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I love secrets. Even the most dull things become exciting when somebody's trying to hide them.

An Agency can be a valuable source of new adventure hooks by itself. Its more advanced facilities, however, allow adventurers to take a more active hand in the goings-on nearby the base. Since so many of these are location-dependent, an Agency is often much more valuable the closer it is to other bases and locations of interest.

Agency Intelligence and covert ops. Influence
caret-right Answers Uncover intel. Influence
caret-right Cleaners Cover up your mess. Economy
caret-right Recon Control random encounters. Vitality
caret-right Sabotage Undermine other bases. Economy
caret-right Safehouses Secret places to rest. Vitality


Influence plus-circleRumor Mill: The referee maintains a list of rumors: hints and leads on nearby interesting treasures, worthy foes, unexplored dungeons, potential problems, etc. Once per session, adventurers can stop by the Agency to learn a random rumor from the list. The list has a number of rumors on it equal to the base's Influence rating.

minus-circleWhat Else You Got: The referee is under no obligation to clear a rumor off their list until you've gone and investigated it. If you've got a lot of unresolved rumors already, the Agency might randomly give you information you already know.


Influence plus-circleWord on the Street: Once per session, you may ask a question about anything happening within a range in regions of the base equal to its Influence rating, such as “Who is the leader of the Blackmore crime syndicate?”, “How did the hydra get into the city?”, or “Why did the Meriwether building burn down?”. The Agency will dispatch agents and leverage contacts to find out the answer for you.

minus-circleLocal Scuttlebutt: This establishment cannot find out information for you that doesn't relate to its specific area of operation. If the answer is immensely complicated such that even a local network of trained information-brokers and spies couldn't find it out or the answer simply doesn't exist, the referee can feel free to tell you this instead of providing a direct answer (but this information can be valuable in itself).


Economy plus-circleWinston Wolfe: A team of highly competent professionals with a specific field of expertise are available for hire in the base. Upon request, the cleaners will go remove all evidence of your involvement in whatever adventure you just finished: fingerprints erased, footage deleted, bodies disposed of where no one will ever find them.

minus-circleAccess: Cleaners can only be hired to erase traces of you from the current session's adventure. Things that happened in previous sessions cannot be hidden.

minus-circleCentralized: The Cleaners only operate within a range in regions equal to the base's Economy rating. Adventures that take place outside of this distance are also unavailable for cleaning afterwards.


Vitality plus-circleEnemy Intel: The Agency is constantly keeping tabs on all potential nearby threats. When you are anywhere within a number of regions of the base equal to double its Vitality rating and have a random encounter, your party can choose to negate and bypass the encounter if desired. If you decide to face the encounter, your party always gets a surprise round since you knew they were out there/coming.

plus-circleGuest List: If you would like to have a specific random encounter while within the Recon establishment's range, you can do so at any time you want and specify exactly what from the local region's encounter chart you meet.

minus-circleOverworld Only: This establishment does not grant any special protection against/control over encounters inside of dungeons, only random encounters from traveling.


Economy plus-circleDestabilization: The Agency maintains a loose network of sleeper agents and infiltrators among other nearby bases. Once per session, you can effect sabotage against any establishment in a rival base within a distance in regions equal to the Economy rating of the base. Sabotaging an establishment removes it from the target base, lowering that base's effective level and requiring them to re-build what was lost if they wish to make use of it again.

minus-circleInfiltration: In order to sabotage a base, the faction that owns it must be at least neutral in attitude towards yours. Actively hostile factions are too difficult to sneak the necessary agents and materials into.

minus-circleSaboteur Fee: To destroy an establishment, you must spend 1 Dosh per level of the base that the establishment is inside. You cannot destroy a root establishment unless you've already destroyed all the advanced facilities that have it as a prerequisite.

minus-circleIncident: The other base will know that you're responsible for the sabotage and will very likely be absolutely furious with you about it. This prevents you from sabotaging them again during the next session.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleClandestine Sabotage: You can perform sabotage that isn't immediately traceable back to you. The enemy base will only know you're definitely the one who did it if they have an Agency of their own.

minus-circleIncreased Fee: Keeping a sabotage quiet doubles the normal cost from 1 to 2 Dosh per level of the target base.


Vitality plus-circleI Know a Place: The agency has secret safehouses all over the place, and can reveal one anywhere on demand- a cottage, apartment, office, suite, storage unit, sewer cul-de-sac, or similar. You and a small party can rest in a safehouse without worrying about being found, interrupted, or spied on. If something happens and your safehouse gets revealed (like if somebody is careless and gets followed back to it), nothing inside it or in its ownership records (if any) can be used to trace you.

minus-circleCaretaker Correspondence: Safehouses can only be revealed/created within a range of the base equal to double its Vitality rating.

minus-circleNonspecific Locations: You cannot reveal a safehouse inside of a dungeon or in close proximity to another location of interest.

minus-circleBurned Out: Once you reveal a safehouse, you can use it for the remainder of the current session before it disappears. You may use this establishment to reveal/create a maximum of one safehouse per session for free. If you want to create a second (or more) safehouse during a single session, each additional one costs a fee of 2 Dosh.
agency.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/18 08:08 by kyle