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You ever notice how those enormous cyclops bastards are absolute crack shots with their boulders? Doesn't make any sense, but it's true. Anyway, put this eye patch on; I want to try something.

Anybody with a weapon-using archetype knows how to use them competently, but a Striker makes attacks with next-level precision. This is useful but also somewhat situational, making Striker a great archetype for adventurers that consider themselves primarily warriors but a more mediocre one for adventurers that prefer solving problems other ways.

Striker Attack with uncanny accuracy.
caret-right Blind-Fight Ignore concealment.
caret-right Deadeye Deadly accuracy with projectiles.
caret-right Foebreaker Critically hit more often.
caret-right Gapmaker Exclude targets from area attacks.
caret-right Hunter Hit differently-sized targets.


Offense plus-circleTrue Strike: If you make an attack that fails for any reason (cover, concealment, size differences, special attack effects, etc) you can choose to make it succeed instead.

minus-circleMojo: Making an attack succeed that would have otherwise failed costs 1 Mojo.

minus-circleNo Impossibilities: You can only use Striker to make an attack succeed if it had a remote possibility of success in the first place. Attacking something behind total cover or outside of your normal range still won't work, Striker or no.

plus-circleImprobabilities Are Fine Though: Stacking failure chances above 12 don't make an attack impossible because all attacks always hit on a 12, therefore you can use Striker to make a hit land that you'd normally need to roll a 12 for.


Offense plus-circleZatoichi: You completely ignore failure chance from concealment within 2 meters, and treat all concealment out to a range of 5 meters as being one step less severe than it actually is (complete concealment acts as partial concealment, partial concealment is ignored.)

minus-circleYou Can't Actually See Though: Ignoring failure chance from concealment is not the same as ignoring concealment. You still can't perform any vision-based activity effectively in total concealment, it just doesn't hinder you from fighting effectively.


Offense plus-circleSniper: You can use all Remote-type weapons to perform assassination strikes, which instantly kill their target. Assassination requires a target to be completely clueless that they are in danger from you and for their level to be equal to or less than your own.
Offense plus-circlePoint-Blank: When using a Remote weapon to attack any target within 5 meters, you deal +2 damage.


Offense plus-circleImproved Criticals: You critically hit with all weapons on a trigger die result of 11-12 instead of only on 12. When targeting a creature that currently has the Cracked condition, you critically hit on a 9+.


Offense plus-circleShotgun Surgeon: When using any Whelm attack that hits multiple spaces, you can intentionally leave one target unharmed/space unaffected that would otherwise have been hit.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleMulti-Gapped: You can choose to exclude any number of targets from an area effect that would have otherwise been hit.

minus-circleMojo: Excluding two or more targets from an area effect costs 1 point of Mojo.


Offense plus-circleBig Game, Small Game, All the Same: All failure chances from attacking targets larger or smaller than yourself with any weapon are reduced by 12 (to a minimum of 0).

plus-circleStacking Benefit: This reduction stacks with any inherent reductions that certain weapon types have when attacking differently-sized targets (such as a Dragonslayer's inherent reduction against larger targets, a Concoctionist's inherent reduction against smaller foes, or a Grenadier's inherent reduction against both).
striker.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 08:12 by kyle