If lightning is the wrath of the gods, then the gods clearly care little for us but really fucking hate trees.

Electricity is an element with strong connotations in both scientific and mystical settings, albeit not exactly the same ones in both. It's also a fairly versatile one that gives solid options for offense, defense and control; the Battery ability in particular gives an accessible healing option to creatures with the Synthetic weakness, making the archetype a popular pick for robots.

Tesla Wield electricity.
caret-right Battery Heal via electricity.
caret-right Feedback Proximity's dangerous.
caret-right Polarize Utilize attraction.
caret-right Relay Charge them up freely.
caret-right Spark Steps Shock more frequently.


Offense plus-circleTaser Time: As an action, you may inflict the Charged condition on any subject within throwing range (0-10 meters).

minus-circleWeaponized: This ability suffers failure chances from cover, concealment, and size differences between yourself and your target just like weapon attacks do.

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when inflicting the Charged condition this way. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot use this ability if you have no Supplies remaining.
Offense plus-circleShock and Awe: You know how to enhance your weapons with electricity. Whenever you make any weapon attack and the trigger die is 10+, you inflict the Charged condition to your target in addition to all of that attack's normal effects (damage, conditions, etc).

minus-circleMonoelemental: Your weapon attacks can only inflict a single elemental condition on a 10+ at a time. If you have levels in multiple elemental archetype, you pick which condition your 10+ trigger die attacks inflict each time.
Condition Explanation
battery-black Charged minus-circle After each action taken, roll a trigger die. If 1-4, lose 1 Energy.

plus-circle Free actions are unaffected.

plus-circle Recovery actions are unaffected.


Protection plus-circleGrounded: You are completely immune to the Charged condition.
Protection plus-circleLightning Eater: When you would gain the Charged condition, you instead regain up to 2 points of lost Energy by absorbing the incoming electricity. This happens immediately after resolving damage taken from the source of the Charged condition, if any.

plus-circleMmmm, Fresh Zap: You can remove the Charged condition from any adjacent target as an action. Doing so restores 2 Energy to you and does not harm the target at all.


Offense plus-circleConnecting Arc: When a subject that you have currently inflicted the Charged condition to ends their turn within 5 meters of any other subject you have currently inflicted the Charged condition to, both subjects lose 1 Energy (or Flesh if they have no more Energy). Successfully recovering from the Charged condition prevents damage from this ability. Any given subject can be damaged a maximum of once via Feedback, regardless of how many other charged targets are nearby.
Offense plus-circleStatic Shock: When you inflict the Charged condition to any target, you may also choose to immediately inflict it on any targets in physical contact with your primary target (such as via grabbing/being grabbed by/riding on/being carried by them).

plus-circleSpreading Current: When you inflict the Charged condition to any target in physical contact with any highly conductive substance (this generally means water or metal), you may also choose to immediately inflict it on all other targets within 5 meters of the primary that are in physical contact with the same conductive substance.
Utility plus-circleUtility Zap: You can give the Charged condition to inanimate objects the same way you would give it to creatures. Since objects by definition cannot take actions of their own, this is largely harmless to them (but allows you to utilize them for combos with Feedback, move towards/target them with Polarize, suck out their energy for a self-heal later with Battery, or whatever other uses you can come up with).

plus-circleLonger Lasting: Charged inanimate objects remain charged until the end of the current exploration turn.


Offense plus-circleUnerring Attraction: Your charged weapons are drawn automatically toward charged targets. You ignore failure chances from concealment and reduce size-based failure chances by 6 when attacking any subject that currently has the Charged condition.
Movement plus-circleRide the Lightning: Whenever you inflict the Charged condition to a subject, you may choose to move up to 2 spaces closer to that subject than you were before as a free action.

plus-circleComing At You: If an enemy inflicts the Charged condition to you (or tries and fails, if you have the Battery ability) you may move up to two spaces closer to them than you were before as a free action. This is resolved immediately after their action.


Offense plus-circleElectric Oprah: When you inflict the Charged condition to a target by throwing it at them and the trigger die is 7+, doing so retroactively becomes a free action. You can do this an unlimited number of times per turn so long as your luck holds.

minus-circleNon-Integrated Only: The effects of Relay do not apply when you inflict the Charged condition with a weapon attack whose trigger die is 10+.

minus-circleStaked Effort: You need to have at least one action remaining and commit to possibly using it. You cannot attempt to use Relay to get free actions after you've already used all your actions during a turn.

Spark Steps

Offense plus-circleWalk n' Shock: Careless walking often leads to completing a circuit. If a target you've inflicted the Charged condition to makes a movement action of any kind (walk, sprint, jump, etc) then they lose 1 Energy afterwards on a trigger die roll of 1-8 instead of 1-4.

plus-circleTricky Defusal: Targets you've inflicted the Charged condition to must roll a trigger die after taking recovery actions just like they would for any other action.