That's a lot of scratches. Tell me while I start sewing them up: did you have a bad time, or a really good one?
Possible Keystones | 1. Shiv made from a toothbrush. 2. Fake vampire fang dentures. 3. Exhaustive list of animal-skinning techniques. 4. Scratching post. 5. Five-Finger Fillet trophy, second place. 6. Ivory-handled nail file. |
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Lacerator | Rip and tear. | |
caret-right | Mutilate | Crits cause injuries. |
caret-right | Pounce | Free move before attacking. |
caret-right | Rend | Triple-attack single targets. |
caret-right | Savage | Prevent recovery. |
caret-right | Wolfpack | Cooperative maneuvers. |
Offense | plus-circleShank You Very Much: As an action, you may make a Melee attack against any target within 1 meter. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Bleeding, Crippled, or Vulnerable conditions to its target. plus-circleSkullduggery: This weapon can be used to backstab (+2 damage to targets that cannot see you) and assassinate (instantly kill targets of equal or lower level who weren't expecting an attack). plus-circleWater Capable: This weapon works just fine when underwater. |
Condition | Explanation | |
cut-palm | Bleeding | minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result. |
snail | Crippled | minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0). |
falling | Vulnerable | minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage. |
Enhancement | plus-circleLasting Damage: When you critically hit with this weapon, the target also gains a random injury. | |
Enhancement | plus-circleLeap Attack: You may move up to 2 meters and make an attack as a single action. The movement happens immediately before the attack does. | |
Active Combat | plus-circleLong Pounce: You can choose to move up to 5 meters immediately before an attack instead of the normal 2. minus-circleExertion: Pouncing further costs a point of Energy in addition to an action. |
Active Combat | plus-circleMeat Grinder: When you double-attack with this weapon (make two attack actions during a single turn, spending a point of Energy for the second one) and both attacks were directed at a single target, you may make a third attack against the same target as a free action. minus-circleExhausting Rage: If the third attack’s trigger die is 1-6, then making it costs one additional point of Energy. You don’t have to make a third attack if you don’t want, but you can’t change your mind after rolling the die to see if it’ll cost anything extra. |
Enhancement | plus-circleTwist The Knife: When you successfully damage a target with this weapon, name any condition that the target is currently suffering from, including any conditions that may have been inflicted by the attack itself. They cannot recover from that condition by any means until the beginning of your next turn. plus-circleEntropy Increases: If you use Savage to prevent recovery from a condition that carries a negative consequence for low results on the end-of-turn recovery check (such as Choking, Bleeding, Burning, Dissolving, etc) then your target still has to make the check and accept any ensuing penalties as normal. A 9+ on the check will not throw it off, however. minus-circlePre-Existing: If a target doesn't have any conditions immediately after you strike them, Savage has no effect. |
Passive Combat | plus-circleIn and Out: When an ally strikes a target that is adjacent to you with any weapon, you may immediately move 1 meter as a free action. | |
Enhancement | plus-circleCumulative Takedown: If you attack a target with this weapon that one of your allies has already attacked during the current round, you deal +2 damage. | |