Yeah, I've got a prophecy too: if you don't shut up, I'm going to kick your condescending ass. I can tell from your expression you've foreseen this one's legit.

An Oracle can see many possible futures and pick the most favorable, though the archetype's abilities are concerned much more with the outcome of small micro-events rather than the grand fates of heroes and nations. Like a Luckster, an Oracle can manipulate the results of trigger dice in their favor, though an Oracle's method is cheaper and more precise while also being much slower and less flexible. If you really love changing trigger dice you can always be both, though.

Oracle Manipulate the future.
caret-right Causality Using predictions spawns new ones.
caret-right Modestiny Make any prediction a 7.
caret-right Moirai More predictions at once.
caret-right Revocation Change what's already happened.
caret-right Tangle Affect the fate of others.


Utility plus-circleFatespinner: You have a limited ability to predict possible futures. You can make a reading on the future by spending a procedure to deal cards, cast bones, meditate, or whatever your preferred method of divination is. After making a reading, roll a die (hereafter referred to as the “prediction die” and set it aside. At any time later on during the session when rolling a trigger die for any reason, you can choose to use the value on your prediction die instead of rolling.

minus-circleMoment Seized: Using a prediction die consumes it and removes it from play. You can only use your prediction die in place of a roll you have not actually made yet- once you've made a roll, you must accept it as it stands and can no longer direct fate.

minus-circleSingle Thread: You can only have one prediction die at a time. If you make a new prediction without using your old one, you can take the new prediction die result instead if you like it better.

minus-circleAugury's Price: Immediately after making a prediction, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 point of Mojo. The trigger die rolled to see if a prediction costs anything is not the same as the prediction die that it produces; they are separate dice rolled for separate purposes. You cannot make predictions if you have no Mojo remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleAuspices: You can choose to roll two prediction dice and take whichever result you like better.

minus-circleStraining: Getting the better of two prediction dice costs Mojo on a trigger die result of 1-6 instead of 1-3.


Utility plus-circleCascade Fate: Whenever you use a prediction die, roll a separate trigger die. If the result on the trigger die is 7+, you may immediately roll another prediction die to replace the one you just used. Gaining new prediction dice with Causality does not cost any time or potential resources the way that normal prediction dice do.


Utility plus-circleSmoothed Fate: In the end, all things conform to the average, and you know how to make them do so on command. You can change the result on any of your prediction dice to be a 7, even if you're already rolled up something else on it.


Utility plus-circleMany Threads: You can have up to three prediction dice at a time instead of the normal limit of only one. When you want to use a prediction, you can choose from any of the ones you have available.


Utility plus-circleHorns To The Norns: You can choose to substitute a prediction die for the result of a trigger die roll after you've already made it and seen its result.

minus-circleThis Ain't Time Travel: You must choose to use Revocation to substitute a prediction for a trigger die before actually resolving the trigger die's result. Resolving a trigger die's result means accepting its consequences.

doubledThis is the Way: If you also have the Fateless ability from the Faceless archetype, you can choose to replace any die result in your fate pool with your prediction die's result.


Utility plus-circleWeb of Destiny: Your decisions cascade and spawn many alternate futures that affect those around you as well as yourself, and you've learned to see them. You can substitute any of your prediction dice for a trigger die rolled by any other creature within 10 meters of you, including both enemies and allies. You must declare you are doing so before the target has a chance to resolve whatever they're rolling for the normal way.