I'm not even going to ask why you have a little figurine of yourself, much less why you're having the dog lick peanut butter off it. Some things truly are best left unknown.

Possible Keystones 1. Hand-sewn poppet doll.
2. Inscribed chicken skull.
3. Illustrated retelling of the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
4. Dartboard with a picture of somebody's face pasted on.
5. Legal name-changing paperwork.
6. Silver candle-snuffer.

This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.

Effigist Harm via sympathetic magic.
caret-right Dollies Increased number and versatility of effigies.
caret-right Masker They suffer as you do.
caret-right Patchwork Protective effigies.
caret-right Puppeteer Force them to move.
caret-right Scrying Find and communicate with targets.


Offense plus-circleBuild-A-Victim: By spending an action, you can fabricate an effigy of a specific subject. You must have an effigy of a subject in order to attack that subject with this weapon.

minus-circleMaterial Component: Creating a new effigy costs 1 Supplies.

minus-circleLimitations: You must know approximately what a subject looks like in order to create an effigy of them. Every effigy you create is bound to a single, specific creature and cannot be used to attack any others. Effigies take up one slot each when stored in your inventory.
Offense plus-circleHollywood Voodoo: As an action, you may make a Remote attack against any target within 20 meters (21-50 meters with a failure chance of 3, 51-100 meters with a failure chance of 6, 101-200 meters with a failure chance of 9).

plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Leaking, Sore, or Vulnerable conditions to its target after damage is dealt.

plus-circleInevitable: This weapon is very difficult to avoid. Concealment and cover are both ignored and convey no failure chance. Failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12.

plus-circleWater Capable: This weapon works just fine when underwater.

minus-circleLimitations: The magics binding the effigy and its target are not strictly one-way. When the trigger die is 1-3, the target immediately learns exactly where you are (if they didn't already know).
Condition Explanation
broken-bottle Leaking minus-circle When consuming any resource (Provisions/Supplies/Mojo), consume +1 additional point if possible.
player-pain Sore minus-circle Do not automatically regain lost Attention at the beginning of each round.
falling Vulnerable minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage.


Offense plus-circleMy Little Pretties: You can fit up to three effigies in a single inventory slot.

plus-circleDeathly Binding: If you can incorporate something related to a victim into the effigy you create of them (either a part of their body or a significant personal item) then all attacks made through this improved effigy deal +2 damage.


Protection plus-circleTwined Fates: The magics binding your effigies with their victims also partially entangle you. Every time you are damaged by any weapon attack, you may make an Effigist attack as a free action against any subject you have an effigy of.

minus-circleRough Use: Every time you make a free attack using Masker, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, the effigy you used is destroyed immediately afterwards.


Protection plus-circleDorian Gray: When an ally (including yourself) gains any standard or elemental condition and you have an effigy of them in your inventory, you can choose to have the effigy suffer instead of the ally it represents. This prevents the ally in question from gaining the condition at all.

minus-circleLimits: In order for you to protect an ally with this ability, they must be within 50 meters of your position and you must be able to see (or otherwise sense) them at the moment that they would normally gain the condition.

minus-circleStrain: Whenever you choose to protect an ally from a condition using an effigy, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, the effigy is destroyed.
Protection doubledWitch Doctor: If you have any targeted beneficial ability you can use on your allies (such as from the Healer, Martyr, Aegis, Tactician etc archetypes), you can grant those benefits to any ally within 50 meters by targeting their effigy instead of them.


Offense plus-circleGonna Make You Move: When the trigger die result is a 10+, you can force the target to make a movement to a location you specify. This movement happens immediately after your attack and does not cost the target an action, as their body is moving of its own accord. You can freely use this ability to move a target into danger, such as through a field of caltrops or off the edge of a cliff.

minus-circleLimitations: You must be able to directly observe a target location in order to compel your victim to move there. The victim can only move as far as it could by spending one action under normal circumstances: distance is limited by their movement speed (normally 5 meters) and any impairments or ability effects that limit movement also prevent you from moving them. You cannot force a target to sprint with this free movement.


Utility plus-circleFind the Thimble: By taking an action to concentrate on one of your effigies, you can learn the current emotional state of the creature it represents. If said creature is currently within 100 meters of you, this ability also reveals their exact location.

plus-circleWhispers: By speaking softly to an effigy, you can make the creature it represents hear your voice in its head if you are within 100 meters of their location. The target creature has no way of responding to your whispers.