If possible, I prefer dealing with only the kind you can drink.

“Spirit” is an intentionally broad term that covers a wide range of creatures from folklore and mythology that might appear in a game, from generic animistic spirits that invisibly occupy the material world to more specific beings like angels, fairies, elementals, godlings, daemons, genies, ancestral ghosts, fiends, genius loci or personified primordial forces. If you're more interested in dealing with spirits than being one, you should also check out the Theurge or Summoner archetypes.

Spirit Idea made flesh.
caret-right Accord Feed off attention.
caret-right Avatar Remake yourself.
caret-right Beyonder You are summoned here.
caret-right Pactmaker Grant power to others.
caret-right Possession Control others' bodies.


Utility plus-circleNumen: Your existence is tied to a particular location called your “locus”. Your locus is probably somewhere small like a particular bend in a river, roadside shrine, stand of trees, abandoned well, stoplight, or similar. No matter how far you roam from your locus, you can always view/smell/feel/etc whatever is happening there as if you were still present.

minus-circleHome Echo: If somebody strongly desecrates your locus in some way, you immediately gain a random illness that cannot be cured until proper restitution has been made, whereupon healing is instant and immediate.

plus-circleSpirit Curse: If you're currently suffering from an illness due to your locus being desecrated, you can inflict the same illness on any other creatures you meet so long as you feel like they might be at least a little guilty of the desecration. Such blighted creatures can recover from and spread their illness as normal but are also immediately cured once/if restitution is made.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleTsukumogami: You can choose for your locus to be an object rather than a place. You can carry your locus with you without it taking up any inventory space, and if you leave it behind somewhere you can sense the area around it just like you could do with a regular locus.

minus-circleFragile Heart: If your locus object is significantly damaged or outright destroyed, you die instantly.
Social plus-circleCrown of Fire: You obviously look like a spirit, and the vast majority of people will be polite and respectful towards you so long as you don't do anything antagonistic towards them. You are considered to be positioned outside of most human(oid) social constructs such as caste or legal obligation. Even if you cause a lot of trouble, general sentiment will be mostly on your side so long as whoever you're troubling obviously did something to have it coming.

plus-circleMundane Veil: You can choose to suppress your obvious visual spiritual tells and appear as a normal person/creature if you wish, and thus avoid inspiring awe/fear in regular people you meet. Your mundane appearance is always the same and is still recognizably you to anybody familiar with your true spiritual form; spirits who love to change their appearance to various different things often also take levels as a Charlatan.


Utility plus-circlePraise You Like I Should: As a spirit, your power (and indeed, very existence) can be sustained by mortal belief. Whenever another creature expresses a strong emotion about you in your presence, you gain a special “Bolstered” status. The next time you would have to spend a point of any resource (Provisions, Supplies, Mojo) you lose your Bolstered status instead and keep your resource point.

plus-circleHate You Like I Should: Any strong emotion felt towards you is sufficient to grant you the Bolstered status. Kindly and beneficent spirits tend to prefer declarations of appreciation, gratitude, and even love but you can feed off the attention of declarations of hatred and revenge just as easily if you find that easier.

minus-circleBroken Record: A declaration must be sincere and emphatic in order to grant you the Bolstered status, and you can only benefit from any given creature's declaration once each session. Other party members can certainly trigger this benefit for you, but only if they want to and you've done something to earn it. If a creature makes a strong declaration about you but you're already Bolstered, you gain no additional benefit from it.


Protection plus-circleProjection: The body you use to interact with the world is not your true self, it's a tool. Like any other tool, it can be repaired or replaced. You can choose to completely remake your body, causing a fresh new one to reappear in/near your locus. This removes all unwanted mutations, illnesses, injuries and even resurrects you from the “dead” if your body is totally destroyed.

plus-circleMorph: When you remake your body, you can freely make cosmetic alterations to it if you want to change the way it looks.

minus-circleLocus Immortal: While you can use this ability to negate anything bad that happens to your body, bad things happening to your locus still sicken or even kill you as normal since the locus is your true self.

minus-circleNo Multiplicity: You can only have one active body at a time. If you decide to create a new one, your old one is automatically destroyed.

minus-circleNaked Backup: Your new body retains all equipment necessary/suggested by your archetypes and abilities, but anything in your old body's inventory is left wherever your old body used to be.

minus-circleSlow Regrowth: You can only choose to form a new body between sessions. If you get killed mid-session, you're still down for the count until the next one starts.

minus-circle$piritual Power: Growing an entire new body consumes an amount of Dosh equal to your level. All Dosh used for this ability must be stashed in your locus beforehand or left there later as offerings, since Dosh in your old body's inventory gets left behind.


