Table of Contents

The Rookery

The Rookery is the Ravens' headquarters. Here you will find information about the players.


Player Adventurer Missions Status Bonus XP Discounts
Adam Newb 1 - -
Ben Teddy Smalls 4 - -
Brian Evan Butler 2 Retired 1 -
Oswald Martin 11
Tory Vincent 1 Deceased
Tatia 1
Bryce Adam Fells 3 Deceased 4 -
Bridget 2 Retired
Captain Duke 8 Retired
This One Was Forgotten 2
Bunjamin Francis “Frank the Tank” 26 - -
Willem 9
Nosy Manhunter 4
Colter Rex 3 - -
Gaby Cruz 1 - -
Gordon Jesus 1 - -
Krista Anna 11 - -
Laney Chadmir 1 - -
Leo James Fontaine 13 Retired 4 Networking
Max Fontaine 15
Ty Jameson 1 Retired
Leppy Sue McBacon 6 Retired 3 -
This One Knows Things 3
Liz Lady Eleanor 1 Retired 1 Beastmaster
Feyna Mountain 20
Plasma Viper 2
Logan Thorah Vonschweits 1 - -
Lunchbox Dominic 23 Retired 7 -
Walter 2 Retired
Willy Wizbit 12
Inspector Micheals 6 Deceased
Dr. Hanz 8 Retired
This One Talks to Outsiders 4 Deceased
Revenant Micheals 9
Deathwrench 10
Mark Metallius Heartengrave 1 Deceased 2 Grit
Ambrose Glenham 5 Retired
Alan Hale 40
Matt Ricard 32 - Blizzard
Where The Water Goes 5
Nathan Omega 42 35 - Lightning
Rob Trevyn 14 Retired 4 Handyman
Ross Cletus 6 Retired 4 -
Delta 69 8 Retired
Danger Zone 15
The Social Club 4
Steve Gilmore 18 - -
Wyatt This One Sleuths 3 - -
Zach Mildew 4 - -

Bonus XP

If a player retires a character, that character becomes a trainer (see below) and contributes to a Bonus XP pool. All future characters created by that player will start with an additional amount of XP equal to their Bonus XP. Bonus XP is a function of the total number of missions run by all retired characters combined, as such:

Missions Bonus Missions Bonus
1 1 66 11
3 2 78 12
6 3 91 13
10 4 105 14
15 5 120 15
21 6 136 16
28 7 153 17
36 8 171 18
45 9 190 19
55 10 210 20

So if you've got three retired characters with a total number of missions between them equal to 23, all future characters you create start with +6 XP right away. If you retire another one after 5 missions to bring your total retiree missions to 28, future characters start with +7 XP instead.

This formula is also used on an individual rather than aggregate level to to determine trainer offerings and tribute bonuses for retired and dead characters respectively.

Mastery Hall of Fame

Few adventurers ever accomplish the feat of completely mastering an ability tree. Here are those who did.

Player Adventurer Tree Date
Rob Trevyn Handyman Aug 21 2017
Leo James Fontaine Networking Jan 25 2018
Mark Alan Hale Grit Feb 1 2018
Nathan Omega 42 Lightning Jun 1 2018
Mark Alan Hale Shield Jun 15 2018
Matt Ricard Cryophile Jul 13 2018
Matt Ricard Blizzard Jul 13 2018
Mark Alan Hale Tank Sep 7 2018
Nathan Omega 42 Tesla Sep 7 2018
Mark Alan Hale Lore Jan 11 2019
Mark Alan Hale Survival Jan 11 2019
Mark Alan Hale Teamwork Jan 11 2019
Liz Feyna Beastmaster Jan 11 2019
Ross Danger Zone Gourmet Feb 15 2019
Matt Ricard Chronomancy Feb 15 2019

If you master an ability tree, you get a -1 Supply discount on purchasing abilities from that tree for all of your other characters. This discount stacks with all other discounts, but not with itself (you cannot get it more than once for a given tree). Total discounts cannot lower Supply costs below 0.


Trainers offer opportunities to anyone on demand in their specialized areas, but they can only be taken advantage of once apiece. Trainer opportunities can be used in place of a keystone to learn a new ability. For example, the trainer Ambrose Glenham offers an opportunity in both the Grit and Shield ability trees. If your adventurer learns a Grit ability from Ambrose, they cannot ever do so again but they still have the capacity to learn one Shield ability later at a time of their choosing. If another trainer also offers a Grit opportunity (such as Bridget), you can also take advantage of theirs (but just once).

Players can choose to retire any of their characters that have survived at least one mission and make them into trainers at the Rookery. A retired trainer offers a number of opportunities equal to the bonus XP they would be worth on their own without considering any other retired characters of the same player.

Trainer Description Trees
Ambrose Glenham Master of defensive arts. Grit
Bridget A mildly sadistic woman, but an effective teacher. Secretly a trog. Grit
Captain Duke Tamer of beasts, leader of men. Beastmaster
Cletus Former murder-hobo. Boomstick
Delta 69 Commands an army of robotic cocks. Communications
Dominic Legendary scout and founding member of the Namico Ravens. Heal
Dr. Hanz Creepy little man with flexible morals. Heal
Evan Butler Good with machines, not with people. Firearm
James Fontaine James Fontaine knows everybody. Everybody. Boat
Lady Eleanor Falconer noble of blood and noble of heart. Beastmaster
Sue McBacon Actually a dude, probably. Lasher
Trevyn Idealistic, young, undefeated. Firearm
Ty Jameson Tried Ravening, decided it wasn't for him. Grit
Walter The ultimate bro. Firearm


By paying your tributes to the dead, you can strengthen your own resolve going forward. You can attempt to tribute once per session by rolling a die. If you get a 9+, you successfully meditate on the lessons offered by the deaths of those that came before you and immediately gain an amount of XP equal to the amount of bonus XP that character would have been worth on their own without considering any other retired characters of the same player. A single character cannot tribute any given fallen Raven for the XP bonus more than once.

Adventurer Player Date Cause Tribute
Tory Vincent Brian Dec 7 2016 Brutally mauled by berserk shellhound. Was kind of into it, though. 1 XP
Metallius Heartengrave Mark Feb 15 2017 Torn to shreds by inumbro (boogymen) inside the Manifest. May have been wearing a red shirt at the time. 1 XP
Adam Fells Bryce Mar 15 2017 Shot in the back while fleeing Third Lantern cultists, despite throwing sand in the eyes of the shooter shortly before. 2 XP
Inspector Micheals Lunchbox Aug 3 2017 Gunned down at close range by would-be revolutionary general Henry Bludger while attempting to make a peaceful arrest. 3 XP
This One Talks To Outsiders Lunchbox Jan 25 2018 Took advantage of a massive distraction to be in just the right place at the right time to posthumously earn a new name: This One Killed Grandmother. Never planned to escape the ensuing explosion himself. 2 XP
Nosy Manhunter Bunjamin Nov 16 2018 Took a gamble on being able to slay the radioactive cannibal Bighead by herself. It didn't work out. 2 XP