Rioters, comedians and terrorizers of horny teenagers all agree: you don't want to let them know who you really are.

Before you light a torch, there could be anything and nothing waiting for you in the darkness. This uncertainty is the stock-in-trade for a Darkseeker, who harnesses it in a supernatural and very primal way to do things that shouldn't be possible. But not, you know, if anybody can see them. The archetype synergizes extremely well with both Shadow (to turn partial concealment into complete concealment) and Smoker (to create concealment anywhere).

Darkseeker Spooky powers in the dark.
caret-right Blind Spot Remove yourself from perception.
caret-right Dark Reach Quantum positioning.
caret-right Darkvision See in the dark.
caret-right Heisenberg Teleport when unobserved.
caret-right Shrouded Universal concealment defense.


Protection plus-circleFade To Black: When you have complete concealment, all failure chances on attacks made against you are 12 instead of 6.

minus-circleThe Unshrouded: Darkseeker has no effect when you only have partial concealment (unless you also have the Shadow archetype and are using it to treat partial concealment as full).

Blind Spot

Protection plus-circleOutside Perception: There are other ways of not being seen than cloaking yourself in darkness. As an action, you can make yourself completely invisible to any single creature of your choice within 20 meters. Their eyes simply slide right over you without registering that you're there. This grants you complete concealment, but only from your chosen target.

minus-circleBlink and It's Over: This effect disappears at the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleMojo: Roll a trigger die when using this ability. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Mojo. You cannot use this ability if you have no Mojo remaining.

Dark Reach

Movement plus-circleCould Be Anywhere: If nobody can see you, then your exact position is more flexible. So long as you are not currently being observed, you may treat your effective position as being anywhere within 5 meters of your actual position for purposes of using weapon attacks or other ability effects. This can be useful for shooting around cover while simultaneously hiding behind it, backstabbing targets from the front, or similar shenanigans.

minus-circleNot There: Both your actual and effective positions must be hidden for this trick to work. If somebody is actively observing any space within 5 meters of you, you cannot treat it as your effective position.


Utility plus-circleSee In The Dark: You ignore concealment from darkness within 20 meters of your location, and treat all darkness-based concealment as one step less severe within 50 meters (darkness is treated as dim light, dim light is treated as full light.)

plus-circleDelver: You can freely navigate through and search dungeon nodes without the use of a light source.

minus-circleMy Special Eyes: This ability does not actually light up darkened spaces and grants no benefits to anyone but yourself.

minus-circleThat Veil's Too Thick: Concealment from sources other than darkness (fog, foliage, whatever) is unaffected by the Darkvision ability.


Movement plus-circleUncertainty Principle: As an action, you can teleport to any location within 20 meters that you're at least somewhat familiar with (being able to see it or having seen it before is enough).

minus-circleAway, Prying Eyes: You cannot use Heisenberg to teleport if either you or your target destination are being directly observed by anybody at the moment you do it. Except for yourself, obviously. Or, like, a random frog or something that has no investment or importance in anything you do anyway.

doubledTeleporter Synergy: If you have at least one level in the Teleporter archetype, you may teleport up to 50 meters using the Heisenberg ability instead of the normal 20.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleUnknowable: Every time you are about to be seen, you can use this ability to teleport away as a free action right before you are revealed.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you teleport away the instant before you would have been seen, you must spend one Mojo.


Protection plus-circleUntouchable: Attacks against you that normally suffer no failure chance from concealment (such as many Whelm-type attacks) now suffer a failure chance of 3 from partial concealment and 6 from total.
Protection plus-circleClose The Inner Eye: Opponents cannot use the Blind-Fight ability from the Striker archetype to ignore concealment when attacking you. It just doesn't function at all when you're the intended target.