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Tread lightly? Not my style.

The Earthshaker wields a powerful and versatile weapon that nonetheless suffers from a relatively short range and significant difficulties when used against flying targets. It is most often justified as a powerful stomp or ground-pound, making it a flavorful choice for extremely large users.

This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.

Earthshaker Make shockwaves on the ground.
caret-right Absorption Return power.
caret-right Forcewave Medium independence.
caret-right Meteor Enhanced after falling and knockback.
caret-right Resonance Empowered second attacks.
caret-right Shakeoff Free recoveries.


Offense plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Whelm attack against all target(s) within your field of view out to a range of 5 meters.

plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Crippled, Numb, or Vulnerable conditions to its target.

plus-circleArea Weapon: This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment and failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12.

plus-circleCover Piercing: This weapon also completely ignores cover, even total cover.

minus-circleGround-Focused: Creatures that aren't in physical contact with the earth (or the same solid object as you are) are immune to attacks from this weapon. You cannot use this weapon if you are not personally in contact with a solid surface to stomp on.

minus-circleLoud: Attacking with this weapon creates a loud noise that gets the attention of everything in the general area, especially when used multiple times in succession. The consequences of this will vary depending on the circumstances, but in any case makes this weapon an exceptionally poor choice for stealth.

minus-circleToo Big: If you are large enough that you occupy multiple spaces at once, you must choose a single space you occupy to be the vantage point from which you define your visual arc. You can change which space is used with each new attack you make, though.

minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is a 1-3, mark off 1 Supplies. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleEpicenter: You can choose to change the area of effect. Instead of attacking only creatures in your visual arc, you attack in every direction around you at once.

minus-circleShorter Range: Attacking every space around you only strikes targets within 2 meters of your position instead of out to 5.

minus-circleStill Too Big: If you are large enough that you occupy multiple spaces at once, you must choose a single space you occupy to be the central point from which you create the attack effect. You can change which space is used with each new attack you make, though. You are immune to your own Earthshaker attacks.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleGot You, Sucka: You can use this weapon to attack a target that is not currently in contact with the earth (or the same solid surface as yourself).

minus-circleYer Mitts On Em: In order to attack somebody that's not in contact with the ground, you must have inflicted the Grabbed condition to them and they must be adjacent to you.

minus-circleSingular Hurt: Attacking a subject via slamming them instead of slamming the ground does not also attack any other subjects.
Condition Explanation
snail Crippled minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0).
aura Numb minus-circle Treat Escalation as 1 for purposes of attack damage dealt regardless of its true level.
falling Vulnerable minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage.


Offense plus-circleBuilding Vibrations: You store some of the energy from incoming attacks, giving you access to a special resource called “Surge”. Every time you are successfully struck by any weapon effect, increase your Surge by +1. You can spend 1 Surge to increase the damage dealt by an Earthshaker attack by +2, or spend 3 Surge to increase the damage dealt by +5.

minus-circleThe Answerer: Incoming attacks that fail for any reason do not generate Surge for you. All unspent Surge disappears at the end of each exploration turn.


Offense plus-circleCymbal Crash: Neither you nor your targets need to be in contact with a solid object in order for you to attack them with this weapon anymore. You can even somehow make shockwave-like effects while in a vacuum where it should be flatly impossible.


Offense plus-circleSend Flying: Any subject hit by this weapon is physically propelled 2 meters away from you.

minus-circleHuge Exemption: Exceptionally large creatures that occupy multiple spaces are immune to this effect unless every space they occupy was affected.
Offense plus-circleDive Bomb: If you fall at least 3 meters, you may make an attack with this weapon as a free action immediately after hitting the ground.

plus-circleGravity-Enhanced: For every 3 meters of distance you fall, you also deal +2 damage with this attack. This damage bonus is cumulative when you fall from exceptionally high heights.

minus-circleUnsoftened: You take full normal falling damage (1 per 3 meters fallen, applied directly to Flesh).

doubledObvious Workaround: You can lessen the fall damage to yourself without reducing the effectiveness of this ability by taking a level or two in the Acrobat archetype.


Offense plus-circleOne-Two Kaboom: When you choose to double-attack by spending both actions making attacks with this weapon, the second attack has a range of 10 meters instead of 5 and deals +2 bonus damage to all targets within 2 meters.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleAlt-Fire Adjustment: When you choose to attack in every direction with your second attack instead of only in your visual arc, your second attack has a range of 5 meters instead of 2 and deals +2 damage to all adjacent targets.


Protection plus-circleExultation: Shaking the earth creates an invigorating ripple of power which you can use to bolster yourself. When the trigger die made with this weapon is 7+, you may immediately make a recovery action (regain 1 Energy, attempt to throw off one condition of your choice) as a free action.
earthshaker.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/11 09:47 by kyle