Nobody wants to get swallowed alive by a giant shark, ever… except Bruce over there. He says that's where they keep all their “Type N” treasure, but my suspicion is that he is merely some kind of weird pervert.
Devourer is a weapon archetype that is mostly reserved for huge, horrible things with cavernous jaws or amorphous absorption; generally not traits of the adventurers that must face them. As always, however, this archetype is not entirely off-limits to players if everybody's okay with it. While it can be difficult to use multiple times consecutively, it has almost unsurpassed utility when it comes to cheaply and efficiently dispatching a single smaller opponent.
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Devourer | Swallow them whole. | |
caret-right | Gluttony | Increased stomach capacity. |
caret-right | Hyperdigestion | Make vacancies quickly. |
caret-right | Ironsides | It's harder for your meals to hurt you. |
caret-right | Metabolize | Heal from your meals. |
caret-right | Sucking Maw | Increased range. |
Offense | plus-circleDown The Hatch: As an action, you can make a Whelm attack against an adjacent target. This damages them as normal and also transports them inside you. plus-circleCrushing Action: At the beginning of each of your turns, you automatically use a Whelm attack as a free action against any and every creature that you've currently swallowed with this weapon. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Choking, Deprived, or Nauseous conditions to its target. plus-circleDelicious Morsels: Size-based failure chances against smaller targets with this weapon are reduced by 12 (minimum 0). plus-circleOppressive: Creatures that you have swallowed cannot recover from any condition applied by this attack (including both the normal Choking/Deprived/Nauseous conditions and any other conditions added by levels in elemental archetypes) in any way unless or until they successfully manage to escape your stomach. plus-circleNutrition: If you use this attack to kill at least one creature, you don't need to spend any Provisions to feed yourself for that day. minus-circleSingle-Action: The only time you can use an action to attack a subject is when you initially swallow them. Once they're in your belly, you can no longer attack a subject on demand and must rely solely on the single free attack that happens once per round at the beginning of your turn. minus-circleSnuffed Out: Since your stomach is both wet and airless, swallowing a creature automatically removes the Burning condition from them (if they had it to begin with). If you have levels in the Firebug archetype, this limitation no longer applies. minus-circleLimited Capacity: Your stomach can hold a single creature at a time of up to two sizes smaller than you are, or up to five creatures of up to three sizes smaller. For example, if you are a human (size 5) then your stomach can hold a single creature of size 3 or smaller, or up to five creatures of size 2 or smaller. You can't choose to attack a creature if it's too big to fit in your stomach, and you can't choose to attack anything if there's not enough room for it. You can spend a procedure vomiting up the contents of your stomach in order to make more room, or just wait a day and everything will be flushed through. minus-circleStomach Blocked: Any creature you swallow has complete cover from any attacks or effects made against it, including your own (except for the free Devourer attack you make against them at the beginning of each turn). All other creatures (except you) also have complete cover from them. minus-circleEnemy Within: Creatures you swallow can attack you from the inside. If you die while they're still alive, they can cut themselves out with any successful attack (or be cut out by somebody on the outside). Despite the fact that it's dark inside you, attacks made against you from the inside never suffer any failure chance from concealment. plus-circleInternal Swamp: On the plus side, your innards count as a watery environment and any weapons that don't work in water won't work against you from the inside, either. plus-circleRight Up In Their Faces: Any weapons that cannot normally be used against adjacent targets (such as those from the Lancer, Lasher or Dragonslayer archetypes) also cannot be used while swallowed, as you are by definition always inside of their minimum range. |
Condition | Explanation | |
noose | Choking | minus-circle Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round. minus-circle Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal). |
broken-bottle | Deprived | minus-circle Cannot use/spend resources in any way. minus-circle Cannot use any ability that requires unspent resources. |
turd | Nauseous | minus-circle All weapon attacks cost 1 Energy in addition to any normal costs they may have. minus-circle Cannot double attack during a round. plus-circle Weapon attacks made for free (without spending any actions) are unaffected. |
Utility | plus-circleMajor Distension: Your stomach can hold a lot more than normal, somehow. You can swallow up to one creature of the same size as yourself, five creatures of up to one size smaller, or twenty creatures of up to two sizes smaller. | |
Utility | plus-circleInstant Breakdown: When a creature dies inside your stomach, you immediately digest it. This instantly removes it from your stomach (and thus frees up space for you to swallow something else). | |
Protection | plus-circleThat's One Tough Tum-Tum: You double your combat rating for purposes of defense against attacks made on you from the inside. For example, if somebody you swallowed makes a Melee attack against you from the inside, you subtract double your Melee combat rating from the damage taken. minus-circleInternal Only, Defense Only: Your combat rating is only doubled for purposes of defense, not offense. This ability has no effect on attacks made against you by targets you have not already swallowed. doubledTank Synergy: If you have active defenses from the Tank archetype, your effective defense against attacks from the inside is tripled instead of doubled. |
Protection | plus-circleMmm, Umami: You regain one point of lost Energy (if any) every time you make a free action to attack a creature you've previously swallowed. | |
Offense | plus-circleKirby Style: You can suck in and devour targets from up to 5 meters away instead of only adjacent ones. | |