Man is easy to cheat, Nature much less so and Magic nigh-impossible. There's always a price, sooner or later.

An Invoker's preferred method of attack is somewhat more complex than most other weapons, but affords ultimate flexibility in target selection and extras. The better you want your attack to be, the more downsides you'll have to add to offset its advantages. Since you have to re-balance the equation every time you attack, this archetype is deliberately more complex than most others to appeal to the kind of player who enjoys that sort of thing.

This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.

Invoker Define and destroy targets.
caret-right Calculate Generate Pull freely.
caret-right Convergence Greater utility.
caret-right Corruption Do them dirty.
caret-right Dilation Push it further.
caret-right Vector Strike harder and faster.


Offense plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Whelm attack against a target of your choice that is within 2 meters of your position.

plus-circlePerfect Targeting: This weapon does not indiscriminately strike an area, and thus never hits any targets except for the ones you want it to.

plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Afraid, Choking, or Nauseous conditions to its target(s).

plus-circlePush and Pull: This weapon's attacks can be customized greatly from use to use. Adding positive effects to an attack generates points of “Push”, while adding negative effects to an attack generates “Pull.” In order to actually make an attack, Push and Pull must be equal. You can decide exactly which effects you want to add every time you make an Invoker attack, and are not obligated to add any at all if you'd rather not.

plus-circlePush: Targets: You can target more than one subject with this weapon, up to a maximum of 10 at once. This generates 1 Push for 2 targets, 2 Push for 3-5 targets, and 3 Push for 6-10 targets.

plus-circlePush: Range: You can target subjects further away than 2 meters, up to a maximum of 20. This generates 1 Push for targets within 3-5 meters, 2 Push for targets within 6-10 meters, and 3 Push for targets within 11-20 meters. If your attack is targeting multiple subjects, you generate Push only for the one that's furthest away.

plus-circlePull: Failure: You can add a special failure chance to your attack. This generates 1 Pull for a failure chance of 3 and 2 Pull for a failure chance of 6.

plus-circlePull: Supplies: You can choose for your attack to cost Supplies. This generates 2 Pull if you spend 1 Supplies and 5 Pull if you spend 2 Supplies.
Condition Explanation
desert-skull Afraid minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal.

plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected.
noose Choking minus-circle Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round.

minus-circle Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal).
turd Nauseous minus-circle All weapon attacks cost 1 Energy in addition to any normal costs they may have.

minus-circle Cannot double attack during a round.

plus-circle Weapon attacks made for free (without spending any actions) are unaffected.
Sidebar: Push Cheatsheet
Type Effect Push Requirement
Distance 3-5 meters +1 -
6-10 meters +2
11-20 meters +3
21-50 meters +4 Dilation
51-100 meters +5
101-200 meters +6
Targets 2 creatures +1 -
3-5 creatures +2
6-10 creatures +3
11-20 creatures +4 Dilation
21-50 creatures +5
51-100 creatures +6
Concealment Partial reduction +1 Convergence
Total reduction +2
Size failure -12 failure vs small +1 Convergence
-12 failure vs large +1
-12 failure vs small and large +2
Conditions +1 +1 Corruption
+2 +2 Dilation
Damage +2 +1 Vector
+5 +2
+10 +5 Dilation
Speed Free action +5 Vector
Sidebar: Pull Cheatsheet
Type Effect Push Requirement
Failure Failure 3 +1 -
Failure 6 +2
Failure 9 +5 Dilation
Supplies 1 Supplies +2 -
2 Supplies +5
3 Supplies +10 Dilation
Calculation Extra actions +2/action, max +5 Calculate
Predictable Cannot crit or add conditions +1 Convergence
Instability +1 Push to all future attacks +2 Convergence
Collateral 1 ally +1 Corruption
2 allies +2
3 allies +5


Offense plus-circlePull: Calculation: As an action, you can perform calculations, focusing chants, or similar preparation. Every time you Calculate, you generate +2 Pull that can be used to offset Push on your single next Invoker attack. This benefit is cumulative from multiple Calculate actions, up to a maximum of +5 calculation Pull.

minus-circleFleeting: The benefits of Calculate only apply to the single next Invoker attack and are all lost afterwards, even if you didn't actually need all of the Pull you generated.
Offense plus-circleAlways Calculating: You start each new exploration turn with +5 calculation Pull.


Offense plus-circlePush: Bypass Concealment: You can choose for the attack to be better at dealing with concealment. Making the attack reduce failure chance from concealment (total concealment is treated as partial, partial is ignored) generates 1 Push. Completely ignoring all failure chance from concealment generates 2 Push.
Offense plus-circlePush: Bypass Size Failure: You can choose for the attack to be better at dealing with targets of different sizes. Reducing size-based failure chance by 12 against smaller targets or larger targets (your choice) generates 1 Push. Reducing size-based failure chance against both larger and smaller targets by 12 generates 2 Push.

minus-circleSize Failure Only: This option only reduces failure chance from mismatched sizes, not failure chance from any other source. Failure chance cannot be reduced below 0.
Utility plus-circlePull: Predictability: You can choose to make your attack incapable of surprising you. Predictable attacks cannot critically hit and do not inflict standard conditions when the trigger die is 10+. Making an attack predictable generates 1 Pull.
Utility plus-circlePull: Instability: You can choose to make your attack unstable, creating more trouble for yourself in the future in exchange for greater power right now. Whenever you make an unstable attack, all future Invoker attacks you make until the end of the current exploration turn start with +1 extra Push on them with no direct benefit. Making an attack unstable generates 2 Pull. Multiple Push penalties from unstable attacks stack with each other.