Protection plus-circleNot From Round Here: You hail from a different universe or plane of reality. Your locus is somewhere safer than safe, impossible to find or mess with by anyone that doesn't come from the same place you do.

plus-circleGate Vision: You can treat the location where you most recently entered this world as your locus for purposes of sensing things happening around it. Since it is not your true locus, however, you don't need to worry about it being desecrated or even destroyed.
Movement plus-circleSummonable: If somebody says your name and performs a specific ritual that requires one procedure to complete, you can be summoned instantly to their location. Distance is not a factor, nor even is plane of existence. You know your own ritual and can share this knowledge with others as you please, although you can't always stop them from sharing it as well.

plus-circleCaller ID: You know who's summoning you and can choose not to go if you'd rather ignore them.

plus-circleScrew You Guys, I'm Going Home: You can choose to return to your locus in your home universe at any time you wish as an action.

minus-circleLemme In Pls: You cannot leave your home universe (and therefore participate in the game) unless you're summoned out of it by somebody else.

minus-circleSupplies: Your summoning ritual requires 1 point of Supplies to perform. If you choose to ignore it, the Supplies used are wasted.
Offense plus-circleDrag You to Hell: When you return to your home universe, you can take anything you're carrying with you. If you've inflicted the Grabbed condition to a creature, you can take them as well. Anything taken back to your home universe is never heard from again, effectively removing it from the game.

plus-circleHell's Ransom: The only way to get back something that you've spirited away is for you to decide to bring it back. You're under no obligation to do this unless you want to.

minus-circleLimits: You can only take something back to your home universe with you if you're capable of carrying it (under normal circumstances, this means anything your size or smaller). Creatures must be your own level or less, or can be of any level if they're either unconscious or willing.
Social plus-circleSummoners: The Summoner archetype heavily focuses on spirits that have the Beyonder ability, and you might be asked to contract with one. You always have the ability to say no.


Utility plus-circleGift of Power: As an action, you can grant your power and knowledge to another subject adjacent to you. Pick one or more archetypes/abilities you know; you lose access to them and your target gains access to them as if they knew them naturally. Archetypes/abilities gained via Pactmaker do not count against the normal limit of one archetype/ability per level.

plus-circleRepo Man: You can choose to take your power back any time you want as another action, even when your giftee is not nearby. You immediately regain whatever you gifted and the recipient loses it again.

plus-circleConditional: When you give your gift of power, you can optionally choose to attach a stipulation or requirement to it such as “you must stay within the Henge” or “you must continue to love me.” As soon as the recipient no longer meets the stated condition, the gift is automatically returned to you.
Utility plus-circleTheurge Patron: In addition to being able to grant personal gifts of power directly, you now also qualify as a patron for creatures with the Theurge archetype. You can pick a portfolio of three archetypes (you must have at least one level in each), three observances, and a taboo just like any other patron has.

plus-circleAlways With You: If you happen to meet for the first time a Theurge that has sworn themselves to you, you can roll to establish a relationship level of Friend with them instantly.


Utility plus-circleMeat Puppet: You can possess the body of a creature as an action. While possessing another creature, you disappear and are considered to be physically inside them, even if they are smaller than you.

plus-circleDriver Picks The Music: You use your own combat ratings and abilities while possessing a body, not the host's. You can choose to relinquish the possession any time you want, upon which point you will appear next to your former host. The host remembers nothing of the experience.

minus-circleSleepers Only: You cannot possess anyone unless they are sleeping or unconscious at the time.

minus-circleShared Suffering: If your host takes any damage while you possess them, you also take the same amount of damage.

minus-circleRough Rider: If you continuously possess a creature for a full day, both you and they lose 1 Flesh from the experience and a further 1 Flesh for every subsequent day you stay inside them. This lost Flesh cannot be restored in any way until the possession ends.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleBody Thief: You can possess creatures that aren't asleep or unconscious.

minus-circleClueless Only: You can only steal somebody's body if they aren't aware of you as a threat to them (they don't know you're there or they implicitly trust you).

minus-circleMojo: Possessing somebody who's awake costs 1 point of Mojo.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleEvil Dead: You can possess corpses and drive them around, although possession does not remove wounds or damage from creatures that died violently. Corpses that are not mostly intact might not be capable of movement anymore (GM adjudicates).

minus-circleMojo: Possessing a corpse instead of a living creature costs 1 point of Mojo.