Don't worry, we'll have you fit with a dashing peg-leg in no time. I'm not sure if peg-livers are also a thing, but modern medicine is full of surprises!
The basic Hospice is a provider of low-cost Provisions, while its advanced applications expand this role into many more forms of fixing bad things that happen to adventurers or preventing them in the first place.
Hospice | Take care of yourselves. | Vitality | |
caret-right | Apothecary | Prevent certain conditions. | Economy |
caret-right | Clinic | Heal maladies. | Vitality |
caret-right | Conditioning | Save lives. | Vitality |
caret-right | Mutatorium | Reverse mutations. | Vitality |
caret-right | Resurrectionist | Bring back the dead. | Influence |
Vitality | plus-circleCommissary: Food and medicines of all sorts are created and sold here. Adventurers can choose to gain 1 point of Provisions here mid-session by spending 1 Dosh. plus-circleFree Uses: Provisions can be gained here for free a number of times per session equal to the base's Vitality rating. Uses of this feature are shared among all adventurers. |
None | plus-circleFree Lunch: So long as you end a day back in your base, you do not need to spend any Provisions to feed yourself that day. minus-circleLocal Jaunts Only: If you end a day anywhere outside of your base, you have to pay all applicable daily upkeep costs as normal. |
Economy | plus-circleThe Perfect Drug: Special medicines, chemicals, and counteragents with long-lasting effects are sold here. Adventurers can choose to inoculate themselves against any single standard or elemental condition of their choice by spending 1 Dosh. After being inoculated, the adventurer is completely immune to that particular condition for the remainder of the current session. Multiple conditions can be inoculated against by spending multiple Dosh. plus-circleHerd Immunity: When purchasing temporary immunity from any condition here, its effects are applied to a number of creatures of your choice equal to the base's Economy rating. For example, if Economy is 3 then 3 different adventurers and/or followers can be made immune to the selected condition by spending only 1 Dosh. minus-circleMighty Weakness: An Apothecary cannot be used to negate a specific condition in a creature that has a weakness that inflicts that condition under specific circumstances, e.g. a creature with the Nightbound weakness cannot use an Apothecary to become immune to the Burning condition. |
Vitality | plus-circleMedical Treatment: Creatures in the base can spend Dosh to heal themselves: - Restore all lost Flesh (1 Dosh) - Remove one normal injury (2 Dosh) - Cure one disease (5 Dosh) - Surgically repair one permanent injury (10 Dosh) minus-circleOrganics Only: Objects, machines, vehicles and creatures with the Synthetic weakness cannot use a Clinic to heal. plus-circleSubsidized Healthcare: An amount of Dosh equal to the base's Vitality rating is deducted from the total fees spent at the Clinic each session. Unused deductions do not carry over to the next session. |
Vitality | plus-circleHealthy Lifestyle: Proper nutrition and exercise for base residents pays off when it counts. When an adventurer or follower that lives in this base must make a death & dismemberment roll due to hitting 0 Flesh, they automatically get a result of 12 on it without actually having to roll at all. minus-circleOnly Goes So Far: The benefits of Conditioning only apply a maximum number of times per session equal to the base's Vitality rating. These uses are shared among all adventurers. |
Vitality | plus-circleMutation Removal: The surgeons and geneticists here can reverse an unwanted mutation for a fee of 10 Dosh, assuming you survive long enough to make it to the clinic. plus-circleSubsidized Healthcare: An amount of Dosh equal to the base's Vitality rating is deducted from the total fees spent at the Mutatorium each session. Unused deductions do not carry over to the next session. |
Influence | plus-circleRaise the Dead: Through some form of dangerous fuckery (such as blood sacrifice or plundering alternate timelines) the dead can be returned to life here. This costs a variable amount of Dosh: 5 Dosh if the subject died during the current session, 10 if they died during a previous session, 20 if they died before the campaign ever even started at all. minus-circleMishap Check: Roll a die when bringing a subject back to see how successful you were (this is not a trigger die and thus cannot be affected by abilities that modify trigger die results): 1-4: Came back very, very wrong. The subject becomes horribly monstrous in some way, possibly in appearance but definitely in personality (referee decides the details). You're probably going to have to put them down again, if you can. 5-6: Heavy Mutation. Resurrected creature gains 3 random mutations. 7-8: Slight Mutation. Resurrected creature gains one random mutation. 9-10: Alteration. Resurrected subject changes background/coloration/race/sex/whatever (referee choice/whim). This is purely cosmetic and doesn't otherwise affect the target's basic personality/capabilities at all. 11-12: Perfect Resurrection. The subject comes back exactly as they were before. Good job buddy! plus-circleSubsidized Healthcare: An amount of Dosh equal to the base's Influence rating is deducted from the total fees spent at the Resurrectionist each session. Unused deductions do not carry over to the next session. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleTrue Resurrection: You can choose to always bring back a subject exactly as they were. You do not need to roll for a mishap or alteration. minus-circleBreaks The Bank: True Resurrections cost five times what they otherwise would (25 Dosh for subjects that died during the current session, 50 Dosh for subjects that died in a previous session, 100 Dosh for subjects that died before the campaign began). |