Offense plus-circlePush: Conditions: You can choose to inflict one random elemental condition to all targets struck by this weapon. Doing so generates 1 Push.

plus-circlePush Further: If you also know the Dilation ability, you can choose to inflict two random elemental conditions and generate 2 Push.
Utility plus-circlePull: Collateral: You can choose for your attack to also strike one random ally that's in the same node as you. Adding a collateral target generates 1 Pull, adding two collateral targets generates 2 Pull, and adding three collateral targets generates 5 Pull.

minus-circlePull: Collateral: Randomly-selected collateral targets can include yourself, but won't necessarily unless you're all alone. Collateral targets can be struck regardless of choices you've made about range or number of targets. If a single target is unlucky enough to be selected multiple times, then they get hit multiple times too.
Condition Explanation
1 player-dodge Buffeted minus-circle Every time the subject takes damage from an attack, they are knocked directly away from the attacker a number of meters equal to the damage taken. Solid barriers or creatures in the way block movement made past them.
2 burning-embers Burning minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result.

minus-circle All spaces within 1 meter are fully lit, all within 2 meters are dim light (or fully lit if they were already dim light).

plus-circle This condition is automatically removed by getting wet or entering an airless environment.

plus-circle This condition is automatically spread at the beginning of each turn to any adjacent creature that is grabbing or being grabbed by a creature that already has it.
3 battery-black Charged minus-circle After each action taken, roll a trigger die. If 1-4, lose 1 Energy.

plus-circle Free actions are unaffected.

plus-circle Recovery actions are unaffected.
4 snowflake Chilled minus-circle Roll a trigger die at the beginning of each turn. If result is 1-6, take only one action that round instead of two.
5 reverse Confused minus-circle Roll a trigger die at the beginning of each turn. If result is 1-3, the opposing team decides what actions you take that round.
6 arcane-mask Cursed minus-circle Cannot recover from any other condition before recovering from this one.
7 broken-skull Dissolving minus-circle At the end of each round, lose one point from a combat rating of your choice (Melee, Remote, or Whelm). If all combat ratings are 0, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents combat rating decay/damage for that round.

minus-circle Combat ratings return to normal at end of current exploration turn.
8 mass-driver Irradiated minus-circle Cannot restore lost Energy or Flesh by any means.

minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Energy if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5+. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause lost Energy regardless of trigger die result.

minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, gain a random mutation if result is 1 and do not mutate if result is 2+. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause mutation regardless of trigger die result.
9 aware Migrained minus-circle Roll twice, take lower number for first trigger die check each round. Resets at beginning of turn.

plus-circle Second+ trigger die checks each round are unaffected.
10 apple Overloaded minus-circle If Energy is equal to Flesh at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh. If Energy is less than Flesh, no effect. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents its effects for that round.
11 guarded-tower Petrifying minus-circle If all Energy is lost for any reason, immediately and permanently turn to stone.

minus-circle Stone creatures cannot take any actions at all, even free actions.

plus-circle The three combat statistics (Melee, Remote, Whelm) of a petrified subject are all treated as being equal to the subject's level for purposes of defense.

plus-circle Stone creatures are treated as being one size larger than their actual size for purposes of how hard it is to move or carry them.

plus-circle All conditions on petrified subjects are suspended and cannot be recovered from. Conditions that deal damage over time or otherwise carry potential negative consequences when the recovery roll is too low such as Choking or Bleeding are totally harmless for petrified subjects.
12 brandy-bottle Poisoned minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Energy if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result.

minus-circle Energy/Flesh lost via the Poisoned condition cannot be regained by any means until the end of the current exploration turn.


Offense plus-circlePush: Longer Range: You can target creatures further away than 20 meters, up to a maximum distance of 200 meters. This generates 4 Push for targets in 21-50 meters, 5 Push for targets within 51-100 meters, and 6 Push for targets within 101-200 meters.
Offense plus-circlePush: Extended Targets: You can target more than 10 creatures at a time, up to a maximum of 100. This generates 4 Push for 11-20 targets, 5 Push for 21-50 targets, and 6 Push for 51-100 targets.
Utility plus-circlePull: Greater Failure: You can choose to take a special failure chance of 9. This generates 5 Pull.
Utility plus-circlePull: Steeper Cost: You can choose to spend 3 Supplies to make an attack. This generates 10 Pull.


Offense plus-circlePush: Damage: You can choose for your attacks with this weapon to deal more damage to all targets struck. Increasing damage by +2 generates 1 Push, and increasing damage by +5 generates 2 Push.

plus-circlePush Further: If you also know the Dilation ability, you can choose to deal +10 damage and generate 5 Push.
Offense plus-circlePush: Speed: You can choose for your attacks with this weapon to be free actions. Attacking as a free action generates +5 Push.

minus-circleMinor Limits: You can make a maximum of one free Invoker attack per round, and only during your turn.