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Mojo. You cannot use this ability if you have no Mojo remaining. |
Offense | plus-circleForbidden Arts: You know how to enhance your weapons to bring doom to their targets. Whenever you make any weapon attack and the trigger die is 10+, you inflict the Cursed condition to your target in addition to all of that attack's normal effects (damage, conditions, etc). minus-circleMonoelemental: Your weapon attacks can only inflict a single elemental condition on a 10+ at a time. If you have levels in multiple elemental archetypes, you pick which condition your 10+ trigger die attacks inflict each time. |
Condition | Explanation | |
arcane-mask | Cursed | minus-circle Cannot recover from any other condition before recovering from this one. |
Protection | plus-circleOffload Misfortune: When you inflict the Cursed condition to a target, you may make a free check to throw off one condition you are currently suffering from. If it is successful, you not only throw off the condition but it is immediately added to your target. minus-circleGrab Incompatible: This ability is compatible with every condition in the game except Grabbed, which is has no effect on. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleDark Fate: You can inflict a condition you're currently suffering from on a target even when you don't succeed on the check to recover from it. This doesn't remove it from yourself, only copies it onto your target. minus-circleMojo: Forcing a target to gain a condition when they normally wouldn't costs 1 Mojo. |
Offense | plus-circleMisery's Company: When you inflict the Cursed condition to a subject that does not have any other conditions, you also inflict a random standard condition to them. minus-circlePlus One Only, Darling: If the subject already had another condition in place on them other than Cursed or your method of cursing them would naturally come with another condition (such as via weapon attacks or successful use of Black Mirror), Blight has no effect. |
Condition | Explanation | ||
1 | desert-skull | Afraid | minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal. plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected. |
2 | bleeding-eye | Bleary | minus-circle Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment. |
3 | cut-palm | Bleeding | minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. |
4 | noose | Choking | minus-circle Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round. minus-circle Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal). |
5 | cracked-helm | Cracked | minus-circle Maximum Flesh is reduced to 4. Lose any excess Flesh when gaining the condition. Regain any Flesh lost to the condition when it is removed. When inflicted by a weapon attack, Cracked is applied to the subject immediately after damage is dealt. |
6 | snail | Crippled | minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0). |
7 | broken-bottle | Deprived | minus-circle Cannot use/spend resources in any way. minus-circle Cannot use any ability that requires unspent resources. |
8 | ringing-bell | Dizzy | minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy. minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action. plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected. |
9 | turd | Nauseous | minus-circle All weapon attacks cost 1 Energy in addition to any normal costs they may have. minus-circle Cannot double attack during a round. plus-circle Weapon attacks made for free (without spending any actions) are unaffected. |
10 | aura | Numb | minus-circle Treat Escalation as 1 for purposes of attack damage dealt regardless of its true level. |
11 | player-pain | Sore | minus-circle Do not automatically regain lost Attention at the beginning of each round. |
12 | falling | Vulnerable | minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage. |
Offense | plus-circleNot So Fast: You may take an action to laugh loudly and point at any subject within 20 meters that successfully threw off a condition during their last turn. That subject immediately re-acquires the condition they rid themselves of. If they rid themselves of multiple conditions, you choose which one they get back. minus-circleGrab Incompatible: This ability is compatible with every condition in the game except Grabbed, which it has no effect on. |
Offense | plus-circleCursed Outcast: When you inflict the Cursed condition, it also affects everyone near the victim. All of the target's allies within 2 meters are incapable of throwing off any conditions they have so long as they linger near the cursed one. plus-circleFuries: The effect of Pariah only extends to the subject's allies and neutral parties. Any creature that wishes the subject harm is unaffected by the ability and can freely recover from conditions while within 2 meters of the subject. |
Offense | plus-circleBad Omen: When you inflict the Cursed condition to a target, the single next trigger die that subject rolls is automatically treated as a result of 1. Note that if the subject doesn't perform any actions that require trigger die rolls during their turn, their next trigger die roll by default will be the one to remove their Cursed condition (and it will automatically fail). | |