I met a monk once who had achieved perfect bodily control after a lifetime of practice. There's not a lot of situations where putting your brain in a robot body is actually the easier option.
Adamants transcend biological limitations to some degree, translating in game terms into passive protection from many problems that are much more worrisome to everyone else (including more condition immunities than any other archetype in the game). This makes Adamant a somewhat boring, but practical archetype to invest in. In many cases, becoming an Adamant is much more about what you are rather than what you can learn, but as always this is entirely between you and your referee.
Adamant | Be tough as hell. | |
caret-right | Inviolable | Immunity to pathogens. |
caret-right | Lifeless | Immunity to bleeding and choking. |
caret-right | Resistance | Take less damage. |
caret-right | Self-Repair | Prevent Cracked and remove injuries. |
caret-right | Vigor | More health. |
Protection | plus-circleBoris The Bullet-Dodger: When your Flesh hits 0 and you must roll for death & dismemberment, you have a much more favorable chart of results than normal (see below). | |
Injuries | Results |
0 | 1-2 die, 3-6 pass out + injury, 7+ pass out + no injury |
1 | 1-4 die, 5-8 pass out + injury, 9+ pass out + no injury |
2 | 1-6 die, 7-10 pass out + injury, 11+ pass out + no injury |
3 | 1-8 die, 9+ pass out + injury |
4 | 1-10 die, 11+ pass out + injury |
5 | Automatic death |
Protection | plus-circleIron Antibodies: You become immune to the Poisoned condition. | |
Protection | plus-circleDeny The Glow: You become immune to the Irradiated condition and sickness from environmental radiation. | |
Protection | plus-circlePerfect Immunity: You become immune to the negative effects (injuries, reduced Flesh, etc) of all diseases. minus-circleTyphoid Mary: You can still be infected by diseases and potentially spread them to others when the progression check is 1-4. |
Condition | Explanation | |
mass-driver | Irradiated | minus-circle Cannot restore lost Energy or Flesh by any means. minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Energy if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5+. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause lost Energy regardless of trigger die result. minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, gain a random mutation if result is 1 and do not mutate if result is 2+. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause mutation regardless of trigger die result. |
brandy-bottle | Poisoned | minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Energy if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. minus-circle Energy/Flesh lost via the Poisoned condition cannot be regained by any means until the end of the current exploration turn. |
Sidebar: Diseases |
Disease is a catch-all term for any number of slow-acting sicknesses, curses, or afflictions. At the end of any exploration turn in which you've been exposed to a disease, roll a trigger die. If the result is 7+, you're fine. If not, you caught it. Make this check a maximum of once per exploration turn no matter how much exposure you suffered. When you catch a disease, you immediately gain the effects of an injury determined by the specific disease you caught. Once per in-game day, you must make a progression check by rolling a trigger die (if you do nothing that day except get bed rest you can roll twice and take the higher result): - 9+: The disease is removed. You immediately lose the effects of its associated injury (assuming you didn't already have the same injury some other way). - 5-8: Nothing happens. You don't get better, but you don't get worse either. - 3-4: You take a -1 penalty to maximum Flesh as the disease ravages your body. This can happen multiple times, and its effects stack. Maximum Flesh comes back at the end of the session if you manage to throw off the disease, but otherwise does not. Also, a single random party member or important NPC that you've interacted with since getting infected must immediately roll for exposure from the same disease. All diseases are made of two parts: a descriptor (determines which injury the disease's effects replicate) and an expression (alters the basic rules for how the disease progresses/appears). For example, a disease with the Delirium descriptor and the Fits expression would be called the Delirium Fits. Specific diseases can be selected by the referee or rolled up randomly from the lists below. |
Sidebar: Random Disease |
Descriptors |
1. Blinding. (Eye Trauma) |
2. Cackle. (Noisy) |
3. Delirium. (Hallucinations) |
4. Enervating. (Exhaustion) |
5. Hollowing. (Fragility) |
6. Numbing. (Numbness) |
7. Quaking. (Shakes) |
8. Sapping. (Butterfingers) |
9. Vacant. (Concussion) |
10. Withering. (Wounded) |
11. Wobble. (Lameness) |
12. Wormspawn. (Parasites) |
Expression |
1. Ailment. The disease is thrown off with a progression check of 5+ instead of 9+. However, it comes back again at the beginning of every session. It can only be gotten rid of permanently by rolling a 12 on the progression check. |
2. Disorder. If you intentionally and successfully infect 2 other creatures with the disease, you automatically get a result of 12 on your next progression check to remove it. |
3. Distemper. Bed rest does not allow you to roll twice and take the better result on progression checks with this disease. |
4. Fever. When the progression check is 1-2, lose access to one known archetype/ability of your choice. Regain it when you throw the disease off. |
5. Fits. You can choose to roll progression checks ant time you want instead of only once per day, potentially removing the disease or making it much worse very quickly. |
6. Malaise. Whenever you lose Energy for any reason, every other creature within 2 meters of your location is exposed to the disease immediately afterward. |
7. Phage. If the progression die is a 1, the associated injury becomes permanent and lasts even after the disease is removed. |
8. Plague. Every time you make a progression check, one random party member or important NPC that you've interacted with since getting infected must immediately roll for exposure from the same disease instead of this only happening when you roll a 1-4. |
9. Pox. You look very obviously and grotesquely ill. Others will generally want nothing to do with you while you're infected. |
10. Rot. When the progression check is 1-2, take a -1 penalty to one combat rating (Melee, Remote, Whelm) of your choice. Negate it when you throw the disease off. |
11. Sickness. Take a -1 penalty to maximum Flesh when the progression check is 1-6 instead of only 1-4. |
12. Torment. The disease is only thrown off with a progression check of 11+ instead of 9+. |
Protection | plus-circleBloodless: You are completely immune to the Bleeding condition. | |
Protection | plus-circleBreathless: You no longer need to breathe, or maybe can simply hold your breath for long enough that there's hardly a difference. You are completely immune to the Choking condition, both from offensive effects and from being in airless environments (such as underwater or in space). | |
Condition | Explanation | |
cut-palm | Bleeding | minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. |
noose | Choking | minus-circle Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round. minus-circle Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal). |
Protection | plus-circleDamage Reduction: When you take damage from any weapon attack, you can choose to take 1 less point of it than you normally would. minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when you reduce damage taken. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot use this ability if you have no Supplies remaining. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleProofed: You can choose to reduce any damage taken by 2 or 3 points instead of only 1. minus-circleMore Supplies: If you reduce damage taken by 2, Supplies are consumed on a trigger die result of 1-6 instead of 1-3. If you reduce damage taken by 3, Supplies are always consumed without any need to roll a trigger die at all. |
Protection | plus-circleUncrackable: You become immune to the Cracked condition. | |
Protection | plus-circleNail A Plank To It: You may spend a procedure of work and 2 Supplies to remove an injury. minus-circleTough Guys Only: Your repair methods are too brutal to work on anybody except creatures that have the Adamant archetype. This always includes yourself, obviously. |
Protection | plus-circleBursting With Life: You can take a serious amount of punishment. Your maximum Flesh/Energy/Attention is increased from 5 to 6. doubledDoubleheader: If you have a level in the Doubleheader archetype, this ability increases the maximum Flesh of both your heads to 4 instead of being 3. If you also know the Cerberus ability from Doubleheader, maximum Flesh of each head is 3 instead of 2. |