Keep your eyes open, you never know what will be helpful. There's a bagel on the table there. Take bagel, use bagel on raccoon? No, try give raccoon bagel. Nice! Open hatch, North. Now we're getting somewhere.

Investigators know that there are cracks everywhere, if you know where to look for them. Their abilities of perception range from the uncanny to the awe-inspiring, but are never necessarily supernatural in nature and thus the archetype can be available in a wide range of settings.

Investigator Make uncanny observations.
caret-right Intuition Search for intangible qualities.
caret-right Sharpeye Immunity to Bleary, find extra resources.
caret-right Sherlock Deduce from the clues.
caret-right Target Definition Know where they are.
caret-right Truesight See the truth.


Utility plus-circleInstant Search: When in a dungeon situation, you can perform a search procedure in your current node instantly. Your party can help and make suggestions during the search as usual; the only difference is that it doesn't take any time.

minus-circleMojo: Roll a trigger die when making an instant search. If the result is 1-6, then doing so cost 1 Mojo. You cannot make instant searches if you have no Mojo remaining.
Utility plus-circleEavesdropper: You can clearly make out and understand voices and noises that would be too muffled or distorted for anyone else to understand. Any circumstances that would make a sound completely imperceptible prevents you from using this ability to understand it.

plus-circleLip-Reader: If you can see somebody's face when they're talking, you know exactly what they're saying regardless of whether they're perceptible enough to hear or not.


Utility plus-circleHints: Up to once per exploration turn, you may specify an abstract quality such as “dangerous”, “useful” or “valuable”. The referee will tell you what, if anything, within your current location is/has the most of the given quality.


Utility plus-circleExtra Jingle: You have a knack for finding useful bits and pieces that others would overlook. Whenever you search a node in a dungeon, roll a trigger die. If the result is 9+, you also find 1 point of a resource of your choice (Provisions, Supplies, Mojo) there.

minus-circleDry Stones: No matter how many times you search a node, you can only attempt to get extra resources out of it once.

plus-circleFresh Eyes: Allies that also know the Sharpeye ability can make their own attempts in a node you've already used Sharpeye in, however.
Protection plus-circleThat Is The Purpose Of The Goggles: You are completely immune to the Bleary condition.
Condition Explanation
bleeding-eye Bleary minus-circle Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment.


Utility plus-circleForensics: When you search an area, you gain an understanding of the sequence of most significant events that happened there recently. For example, at a murder scene you gain information about where/how the victim was killed, how many creatures were involved, what was left behind, and similar details. The referee describes the clues and markers you find and what they mean. The most important things that the referee must reveal if at all applicable: what happened here, and how?

plus-circleConstruct a Timeline: You also gain a solid estimate of the exact time in the past at which every individual event that left clues for you to follow happened. Your timeline is always accurate in terms of which events happened in what order, and close to accurate in terms of absolute time depending on how long ago they happened. For example, you could probably narrow down something that happened last night to within 15 minutes of its actual time, but something that happened centuries ago might get you no closer than a year or two.
Utility plus-circleBiography: Once per exploration turn you can learn details such as origin, nationality, marital status and so forth about a single target simply by observing them. You can ask one question about a target and get an honest answer without actually asking them anything at all- or alternately, you can just ask the referee to tell you something illuminating or interesting about the target that isn't readily apparent at first glance.

minus-circleVisually Cued: This ability reveals information relevant to a target's background, personality or hobbies but not necessarily specific information they know (such as where they hid the diamonds).

Target Definition

Utility plus-circleI'll Always Find You: Once you've seen (or otherwise sensed) a creature clearly and directly, they can no longer hide from you. You know the exact location of any creature you've seen during the current exploration turn until the turn ends even if you currently cannot see them.

plus-circleNo Cover In Darkness: If you've already seen a creature during the current exploration turn, you ignore all failure chances from concealment against the target until the turn ends.


Utility plus-circlePierce the Veil: As an action, you can choose to see the truth of all things within 20 meters of your location until the beginning of your next turn. This pierces all forms of stealth, disguise, illusion or camouflage including but not limited to those created by the following archetypes:
Abomination: Insensible
Darkseeker: Blind Spot
Ghoul: Fetch
Spirit (when trying to appear mundane)
Thief: Duplicity
Undead: Masquerade

minus-circleYou Only: Truesight does not actually dispel trickery, only reveal the truth underneath it to you. You can share your information with allies, but they'll have to take your word for it.

minus-circleMojo: Roll a trigger die when using Truesight. If the result is 1-3, then doing so cost 1 Mojo.