Don't worry, children- you'll all get out of this okay. I have a plan.

The focus of a Martyr is keeping others alive, often at their own expense. Those who take levels in this archetype would be well-advised to either also pick up some defensive archetypes or make friends with somebody that can heal the damage they will no doubt suffer. With appropriate tactics, however, a Martyr can carry an entire team to victory. Anybody that runs a glass-cannon build in particular will be singing your praises.

Martyr Suffer in place of others.
caret-right Abiding Live despite injury.
caret-right Lamb Your pain aids others.
caret-right Lifeboon Transfer your energy.
caret-right Scapegoat Take others' misery upon yourself.
caret-right Scar Tissue Being attacked increases defense.


Protection plus-circleBodyguard: When any ally adjacent to you is targeted by any attack, you can choose to immediately interrupt the attack by moving into your allies' space and moving them into any space adjacent to their previous space that you choose. The attack is then executed normally. If it was a Melee or Remote attack, it targets you instead of the intended target. If it was a Whelm attack, it targets everyone inside of its target zone as normal (but you could potentially have moved your ally outside of its target zone, thus sparing them from the effect).

minus-circleConservation of Actions: Every time you use Bodyguard to take a hit for an ally, you may take one less action on your next turn. You may use Bodyguard a maximum of twice per turn.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleNOOOOO: You can move up to 5 meters in order to take a hit for an ally instead of only doing so for adjacent ones.

minus-circleExertion: Every time you take a hit for a non-adjacent ally, you lose 1 Energy.


Protection plus-circleMy Work is Incomplete: No matter how many injuries you are currently suffering from, you always roll for death & dismemberment as if you have none.
Protection plus-circleAs Is Proper: Everybody knew this was coming sooner or later. When you roll for death & dismemberment, it does not cause you or anyone in your party to accumulate Stress.
Protection plus-circleThe Unbroken Circle: You remove all injuries you are suffering from at the end of each session instead of only one.
Protection plus-circleStigmata: If you are killed after a poor death & dismemberment roll, you can choose to take an injury instead of dying.

minus-circleDeath's Mark: Injuries taken in lieu of dying are considered permanent and are not removed automatically at the end of the session.


Protection plus-circleThe Greater Good: When you take damage, all allies adjacent to you may immediately make a recovery action (restore 1 lost Energy and attempt to throw off a condition) as a free action that is resolved immediately after the damage that triggered it.

plus-circleSolemn are the Hearts: If the damage you took caused you to lose one or more points of Energy, the effect extends to all allies within 5 meters instead of only adjacent ones. If you lost one or more points of Flesh, the effect extends to all allies within 20 meters.

plus-circleWitness My Travails: Lamb can be triggered by sources of damage other than incoming attacks, even self-inflicted ones (such as by losing Energy from deciding to sprint or double-attack).

minus-circleJaded: No ally can be affected by this ability more than once per round. Your ability to aid allies with this ability resets at the beginning of each of your turns.


Protection plus-circleRamza's Wish: As a free action that can be performed at any time during your turn, you can cause any target within 5 meters to immediately regain any amount of lost Energy.

minus-circleLifeseed: Using Lifeboon to heal another causes you to lose equivalent Energy to what you healed. If you have no Energy remaining, lose Flesh instead.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleCarrying Chant: You can use Lifeboon to restore Energy to targets at a range of up to 20 meters instead of only 5.

minus-circleFocused Effort: Using Lifeboon at range requires you to spend an action instead of being free. You can freely heal multiple targets with a single action so long as you pay the Energy/Flesh costs associated with each.
Protection plus-circleOverflow: When your lost Energy is restored by any means and the amount exceeds your current Flesh (and thus would normally be wasted) this excess Energy is instead granted to any creature of your choice within 5 meters of your position. For example, if you are missing 2 points of Energy and are the target of a Healer's medical treatment (which restores up to 5 points), you are healed by 2 and can send the other 3 to somebody else nearby who needs it.


Protection plus-circleOmelas: As an action, you can transfer one or more standard or elemental conditions from any subject within 5 meters to yourself. The target immediately recovers from any of the conditions you remove from them and you immediately gain the conditions removed.

plus-circleCurse-Eater: If for whatever reason you are immune to a condition you transfer from a target, the target still loses the condition but you do not gain it. It simply gets cured.

plus-circleToil And Trouble: If you already have a condition and you remove the same one from an ally with this ability, it is cured on your ally and you're no worse off than before. You can't get a condition twice.

minus-circleNot Up for Grabs: You can only use Scapegoat to transfer standard or elemental conditions. Universal conditions (i.e. Grabbed) cannot be transferred with this ability.

Scar Tissue

Protection plus-circleMakes You Stronger: Whenever you are damaged by an attack, you take -1 damage from all later attacks made against you until the beginning of your next turn. This can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0. The effect is cumulative if you are the target of multiple attacks.

minus-circleGotta Leave a Mark: Attacks made against you that fail or whose damage is reduced to 0 do not increase further defense with this ability. Only attacks that hit and deal at least 1 damage to you give any benefit from Scar Tissue.