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It's not a crime to dress like a nun! I wasn't even in the convent to steal anything this time, I just wanted to get laid.

If you're an adventurer that likes solving problems in ways that don't involve stabbing and you don't mind lying your ass off to do it, Charlatan is a highly useful archetype. Masters of disguise exist in almost any setting, making this archetype also easy to conceptually justify. If you want to make sure your lies are extra plausible, consider also investing time as a Trickster.

Charlatan Pretend to be something you're not.
caret-right Alter Ego Create alternate identities.
caret-right Face Artist More efficient and universal disguisery.
caret-right Impersonation Look like somebody specific.
caret-right Possum Play dead.
caret-right Uncanny Do as you're disguised.


Social plus-circleDisguise: You make yourself not recognizable as yourself through the use of makeup, latex, illusion or similar aesthetic trickery. You can freely change your perceived coloration, age, weight, ethnicity, sex, or similar. You cannot change your perceived species or radically change your body type, nor can you make yourself look precisely like another creature who already exists. Your voice, scent, and mannerisms remain unchanged.

minus-circleSelf Only: Part of your immense skill with disguises stems from your intimate familiarity with your own face/body. You cannot craft convincing disguises for anyone other than yourself.

minus-circleSlow Application: It takes a procedure of continuous work to apply a disguise. You can remove a disguise as a single action.

minus-circleSkin-Deep: Your disguise only works when nobody examines it too closely. Makeup tends to smudge off, wigs go askew, etc. If you partake in too much physical activity, get soaked in water, get intimate with somebody, or some similar circumstance your disguise is ruined. The GM decides when and if this happens and will probably warn you of the potential for such if possible.

minus-circleCheck-Based: Roll a trigger die when you encounter anybody who's familiar with you. If the result is 5+, they don't recognize you; if not, then they see through the disguise. Once you've fooled a given creature once, they stay fooled until the end of the session.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleRoguish Deflection: If you get recognized, you can distract whoever's about to spot you right before they can put it together. This allows you to retry if you'd like.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you avoid getting recognized after a botched disguise check, you must spend 1 Mojo.

Alter Ego

Social plus-circleAlter Ego: You can create an alternate identity for yourself you can switch to by switching up your disguise. Your alternate identity has their own name, reputation and everything required to exist (if you play in a setting with social security numbers and credit cards, your alternate identity has their own).

plus-circleFlawless Mask: When in disguise as a specific alter ego, you cannot be recognized as yourself and no longer need to make Disguise checks when encountering others who are familiar with you.

plus-circleRenewable: You can burn an alternate identity or create a new one at any time. You have no limitation on how many alternate identities you can have at once.

minus-circleFraudster's Price: It takes a fair bit of time and effort to set up an entire alternative identity that won't fall apart on close inspection. Creating a new identity costs 5 Dosh, but once set up it never expires or becomes unusable unless you want it to.

Face Artist

Utility plus-circleQuick Change: You can change disguises as a single action rather than requiring a procedure.
Utility plus-circleShared Disguisery: You can disguise somebody else as quickly and well as you disguise yourself.
Utility plus-circleFashionista: You can provide any sort of clothing, uniform or costume on demand. Doing so requires a procedure as you dig through your collection.
Utility plus-circleMorph: The disguise is either incredibly durable or actually physically changes your body somehow (making it biological in nature rather than mere trickery). In any case, your disguises cannot be ruined by any external circumstances.

plus-circleSmells Right: Your scent is changed to match your disguise.

plus-circleMore Versatility: You can disguise yourself as a similar or related species. For example, a human could be disguised as an elf or a chimp but not as a squid. You gain no special qualities or abilities of your new form, only its shape and appearance.


Social plus-circleMirroring: You can craft disguises that look exactly like another creature that already exists. You must be familiar with the creature you are impersonating in order to disguise yourself as them.

plus-circleMimickry: You disguise also alters your voice and your mannerisms.

minus-circleIncreased Danger: When disguised as a specific other individual, you run the risk of being discovered (and thus need to make disguise checks when encountering) not only by those who are familiar with you, but also those who are familiar with the one you are impersonating.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleInfiltrator: At any time during a session, you can go off on your own (effectively removing yourself from the party and proceedings temporarily). Later, you can declare that some chump background character in the vicinity of the rest of your party reveals themselves as you in disguise. For instance, when your party is facing off against Lord Toastwanker you could interrupt the proceedings by saying that Toast-Henchman #3 was actually you all along and immediately stab Lord Toastwanker in the back.

minus-circleCheck Required: Roll a disguise check when you reveal yourself: if the result is a failure whoever you were impersonating immediately shows up right as you pull off the disguise (and they may have brought help). Unlike normal disguise checks, you cannot spend Mojo to get a second chance at this one.

minus-circleParty-Bound: You can't choose to reveal yourself anywhere except in the vicinity of the rest of your party (so if they failed to get past the toast-guards, so did you). While you are gone the game goes on without you and you don't have any direct effect on the proceedings until you rejoin by revealing your disguise.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you drop out of the proceedings to go undercover, you must spend 1 Mojo.


Utility plus-circleJuliet's Repose: You can convincingly pretend to be dead through self-hypnosis, chemical assistance or other trickery- your heartbeat slows, your breathing lessens, and your temperature drops. When a creature examines your “corpse”, make a disguise check to hide the fact that you're faking it. You remain fully aware while feigning death and can stop at any time.

minus-circlePut Yourself Under: Faking your own death requires a procedure of uninterrupted concentration to pull off.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleI Am Slain: You can pretend you are dead instantly at any time, including as an immediate reaction to taking damage (so you can make it look like the damage killed you).

minus-circleMojo: Every time you instantly “drop dead”, you must spend 1 Mojo.

also fools undead's lifesight


Utility plus-circleMethod Acting: When disguised as something else, you can know or do things that your disguise could do even if you normally couldn't. For example, if you're disguised as an American tourist you could respond to a question in English with a flawless accent even if you don't actually know the language, if you're disguised as a corpse (using Possum) you could show no reaction at all to being stabbed, or if you're disguised as Lord Toastwanker (using Impersonation) you could enter the password to his computer even though you don't know it.

minus-circleBe Fast: Your uncanny imitations fall apart if you try to keep them up too long. You can only use this ability to do things that can be accomplished in approximately five seconds or less.

minus-circleMojo: Making an uncanny imitation costs 1 point of Mojo.
charlatan.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/24 16:09 by kyle