Getting there is half the fun, especially when you lose your tickets.

Transport establishments make adventurers more mobile, but only within their immediate area. Creating a greater transportation network will likely require multiple bases, making this a good pairing with the Administration establishment.

Transport Get around. Economy
caret-right Delivery Retrieve items from afar. Economy
caret-right Hub Fast travel points. Economy
caret-right Launch Boosted starts for journeys. Vitality
caret-right Outreach Access services from afar. Influence
caret-right Return Come home again safely. Vitality


Economy plus-circleAccess: All regions within a range equal to the Economy rating of the base are made accessible to travelers.

plus-circleRoads: Wilderness no longer imposes an impairment to travel speeds, and wheeled creatures/vehicles can pass through all such regions with ease. This doesn't necessarily mean that there are roads literally everywhere, but travel is unimpeded.

plus-circleFerries: Any water regions (lake, ocean, etc) within range are made fully accessible even to those who cannot swim. It is assumed that it's easy enough to charter a boat or find a bridge to cross that adventurers don't have to spend any additional time or energy doing so.

plus-circleAirfields: Any creature or vehicle with the Flyer archetype that lacks the Ascent advanced ability has plentiful spaces to take off/land from within all affected regions.

plus-circleChoice: If for whatever reason you'd rather not give the benefits of the Transport establishment to a given region that's eligible for it (another faction has claimed it, or you find that the impenetrability of a given region is beneficial) then you can choose not to affect that region. You can change the status of any given region at the beginning of each session.


Economy plus-circleSupply Drop: If you are in any region within a range of your base equal to double its Economy rating, you can request one or more of the items you've left in that base be brought to you. After one in-game day, your requested items are dropped off wherever you made the order from.

minus-circleYours Only: You can only request delivery of items you personally own and left behind in the base. If the base has the Habitation's Vault facility, you can also request delivery of any item left in the Vault there.

minus-circleAccessible Location: You can only make orders from locations that a courier could reasonably reach (so not inside dungeons). If you're not where you made an order from when the courier arrives, they'll drop it off nearby in a place you can find it. Leave it long enough and maybe somebody else will pick it up, though.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleNeed it Now: You can get items delivered after a single procedure of time instead of waiting a full day for them.

minus-circleShipping Fee: Fast delivery of items requires you to pay 1 Dosh per inventory slot worth of items you're having delivered to you.

this will need expansion/rework, see Servitor's Hand ability


Economy plus-circleInstaportion: You can travel between any two friendly bases that both have a Hub in a single day, regardless of how far apart they are.

minus-circleTickets, Please: Traveling via Hub costs 1 Dosh per traveler per 10 regions away the destination base is. For example, traveling to other Hubs within 1-10 regions costs 1 Dosh per traveler, 11-20 regions costs 2 Dosh per traveler, 21-30 regions costs 3 Dosh per traveler, and so on.

plus-circleSubsidized: An amount equal to the base's Economy rating is discounted from Hub travel costs each session. These discounts are shared among all adventurers, and once they've been used up they're gone until the beginning of the next session.


Vitality plus-circleRunning Start: When setting out on an overland journey from the base, the total number of regions traveled on the first day is increased by double the base's Vitality rating.

minus-circleLaunchpad: Travel speed when starting from any location other than the base itself is not affected. This facility is helpful in starting journeys, not ending them.


Influence plus-circleSprawling Services: While within any region within a range equal to the base's Influence rating, you can access and use any of the base's establishments that would normally require you to physically be inside the base itself.


Vitality plus-circleGiant Eagles: After you complete an adventure, you can skip over the part where you have to journey home. You do not need to deal with any more of the consequences or struggles of travel (random encounters, feeding yourself, etc)- you simply fast-forward through that part and you're home again.

minus-circleMaximum Range: This establishment can be used to return home only when you're within a range in regions equal to or less than double the base's Vitality rating. If you completed an adventure further afield than this you will have to journey back home the regular way until you come back within range, at which point you can use Return to skip the rest of the journey as usual.

minus-circleDenouement: This establishment can be used to return to the base a maximum of once per session, and only after the referee and players both agree that the adventure is over (at least for now).