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Pickles are protected by being sealed in individual jars, but the moment you try and apply the same principle to people they call you a “madman”.

The Aegis is a heavily defensive-oriented archetype that allows for shareable buffs instead of only guarding yourself. A party supported by a tactically-minded Aegis can survive a lot of punishment, though Supplies consumption will always be an issue for those who don't use the archetype judiciously.

Aegis Create depletable shields.
caret-right Afterglow Convert to Energy.
caret-right Retort Punish aggressors.
caret-right Sympathetic Protect others, protect yourself.
caret-right Synchronized Defend from each other, renew themselves.
caret-right Throw Barrier Increased range.


Protection plus-circleForce Field: As an action, you can give +2 “Barrier” to yourself or any creature within 1 meter of you, which acts as a sort of fourth hit point resource alongside Attention, Energy, and Flesh. Barrier points can be spent by any creature that has them to cancel incoming weapon damage on a 1-for-1 basis. Once it's used to cancel a point of incoming damage, a Barrier point is lost.

plus-circleStackable: Barrier can be stacked on a single target without any upper limit.

minus-circleWeapon Damage Only: Barrier cannot be used to negate losses of Attention, Energy or Flesh from any abilities or effects other than weapon attacks.

minus-circleEventual Fade: Unused Barrier fade and are lost at the end of each exploration turn.

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when you give someone Barrier. If the result is 1-6, you lose one Supplies. You cannot give Barrier if you have no Supplies remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleMega Barrier: You can choose to grant +5 Barrier to your target instead of the normal +2.

minus-circleSupplies: Granting +5 Barrier to a subject always costs 1 Supplies with no trigger die roll involved.


Protection plus-circleEnergy Conversion: Your protective fields can transfer their energy directly to their subjects. Any creature that you've given Barrier to can choose to convert any amount of Barrier points into points of Energy instead at any time as a free action.

plus-circlePure Source: Barrier points created by another creature that doesn't know this ability can be used in this way anyway so long as they are stacked concurrently with Barrier points created by you.


Protection plus-circlePainful Response: Any attacker that depletes your subject's Barrier points instantly takes damage equal to half the Barrier they removed (round fractions down). This damage is typeless and cannot be reduced or avoided in any way.

plus-circlePure Source: Barrier points created by another creature that doesn't know this ability can be used in this way anyway so long as they are stacked concurrently with Barrier points created by you.


Protection plus-circlePlacer's Boon: When you grant +2 Barrier to any other creature, you also grant +1 Barrier to yourself for free. When you grant +5 Barrier to any other creature, you also grant +2 Barrier to yourself for free.

minus-circleUnselfish: You gain no special bonus or benefit from placing Barrier directly on yourself.


Protection plus-circleCollateral Shield: Barrier points you place can be spent to negate friendly fire damage at a rate of 1-to-5 instead of the normal 1-to-1. Friendly fire damage is defined as any weapon damage coming from an attacker that would rather not hurt the subject if they had a choice, such as attackers using weapons with a wide area of effect that happen to catch an ally inside them or attackers that are currently being confused, mind-controlled or manipulated in some way into attacking their allies.

minus-circleSudden but Inevitable Betrayal: If an attacker is striking with full will and desire to harm, this ability has no effect even if you thought they were your friend.

plus-circlePure Source: Barrier points created by another creature that doesn't know this ability can be used in this way anyway so long as they are stacked concurrently with Barrier points created by you.
Protection plus-circleRenewing: Any creature that performs a recovery action while having at least 1 active Barrier point from you gains +1 Barrier.

Throw Barrier

Protection plus-circleRanged Blessing: You can give Barrier to anyone within throwing range (0-10 meters) instead of only adjacent targets.
aegis.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 13:39 by kyle