If you've got a lot of things to do, tackle them one at a time! The same simple rule applies both in battle and in the bedroom.

Possible Keystones 1. Organizational flowcharts.
2. Vinyl record of pop single about bouncing.
3. High definition photograph of chain lightning.
4. List of pathfinding algorithms.
5. String of gleaming glass beads.
6. Treatise on chaos theory.

This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.

Sequencer Arc energy between targets.
caret-right Bolt Thrower Increased range.
caret-right Conductor Choose where chains go.
caret-right Momentum Kills empower chaining.
caret-right Multichain Chain more.
caret-right Rerouter Leave allies unharmed.


Offense plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Remote attack against any target within 10 meters.

plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Bleary, Dizzy, or Nauseous conditions to its target.

plus-circleChain Strike: When the trigger die is 7+, the attack chains off the primary target and also strikes a secondary target within 5 meters. The secondary target suffers the same effect as the primary target, including any effects from the trigger die.

plus-circleBackstab: If you attack a target that cannot see you, you deal +2 damage.

minus-circleChain Limits: The secondary target is always whichever creature is closest to the original target (this can be either friend or foe). If multiple targets are equidistant from the original target, determine which one is hit randomly. If there are no other creatures within 5 meters of the original target, the chaining effect does not occur. Chaining effects are blocked by total cover but not partial cover between the primary and secondary targets.

minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-3, mark off 1 Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleForge Chain: You can choose for your Sequencer attack to chain to a secondary target even when the trigger die is not 7+.

minus-circleSupplies: Every time you chain an attack that wasn't normally going to be, you must spend 1 Supplies.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleLonger Range: You can fire at subjects further away than 10 meters, up to a maximum of 100 meters.

minus-circleAccuracy Drop: Shooting at very distant targets carries a failure chance. Failure chance is 3 for targets within 11-20 meters, 6 for targets within 21-50 meters, and 9 for targets within 51-100 meters.
Condition Explanation
bleeding-eye Bleary minus-circle Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment.
ringing-bell Dizzy minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy.

minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action.

plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected.
turd Nauseous minus-circle All weapon attacks cost 1 Energy in addition to any normal costs they may have.

minus-circle Cannot double attack during a round.

plus-circle Weapon attacks made for free (without spending any actions) are unaffected.

Bolt Thrower

Offense plus-circleFar Away: You can use Sequencer attacks on targets within 20 meters instead of the normal 10.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleLonger Range: You can fire at subjects further away than 20 meters, up to a maximum of 200 meters.

minus-circleAccuracy Drop: Shooting at very distant targets carries a failure chance. Failure chance is 3 for targets within 21-50 meters, 6 for targets within 51-100 meters, and 9 for targets within 101-200 meters.
Offense plus-circleLong Links: When the attack jumps to a new target, it can jump a maximum of 10 meters instead of 5.


Offense plus-circleChain Control: When the attack jumps to a new target, you choose where it goes instead of always going to the nearest available target. The next target in the chain must be within 5 meters of the last target (or 10 meters if you also know the Bolt Thrower ability), but doesn't need to be the closest one. Total cover between two targets prevents you from chaining an attack between them as normal.


Offense plus-circleFeedback Loop: Any subject killed by this attack immediately causes the attack to chain off them to hit a new subject. Momentum chains do not count against the normal limit on total chains and happen regardless of the result on the trigger die. So long as each new chainstrike also kills its target, there is no theoretical upper limit to how many times a single attack can chain with this ability (but the effect is restrained to the local area or single dungeon node).


Offense plus-circleUbercharge: The attack always chains regardless of the trigger die result. When the trigger die result is 7+, it chains twice (hitting up to three targets instead of two). When the trigger die result is 10+, it chains four times (hitting up to five targets). Each target must be within 5 meters of the previous target and is chosen by the same method.

minus-circleNo Backsies: No single creature can be affected by a single Sequencer attack more than once. Once they've been hit (whether or not they suffered any damage from the hit), they are no longer a valid target for further chains and will be passed over even if they're the closest creature to the last one hit.


Protection plus-circlePass Them Over: Every time the attack jumps to a new creature, you can choose not to hurt them with it.

plus-circleNo Resistance: When you chain a target without hurting them, they don't count against the maximum number of targets for a single attack and you can immediately chain off them again to hit a different target.

minus-circleNo Backsies: No single creature can be affected by a single Sequencer attack more than once. Once they've been hit (whether or not they suffered any damage from the hit), they are no longer a valid target for further chains and will be passed over even if they're the closest creature to the last one hit.