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Home is anywhere you don't have to wear trousers, except for the places where it's mandatory not to.

Habitation establishments deal with community and interdependence, making them important for any adventurers that like to make friends with NPCS or want to make things easier when the time comes to create a new adventurer entirely.

Habitation Space to live in. Vitality
caret-right Bestowal Silver lining for adventurer death. Influence
caret-right Greenhorn's Club Better newbies. Vitality
caret-right Menagerie Animal habitation. Vitality
caret-right Recruitment Office Hire anybody. Vitality
caret-right Vault Share items freely. Economy


Vitality plus-circleParty Central: The base is equipped with many spare bedrooms or similar living arrangements. You can invite any named NPC you meet on your adventures to come live with you back in your base.

plus-circleEasy Access: Any named NPC living in the base is always considered available for hire as a follower if desired. Named NPCs of appropriately low level can also be used as replacement adventurers if desired.

plus-circleBuilding Relations: Once per session, an adventurer can select a single NPC resident of the base and say that they had a positive interaction with them somewhere in the background. This allows for a roll to improve their relationship level with that NPC as normal for positive interactions without having to actually play anything out.

minus-circleRent-Free Lodgings Limited: The base can support a maximum of two such named NPCs per point of Vitality rating it has. If you want to add a new NPC to the base but have no more room, you'll have to kick out one of the lodgers you already have.


Influence plus-circleIn Memorium: When an adventurer dies, they instantly generate an amount of progress towards constructing additional establishments of their choice in this base equal to the base's Influence rating, up to a maximum equal to the amount they would have generated by retiring (novice 0, seasoned 2, veteran 5, paragon 10, legend 20).

plus-circleLast Will: When an adventurer dies, they can choose exactly who gets each of their items (both in their inventory and left back in the base) instead of just letting their party strip them clean like a pack of hyenas.

Greenhorn's Club

Vitality plus-circleHit The Ground Running: Additional resources and guidance are available for beginners newly-recruited to the team. New adventurers created in this base start with bonus XP equal to the base's Vitality rating.


Vitality plus-circleBeast Selection: Facilities dedicated to the feeding and care of various animals. Keep a list of animal types in your menagerie; you can purchase a tame, generally agreeable but not necessarily totally loyal animal of any type in your menagerie by spending 1 Dosh per level of the animal purchased. Purchased animals will accompany you on adventures for the current session so long as they are well cared-for and don't feel too endangered, or can be butchered or whatever right away if that's what you need.

plus-circleChoice Expansion: You can add new animal types to the menagerie's availability list by bringing/relinquishing at least one live specimen of the new type back to it.

minus-circleLimited Facilities: Your Menagerie can support a number of different animal types equal to the base's Vitality rating. If you wish to add a new type but the facility's already full, you'll have to release a type you already have.

plus-circleBeastmaster Advantage: Adventurers with one or more levels in the Beastmaster archetype can hire animals here as full followers instead of only semi-reliable companions.

Recruitment Office

Vitality plus-circlePerfect Applicant: When hiring a follower in the base, you have a wide pool of applicants. You can specify the archetypes/abilities, combat ratings, and resource ratings taken by new hires for a number of levels up to the base's Vitality rating. For example, if the base has a Vitality rating of 3 and you'd like to hire a level 5 follower here, you decide everything they took for 3 of their levels and the referee determines their other two.
None plus-circleToo Old For This Shit: Retired adventurers living in the base can be hired as followers, allowing for them to be brought back out into the field again if desired.

minus-circleRighteous Epilogue: Because bringing along a retired adventurer has the potential to end their lives, you can only hire a retired adventurer in this way if you are the player of that adventurer or you have permission from that adventurer's player.


Economy plus-circleItem Transfer: Adventurers have a shared storage space complete with proper categorization and curation. Any adventurer can take or leave any item in the Vault, and its contents persist between sessions. Individual players with multiple adventurers can also use a Vault to transfer items between them.

minus-circleLimited Space: The Vault has a maximum number of inventory slots equal to triple the base's Economy rating.
habitation.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/18 08:54 by kyle