Well, we're in a bit of trouble now. Best plan I've got is to seduce our captors, and you're the prettiest one. Try taking your glasses off… wait, no. Never mind, I'm out of ideas.

In a world full of violence, the Seducer's weapon is love. While literature and media are full of characters that use seduction both for good and for evil (and playing one can be very enjoyable), it's worth noting that in certain groups or at certain tables, having a player with levels in Seducer might not be fun for everybody. Use your best judgment and don't make it weird.

Seducer Charm and beguile.
caret-right Conquest Break hearts and feel good about it.
caret-right Pillow Talk Seductees reveal information.
caret-right Player Seduce anything with no jealousy.
caret-right Shamhat Change seductees' minds.
caret-right Social Armor Make enemies reluctant to harm you.


Social plus-circleSiren: You know how to be highly attractive when you want to be. When you aggressively flirt with a subject they are charmed by you, even if you have nothing else to offer and they should really know better. Charmed subjects have an attitude of Welcoming and regard you as a trustworthy friend so long as you don't do anything to prove otherwise.

minus-circleFatale: If you are mean to a subject you've charmed, the effect immediately ends and you cannot charm that subject again, possibly ever (but definitely not for at least the rest of the current session).

minus-circleSet The Mood: You cannot use Seducer to charm targets during battle, as their urge to survive is generally stronger than their urge to see you naked.

minus-circleThey Gotta Want It: Targets that are not romantically/sexually interested in (or at least curious about) your particular species/gender are immune to this ability.

minus-circleJealousy: You can only charm one subject at a time. Charming a new subject removes the effect from the old subject, if applicable.

minus-circleSoft Style: Any creature that is immune to the Confused condition (whether by knowing the Focused ability from the Steadfast archetype or via any other means) is also immune to your sexy wiles and cannot be charmed/seduced by this ability.
Social plus-circleSeduction: If you desire you can fully seduce anybody you've charmed, but only if the target is willing, interested and/or corruptible. So long as it ends well, this counts as a positive experience and allows you to make a check to improve your relationship with the seduced target.

plus-circleLove Token: After seducing a target, they will give you something to remember them by (like a bottle of wine, an intimate photograph, a cringe-worthy original poem, or similar). More practically, you also get to roll for loot from them once as if you were searching their body (but whatever comes up, if anything, is given freely of their own will instead of wrenched from their cold dead hands).

minus-circleNormal Looting Limits: A given creature still cannot be looted more than once per session per 5 levels they have, and any looting checks made on a creature while alive are still deducted from the total that can be made against them after they are dead.
Protection plus-circleSafety First: You always keep prophylactics and setting in mind. Provided you have the ability to control the circumstances you are immune to any unwanted side-effects of your romantic activities including infections, pregnancies, and unwanted interruptions.

plus-circleIn Control: You can turn off your allure any time you want. It never affects the game's events unless you're specifically using it to do so.


Social plus-circleHeartbreaker: If you are mean to a subject you have charmed and/or seduced and thus break the effect, you can choose to have the event really emotionally damage them. Heartbroken subjects cannot do anything except mope around and feel sorry for themselves for the rest of the session, which can handily get them out of your way or make sure they cannot perform their normal duties properly for a time. Heartbroken subjects will still probably defend themselves normally if attacked.
Utility plus-circleStride of Pride: After successfully seducing somebody, you can declare any trigger die roll that you make for any reason to be a 12 before you roll it. You must use Stride of Pride before you actually roll the die- once you roll it, it is what it is.

plus-circleShare The Love: If you want, you can also give the benefit of Stride of Pride to whoever you seduced. Their automatic 12 is separate from yours; if one of you uses their benefit, it doesn't affect the other's.

minus-circleRefractory Period: You may use this benefit once, but it refreshes every time you get laid (to a maximum of once per game day).

minus-circleTrigger Dice Only: Stride of Pride cannot be used to alter the results of any dice that are explicitly not trigger dice (such as looting rolls or random mutations).

Pillow Talk

Social plus-circleAfterglow Admission: Every time you seduce a target, they tell you something interesting or useful. If you have something in mind, you can specify what you want to know- otherwise the target's player or the referee comes up with something. Pillow Talk can be used to learn things that were supposed to be kept strictly secret; the target just can't help themselves.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleMilk Information: You can get additional information out of a target.

minus-circleMojo: For every additional piece of useful or interesting information you want, it costs 1 Mojo. If a target simply has nothing more interesting to reveal, the referee tells you so and refunds your Mojo.


Social plus-circleNo Jealousy: It's clear to everybody that you aren't settling down any time soon, and they won't try to interfere with your caddish ways. You may freely use Seducer to charm multiple targets simultaneously. This effect also extends to any actual affairs or trysts you engage in.

minus-circleYou Only, Though: Having an affair can still make somebody mad, just not out of jealousy over YOU. If your lover's spouse comes home early it's still probably going to cause a scene.
Social plus-circleStupid Sexy Flanders: You have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes everybody feel irrational attraction towards you or simply want to try and impress you. You may use Seducer to charm/seduce any creature you are capable of communicating with, not just ones that find you sexually/romantically attractive.


Social plus-circleA Sexy Turn: Intimacy can have a way of changing minds matched by few other social interactions. If you improve your relationship level to Bond with any subject you've seduced (whether directly through seducing them or via any other means) you change their way of thinking in some way. This might mean causing them to switch to your side in a conflict, adopting a different lifestyle of your choosing, making them give up a goal you would find detrimental, or any similar life-altering decision. This change is permanent.

Social Armor

Protection plus-circleToo Pretty To Die: Your allure makes even enemies pause, reluctant to harm you. As an action, you can bat your eyes or make a similar plea at any enemy that you could charm within 10 meters. That enemy has a failure chance of 12 with all attacks made against you until the end of the current conflict.

minus-circleCharm Effect: Enemies that are immune to being charmed for any reason are also immune to the effects of Social Armor.

minus-circleSeduction Effect: You can only use Social Armor against creatures you could seduce, and only one at a time (but if you also know the Player ability you can ignore these limitations).

minus-circleViolent Expiration: If you use an offensive action (such as an attack) against a subject of Social Armor, the effect immediately ends and no longer functions against them for the remainder of the current conflict.