Of course it's a trap. Everything's a trap- this adventuring lifestyle we lead, for example. You've just got to ask yourself if you think you're good enough to get away with the bait.

Any adventurer that does their share of dungeon-delving is bound to run across a few traps, and if they have levels in Trapper they can set their own. Traps remove 1-3 Flesh from whoever stumbles into them, making them potentially deadly in combat and a surefire resource drain outside of it. This also means that they are one of the few available non-weapon means of dealing direct damage.

Trapper Set traps.
caret-right Actuation Fancier triggers.
caret-right Area Trap Wider area of effect.
caret-right Paranoia Set them retroactively.
caret-right Resetting They reset themselves.
caret-right Security Protect and control.


Offense plus-circleDungeon Classic: As an action, you can set a trap in any adjacent space. When any other creature (or object, or whatever- traps can be sprung just by throwing junk onto them) enters that space, the trap is sprung on them.

plus-circleGuaranteed Pain: When a trap is sprung on a creature, that creature loses 1 Flesh. Traps completely bypass Attention and Energy and are unaffected by combat ratings (Melee, Remote, Whelm) of either the trapper or the trapped.

plus-circleHidden: If you didn't see a trap being set, then it can be hard to spot. When creatures come within detection distance of a trap (10 meters or the same room, whichever is less) roll a trigger die. If the result is 5+, the creature does not sense the trap. A given creature has only one chance to sense any given trap- if they fail they are permanently ignorant to the trap's existence unless they ascertain its presence in some other way. Roll a maximum of once per round no matter how many creatures come in contact with your trap or how many traps you've clustered in an area.

plus-circleElemental Boost: If you have a level in one or more elemental archetypes (such as Firebug or Poisoner) that add elemental conditions to attacks, your traps also automatically inflict those conditions to whoever they hit.

minus-circleSaw That: Any creature that is observing you when you lay a trap knows that the trap is there automatically with no need to roll a trigger die.

minus-circleOne and Done: Once a trap's been sprung, it becomes useless and cannot be sprung again. Unsprung traps disappear at the end of the session.

minus-circleUnder Pressure: Traps require a creature to exert some amount of pressure on their space in order to be sprung- jumping, flying or hovering creatures do not spring traps.

minus-circleSize Troubles: If the creature setting off your trap is a different size category than you are, roll a trigger die when they do it. Traps have a failure chance against such targets of 3 per difference in category, just like weapon attacks. Traps that fail to harm their springer are still considered sprung.

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when setting a trap- if the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot set traps if you have no Supplies remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleReal Twisted: You can choose to lay traps that remove 2 or 3 points of Flesh from whoever triggers them instead of the normal 1.

minus-circlePricier: Traps that remove 2 Flesh cost Supplies on a trigger die roll of 1-6. Traps that remove 3 Flesh always cost supplies with no trigger die roll required.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleLong-Range Setup: You can deploy your traps to anywhere within throwing range (0-10 meters) instead of only into adjacent spaces.

minus-circleHard Work: Throwing out a trap instead of just setting it down causes you to lose 1 Energy.


Offense plus-circleProximity: Your traps are fitted with motion detection systems. Jumping, floating or flying creatures now trigger your traps just like land-walkers so long as they pass no more than half a meter or so above where they are.
Utility plus-circleAltered Trigger: Instead of being set to trigger when a creature enters their space, you can also choose to cause your traps to trigger when interacting with something in the environment (turning a doorknob, opening a book, looking into a hole, or similar.)
Utility plus-circleDisplaced: Your trap's trigger and effect no longer need to be in the same place. You can specify any space within 20 meters of the trap's trigger to be struck by the trap's effect when it gets sprung.
Utility plus-circleDelayed: The trap no longer needs to go off immediately after being sprung. You can specify a delay of anything from one round to several days after the trap is triggered before it actually goes off, hitting whatever's in the target space at the time.

Area Trap

Offense plus-circleWide Mechanism: When your trap gets sprung, it hurts not only the creature that sprang it but every other creature within 2 meters of its location.
Offense plus-circleOverwhelming Effect: All failure chances from differing size categories between yourself and your trap's target(s) are reduced by 12.


Offense plus-circleFortress Mentality: Whenever combat breaks out, you can declare that you have trapped the battlefield retroactively. Indicate a single location on the battle map to add your trap to and roll to consume Supplies as normal. None of your enemies (or optionally, your allies) saw you place this trap.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleExtra Paranoia: You can retroactively set up to three traps instead of only one.

minus-circlePlausibility Test: You can only set three traps in an area that you've previously spent at least a procedure of time in during the current session.


Utility plus-circleReuseable: Your traps are much more permanent than normal. Whenever one of your traps is sprung, it automatically resets itself and becomes ready to be sprung again at the end of the exploration turn. You do not need to re-spend any Supplies, actions, or even need to be present/alive in order for this to happen.

plus-circleAncient Temple, Functioning Traps: Your traps don't get removed at the end of the session.

minus-circleNot Invincible: Anybody that knows your trap is there can spend a procedure sabotaging/jamming it up, which shuts it down. Any other effect that would likewise render it inoperable (like burying it in rubble or something) can likewise be assumed to remove your trap.


Protection plus-circleDeftness: You are immune to your own traps and can freely pas through anywhere you've trapped without springing them on yourself.
Utility plus-circleNoise Trap: You can choose to include an alarm in any trap you set. When alarmed traps get sprung they create a loud noise, trigger an alarm, cause a psychic shockwave or otherwise get the attention of everything in the general vicinity.

plus-circleMy Watch Just Beeped: Alternately, you can choose to make an alarmed trap alert you and only you when they are triggered. This works across any distance.
Utility plus-circleLockdown: You can link your trap to a door, window, treasure chest or other lockable object within 20 meters. When the trap is sprung, the object slams shut and is locked.
Utility plus-circleNonlethal: You can choose to make your traps nonlethal. If a nonlethal trap would remove a creature's last point of Flesh, it does not remove any Flesh and knocks them unconscious instead.
Protection plus-circleDisarmament: If you are aware of the existence of a trap in any adjacent space, you can spend an action to disarm it and render it completely harmless.

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when disarming a trap in this manner. If the result is a 1-3, then doing so costs 1 point of Supplies. You cannot disarm traps this way if you have no Supplies remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleBypass: Instead of disarming a trap, you can bypass it. A bypassed trap becomes harmless to you and any of your allies you care to explain your tricks to, but remains fully operational and dangerous to anyone or anything else.

minus-circleLonger Process: Bypassing a trap instead of simply disarming it takes a procedure instead of a single action.