The gyroscopically-stabilized terrarium/dollhouse mounted on top of the device is home to a tiny poison toad named Mr. Sanders who wears a darling little tuxedo. Depress the trigger to violently empty the emulsified contents of his darling little septic tank in an outwardly direction.
A “breath weapon” could be anything expelled violently from the mouth (such as the classic dragon's fire, banshee's wail or zombie's poisonous vomit) but the Spewer's weapon could also be anything else non-mouth-related that behaves similarly, such as a flamethrower or fire hose. The archetype lends itself exceptionally well to reflavoring via the addition of elemental-type archetypes to alter the nature of the exact energy/substance being spewed.
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Spewer | Use a breath weapon. | |
caret-right | Hose | Ignore recuperation and choking. |
caret-right | Inhale | Pull them in first. |
caret-right | Nozzled | Spray wider or longer. |
caret-right | Propellant | Blow them/yourself away. |
caret-right | Turbulence | Cancel projectiles. |
Offense | plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make an Whelm attack against a number of targets within an equilateral triangle, one corner of which must be adjacent to your position. plus-circleVariable Targets: This weapon can hit a maximum number of potential targets in its area of effect equal to the trigger die result- for example, if the trigger die is a 5 but there are 7 targets in the area of effect, only 5 of them are damaged by the attack. Nearby creatures are hit before further ones. If multiple creatures are equidistant and the attack cannot hit all of them, select which will be hit randomly. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Afraid, Bleary, or Deprived conditions to its target. plus-circleArea Weapon: This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment and failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12. plus-circleFluid Flow: This weapon flows easily around and through targets, causing it to ignore failure chances from partial cover (failure chance of 6) and any cover created by creatures hiding behind one another. Only complete and total cover such as that provided by windowless walls protects targets from your Spewer attacks. minus-circleChoking Vulnerable: If you have the Choking condition, you cannot make Spewer attacks. Breath weapons don't work if there's no breath to be had. minus-circleRange Falloff: This attack has a special failure chance of 6 against targets within 6-10 meters. It cannot be used against targets further away than 10 meters at all. minus-circleConstrained: The attack's effect emanates outwards from its starting point (the corner of the triangle that's adjacent to you). Walls and solid barriers can prevent its spread and protect things behind them. minus-circleHuff And Puff: This weapon is significantly slower to reload than most, as it requires you to regenerate an internal source of energy between uses. After you've made a Spewer attack, you cannot make another one right away. At the beginning of each turn after using a Spewer attack, roll a trigger die: if the result is 9+, you have regained the ability to make more Spewer attacks. Double-attacking with this weapon is impossible. minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-3, mark off 1 Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleOverdraw: You can choose to make a Spewer attack even if you've already made one and haven't regenerated the capacity yet. minus-circleStill No Doubles: Double-attacking is still impossible with Spewer attacks. minus-circleGasp: Every time you choose to make a Spewer attack before you would normally be allowed, the attack costs 1 Energy in addition to any Supplies costs it might normally have. |
Condition | Explanation | |
desert-skull | Afraid | minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal. plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected. |
bleeding-eye | Bleary | minus-circle Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment. |
broken-bottle | Deprived | minus-circle Cannot use/spend resources in any way. minus-circle Cannot use any ability that requires unspent resources. |
Offense | plus-circleGusher: Your capability to use this weapon recharges on a 5+ instead of a 9+. | |
Offense | plus-circleDoublespew: You can double-attack with this weapon on your turn. Doing so incurs the normal Energy cost. minus-circleEmpty Tank: When you double-attack, your weapon recharges afterwards on a 9+. |
Protection | plus-circleDecoupled: You can use Spewer attacks freely even when you have the Choking condition. | |
Offense | plus-circleThis Sucks: You can choose to create a powerful intake of energy immediately before making a Spewer attack. Every creature struck by your attack is moved 2 meters closer to your position immediately before the attack is made. plus-circleGet In Here: Every creature (excluding yourself) standing outside of your target area within 2 meters of its boundary is moved directly into the target area, causing them to be affected by the coming attack. minus-circleTarget Limits: Your total targets are limited by the trigger die as per normal for Spewer attacks. If a creature wouldn't be damaged by the attack due to the trigger die being too low, then they are not moved either. minus-circleTraffic Pileup: If a creature is blocked from being pulled any closer to you/your planned area of effect than they already are due to an obstacle in their path, they are not moved by this ability. minus-circleToo Big To Pull: If a creature is large enough that they occupy multiple spaces, you can only affect them with this ability if every space they occupy is within your planned area of effect or a maximum of 2 meters outside of it. |
Offense | plus-circleWide Spray: This weapon affects every space within your visual arc instead of only those within an equilateral triangle. minus-circleNormal Limits: Total targets are limited by the trigger die number as usual. Nearer targets are struck first. minus-circleSingle Funnel: If you are large enough to occupy multiple spaces at once, choose just one space you occupy to act as your vantage point for purposes of creating a field of view to attack into. You can change the exact space used from attack to attack if you want. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleLong Spray: You can choose to focus your spray, increasing effective distance to 20 meters. Targets within 21-50 meters have a failure chance of 6, and targets further away than 50 meters cannot be struck at all. minus-circleThin Spray: Extra distance comes at the cost of coverage. Instead of striking everything in your visual arc, you strike only those targets on a 1-meter-wide straight line. plus-circleDon't Forget: Note that all Spewer attacks ignore cover from creatures hiding directly behind one another, so you can still easily hit multiple targets when you do this. |
Offense | plus-circleDrink From The Firehose: The single nearest creature struck by the attack is moved 5 meters directly away from you. Other targets are unaffected. minus-circleHuge Exemption: Exceptionally large creatures that occupy multiple spaces are immune to this effect unless every space they occupy was in the target area. |
Movement | plus-circleRocket Jump: When you attack with this weapon, you can choose to also launch yourself in the opposite direction. You are moved 5 meters directly away from the nearest target struck by the effect immediately after the attack is resolved. | |
Protection | plus-circleChaos Cone: You can choose to use this weapon as a free action during the enemy phase when any thrown effect (thrown effects include all game effects described as having a range of “throwing distance”, or 0-10 meters- check the Thrown Effects Index for an exhaustive list) or Remote-type attack passes through its target area. In addition to damaging all applicable creatures in the target area as usual, the thrown effect or Remote attack that triggered this ability is completely canceled out and has no effect. minus-circleLimited Rebuttal: You may only use Turbulence to make an attack out of turn once per round. You regain the ability to do this at the beginning of each of your turns. minus-circleDraining: If your capacity to use this weapon is currently recharging, then using Turbulence drains 1 point of Energy as usual. |