A good friend is invaluable to lift you up when you're feeling down and share the load when you're burdened. That's how I escaped the Prison-Pits of Shugadoo and made off with the tyrant's treasure hoard.

Luminaries are masters of networking, making new contacts and cultivating alliances wherever they go. Talent and hard work are nice, but ultimately worthless if you just know the right people… and a skilled Luminary knows just about everyone worth knowing.

Luminary Make friends easily.
caret-right Casteless Ignore the effects of social class.
caret-right Employer Leverage friendships into followers.
caret-right I Know You Declare previous relationships with new NPCs.
caret-right Meetup Find friends “coincidentally”.
caret-right Reputation People have heard of you.


Social plus-circleLikable: When rolling to befriend an NPC you succeed on a 5+ instead of a 9+. When rolling to increase an already-existing friendship to a bond, you succeed on a 9+ instead of an 11+.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleSolid Friends: You can choose to befriend a subject regardless of the trigger die result, or form a bond on a result of 7+.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you make a friendship in this way, you must spend 1 Mojo.


Social plus-circlePreconception Dodger: You never suffer any unusual animosity from interacting with others of a different social class/ethnicity/species/whatever than yourself. With this ability peasants can rub elbows with kings, Palestinians can party with Israelis, and a robot can be accepted into a troop of monkeys.

plus-circleHaters Gonna Hate: Note that a given creature can still hate you for any number of other, more personal reasons, but these reasons must be personal rather than simply a blanket hate of your entire background.


Utility plus-circleFriendship Discount: If you have a Friendship with a creature, then you can hire them as a follower for half the normal cost in Dosh (round fractions down, minimum 1 Dosh). If you have a Bond with them, then you can hire them as a follower for one-quarter the normal cost in Dosh (round fractions down, minimum 1 Dosh).

plus-circleKnuckleheads From Small Times: Friends are more likely to stand by you when things get tough. If your follower is a Friend, you may roll twice when making checks to see if they desert after gaining Stress and take whichever result is higher. If your follower is a Bond, you may roll three times.
Utility plus-circleSmurfing: You can hire followers that are higher-level than you, up to a maximum of twice your level.
Sidebar: Followers
You can hire an NPC to come along with you on your adventures as a follower. Followers are generally under your control and do what you want them to for as long as they remain in your service, including fighting at your side and helping you carry the loot. In order to be hired as a follower, an NPC must be willing, sapient (they cannot have the Simple weakness) and be of equal or lesser level than yourself. Followers remain in your employ until the end of the session, upon which point you must re-hire them if you want them to come along again the next time.

In order to hire a follower, you must pay an up-front fee of Dosh equal to the follower's level. Followers immediately consume/spend/stash their hiring fee, removing it from the game. This means that they do not bring it with them for use on your adventure together, nor can you steal it from their pockets or loot it off their corpse.

Every time a follower accumulates a point of Stress, roll a trigger die. If you roll a number equal to or less than that follower's total current Stress, they desert you (either immediately or at the next available opportunity). In addition to all the normal means of accruing Stress, followers automatically gain a point of Stress every time you significantly mistreat them (referee's call).

Although you control your followers, the referee always has the option of taking temporary control of them if they decide that the NPC would behave differently than you want them to. For example, if you have a habit of using followers as bait or trap-springers, they'll probably refuse after the first time they get hurt doing so. If you hire a known glutton as a follower, the referee can say that they eat the forbidden pie you gave them to carry even if you specifically told them not to. That kind of thing.

I Know You

Social plus-circleLong Time No See: When encountering or interacting with a nameless NPC (a bartender, clerk, policeman, evil henchman #4, or similar) you can declare that you have actually met them before and you know them on a first-name basis. Roll a trigger die; if the result is 5+ the target NPC also remembers you. If the result is a 9+, you already have a Friendship-level relationship with the NPC.

minus-circleNo-Names Only, Maybe: The GM has the right to disallow you from using this ability on NPCs that already have names and backgrounds, but there's no hard rule that says you can't either.

minus-circleMojo: Using I Know You to declare a previously-existing relationship costs 1 Mojo.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleYou Know Me: You can choose to establish a previously-existing friendship between yourself and the subject of I Know You regardless of the trigger die result.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you make a friendship in this way, you must spend 1 Mojo.


Social plus-circleFancy Seeing You Here: You can declare that anybody you've previously befriended is present in a scene or situation so long as it's even remotely possible/plausible that they might be there. You can then ask them for favors or hire them as followers as normal.

plus-circleFor Example: You're out in the wilderness and a blizzard is coming, so you use this ability to declare that your friend Luanna the Trapper is here. Turn a corner and there she is sitting in her camp, which she of course shares with you until the blizzard's over. You're friends, after all.

minus-circleDifferent Circles: You can only declare meetups with friends in places where those friends might realistically be. If you want to declare a meetup at the Duchess' ball, then you can't do so with Luanna the Trapper since that's really not her scene (but you totally could with your other friend, the gentleman pirate Deadlights Jack Madrigal).

minus-circleMeetup Check: When you declare a meetup, roll a trigger die. If you're trying to meetup with a friend, you succeed on a 9+; when trying to meetup with a bond, success comes on a 5+ instead. If you don't roll high enough to succeed, then the meetup fails and you cannot retry with that friend for the rest of the current session.

minus-circleOnce Per: You cannot meet up or attempt to meet up with any given friend more than once per session.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleMake It Happen: You can make a meetup happen even if you don't get a high enough result on the trigger die check.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you make a meetup happen when it normally would fail, you must spend 1 Mojo.


Social plus-circleA Pirate's Worth: When meeting one or more creatures for the first time, you may specify that they have heard of you before and exactly what they have heard. For example, you might use this ability to specify that Lord Toastwanker has heard that you're good at getting jobs done discreetly, or alternately that Lord Toastwanker's wife has heard that you're good at making love discreetly.

minus-circleMojo: For every thing you specify that somebody has heard about you before, you must spend 1 Mojo.
Social plus-circleVIP: You can get into any exclusive establishment, event, or social gathering in the game world simply by showing up and asking to be let in. Allies that lack this ability might or might not be allowed in with you depending on circumstances. This ability does not guarantee you entrance into classified areas or private residences (unless there's a party or something going on in there). Bad behavior can still get you un-invited and possibly physically thrown out.