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How much time has to pass before grave-robbing becomes archaeology? Seriously, I need an answer.

Like many archetypes dealing with movement, Burrowers can often get places that others can't- in this case, underneath the surface that everyone else is confined to. While of limited usefulness when your adventures lead you to social events, Burrower truly shines when traveling underground. You know, where most dungeons tend to be.

Burrower Dig through the earth.
caret-right Fast Digger Burrow further.
caret-right Stonebreaker Tunnel through rock.
caret-right Tremorsense Perceive via vibrations.
caret-right Tunneler Leave tunnels behind.
caret-right Wormsign The earth is your shield.


Movement plus-circleGentlemen, We Have A Mole: As an action, you can dig through 1 meter of soil or another material of similar durability, making a hole just large enough for you to slip into. You also automatically move into the space(s) you just excavated.

minus-circleNo Tunnels: Soil you dig through is packed behind you as you move. You do not leave a tunnel, and anyone wishing to follow you must dig their own way through.

minus-circleAin't John Henry: You cannot dig through stone or any other materials of a similar or higher toughness.

minus-circleCheck Your Canaries: If you're completely enclosed in the soil you're digging through, then you have the Choking condition until you come up for air again. You cannot recover from the Choking condition until you return to the surface (or otherwise get some air) but you automatically recover from it as soon as you do so.

Fast Digger

Movement plus-circleChthonic Speedracer: You can burrow up to 2 meters as an action instead of only 1. If you know the Stonebreaker ability, you can tunnel 2 meters into rock as a procedure instead of only 1.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleEarthbolt: You can choose to burrow up to 5 meters through soil as a single action (or 5 meters through rock as a single procedure) instead of only 2.

minus-circleFuel-Heavy: Roll a trigger die when you burrow more than 2 meters through soil as a single action. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Provisions. You cannot use this option if you have no Provisions remaining. Burrowing more than 2 meters through rock as a single procedure automatically costs 1 Provisions with no roll required.


Movement plus-circleThis Is A Drill: You can burrow into solid rock or other material of similar or lesser toughness such as concrete.

minus-circleSlow Work: Burrowing through 1 meter of stone requires a procedure instead of a single action.

minus-circleToo Metal For Me: You still cannot tunnel through materials significantly tougher than stone, such as steel vault doors or whatever.


Utility plus-circleGood Vibes: You know how to read vibrations in the earth. You are continuously aware of all solid objects, creatures, and obstacles within 5 meters of your location so long as both you and the things you are observing are in contact with the earth (or another solid surface). If you can sense something with tremorsense, it doesn't have concealment against your attacks even if it normally would. You can even sense things on the other side of solid barriers such as walls.

minus-circleLimitations: Tremorsense ignores cover and concealment, but flying or swimming things are invisible to it. More porous materials such as sand don't carry vibrations dependably enough for you to use tremorsense through. The range of tremorsense does not ignore or skip past features or terrain that block it- if there is a two-meter-wide chasm in front of you, tremorsense doesn't reveal how close the opposite side is since vibrations don't travel across the open space.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleTremorsensitive: You can choose to extend the range of your tremorsense to 20 meters instead of 5. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleMomentary Diversion: Extending your tremorsense requires you to spend an action to concentrate.


Utility plus-circleGive 'Em The Shaft: You can choose to leave a tunnel behind you when you burrow. Other creatures of your own size or smaller can travel through your tunnel comfortably, plus whatever other uses you can come up with for being able to dig holes quick and have them stay dug.


Utility plus-circleInstant Bunker: You can spend an action to burrow just underneath the surface. This gives you partial cover (failure chance of 6) against all incoming attacks where cover is a concern.

plus-circleThe Mole Whacks Back: While using Wormsign to bunker up, your own outgoing attacks are not penalized so long as you stay near the surface.

minus-circleMovement's So Boring: If you either hop up out of the earth or burrow deeper, you lose the advantages of the Wormsign ability. Moving around while remaining submerged can only be done at normal burrowing speed (or you can jump out, run to a new location, and burrow down again but this will take both your actions).
burrower.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/02 12:52 by kyle