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I don't care if you have to go to the bathroom, we're not taking the suit off until you complete the dive. Those Navy lads will call you a pantywaist if you back out now. I have money on this.

A Mariner is the undisputed master of watery environments, meaning that the usefulness of the archetype will largely pivot around how often your adventures involve water. Humanoid adventurers probably shouldn't be able to invest in this archetype unless the technology level of the campaign is high enough to give them the ability to surpass their land-based biology.

Mariner Mastery in water.
caret-right Currenteer Constant small free moves.
caret-right Freeflow Move and attack unimpeded.
caret-right Kraken Wreck boats and unskilled swimmers.
caret-right Lurker Hide in plain sight underwater.
caret-right Powerswim Strength and endurance in water.


Movement plus-circleNative Swimmer: You no longer take an impairment to movement when swimming and may do so at your full normal movement rate.
Protection plus-circleAquatic Defense: Attacks made against you while swimming no longer deal +2 bonus damage.
Protection plus-circleWaterbreathing: You can either breathe water, hold your breath an insanely long time, or just have an oxygen tank or something. You no longer gain the Choking condition when underwater and can remain so basically indefinitely.

doubledAir Cycler: If a vehicle has the Sea (Submersible) frame and knows this ability, its effects extend to every creature riding in its inventory.


Movement plus-circleConstant Motion: Everything you do serves to get you where you want to go. Every time you take any action (attacking, recovering, using an ability, moving, whatever) while in water or underwater, you may move 1 meter in any direction immediately after the action is complete.

minus-circleNot Free Twice: Only standard actions taken during your turn count for purposes of Currenteer movements. Free actions gained by whatever means do not.


Movement plus-circleSea Cleaver: You ignore the negative effects of water-based difficult terrain (thick weeds, ice covering, etc) that would otherwise slow you down. You take no impairment and do not take extra damage from attacks when moving through such spaces.
Offense plus-circleSubmersible Arms: You can freely use any abilities while underwater without any failure chance, even those that normally cannot be used underwater at all. Who knows how you can fire a gun or use a flamethrower when completely submerged, but you can.


Offense plus-circleAquatic Predator: When attacking a creature in the water that does not have any levels in the Mariner archetype, your bonus damage is increased from +2 to +5. You still deal no bonus damage to fellow Mariners.
Offense plus-circleCapsize: When you attack a water vehicle of any type and the trigger die is 10+, you cause it to spring a minor leak and partially fill. This gives the targeted vehicle one “Water Point”. If a vehicle ever has 3 or more Water Points at a time, it is completely filled and immediately sinks to the bottom regardless of how much Flesh/Energy/Attention it has left. Water Points are automatically removed from unsunk vehicles at the end of the exploration turn.


Protection plus-circleSunken Camouflage: When underwater, you gain partial concealment against anything that is outside the water. If you would already gain partial concealment (such as from murky water or dim light) you instead gain complete concealment.

plus-circleVice Versa: If you are outside of water, you gain the same benefit against creatures that are inside the water.

minus-circleBarrier Required: Lurker provides no special effects against other creatures that are in the same element as you are (water when in water, air when in air).
caret-right Alternative plus-circleUnfathomable Deeps: You can gain complete concealment from being on the opposite side of a water/air barrier from your observers instead of partial.

minus-circleSlow Roll: When completely concealing yourself, you must take an impairment to all movement. Moving at full speed causes you to lose full concealment until the beginning of your next turn.


Movement plus-circleSeaborne Freight: You can swim effectively even when carrying a heavy load. Carrying more than a light load imposes an impairment to move as normal, but doesn't cause you to just straight up sink to the bottom anymore.
Protection plus-circleCounterpush: A single sweep of your swimming gear produces incredible force. When underwater, you act as if you are 1 size category larger than you actually are for purposes of resisting effects that push, pull, pick you up, or otherwise change your position against your will. This includes ability effects, natural currents and somebody trying to reel you in.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleUnmovable: As a free reaction that can be done at any time, you can choose to temporarily increase your effective immovability even further until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleProvisions: For every additional effective size category you gain until the beginning of your next turn, you must spend 1 Provisions. There is no limit to how many effective size categories you can gain at once in this manner.
Protection plus-circleDive Resistant: You no longer suffer any negative effects from exposure to extremely high pressure, such as that found in oceanic depths.

doubledVehicular Protection: If a vehicle has this ability, its protection extends to all of its passengers.
mariner.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 13:23 by kyle