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No, the pot of gold they guard isn't worth it- but if you really want to be a fool at least promise me you'll wear an athletic protector.

Mites are diminutive warriors that take on and defeat foes many times their own size, which is great if your campaign world includes a lot of that kind of opponent and kind of worthless if it doesn't. Note that even if you personally don't have much need for this archetype, tiny creatures can still easily use the powers of the Mite against you.

Mite Benefit from being small.
caret-right Backrider Climb on your foes.
caret-right Bantam Reduce the necessary size gap.
caret-right Crazy Ivan Defend by charging at them.
caret-right Gapfinder Always a chance to evade.
caret-right Overlooked Be beneath the notice of giants.


Protection plus-circleLeg Dodger: When sharing a space with a creature that's at least two sizes larger than you, you enjoy partial cover (failure chance 6) against all attacks. This includes attacks originating from the creature with whom you're sharing a space.

minus-circleObvious Counter: If the larger creature you're sharing a space with has the Sidestep ability from the Escapist archetype, you do not gain this benefit against them.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleOaf Shield: When you're sharing a space with a larger creature and an attack against you fails (due to the cover you get from the Mite archetype, the size discrepancy, or any other reason) you can choose for the attack to be immediately redirected against the creature with whom you're sharing a space instead. The trigger die is not rerolled. The attacker and the shield can be the same creature (e.g. a giant clumsily tries to crush you with their club as you skitter around their feet, but end up smashing themselves in the nuggets instead).

minus-circleMojo: Every time you redirect a missed attack against the larger creature you're sharing a space with you must spend 1 Mojo.


Offense plus-circleWander's Move: When you inflict the Grabbed condition to a creature that's larger than yourself, you can climb on them to reach their back or another similarly inaccessible spot. After positioning yourself properly in this way, you are always considered to be behind the creature you're climbing on and thus always get a backstab bonus to weapon damage (if applicable).

plus-circleSlippery Bastard: Since you're always behind them, your target cannot easily strike at you with any weapons of their own. Your target's allies can freely try to hit you, but suffer the normal failure chance from you sharing a space with your target as normal (if applicable).

minus-circleShakeoff: Once your target has recovered from the Grabbed condition you've inflicted on them, you harmlessly drop off. You don't take any falling damage from this, no matter how high up you might have been at the time.

minus-circleSlow Climb: It takes one action spent doing nothing but climbing per size category larger than you your target is in order to get into position for Backrider. For example, climbing into Backrider position on a creature two size categories larger than you takes two actions.

doubledAcrobat Synergy: If you have a level in the Acrobat archetype, getting into Backrider position takes only one action per two size categories greater than you your target is (minimum 1 action). If you know the Spider Climb ability from the Acrobat archetype, it always takes exactly 1 action to get into position no matter how large your target is.


Utility plus-circleScrappy AF: You can pass through and share spaces with targets 1 size larger than yourself. Any Mite archetype abilities or effects that normally only function against targets 2 sizes larger than you now function against targets only 1 size larger, and any Mite archetype abilities or effects that normally only function against creatures 3 sizes larger than you now function against creatures 2 sizes larger than you.

Crazy Ivan

Protection plus-circleComin' At Ya: Larger creatures tend to see you as either inconsequential or as prey, and thus have trouble dealing with the situation when you turn around and charge right at them. When you end your turn closer to any creature that's at least 2 sizes larger than you than you began it, they have a special failure chance of 6 with all attacks made against you until the beginning of your next turn.


Protection plus-circleTiny Evader: Attackers at least 2 sizes larger than you always have a minimum failure chance of 3 with all attacks made against you, regardless of what abilities they have or what kind of weapons they are using. Attackers at least 3 sizes larger than you always have a minimum failure chance of 6 with all attacks against you instead.

minus-circleMinimum, Not Addition: This failure chance does not stack with failure chances from other sources such as size disparity, cover, concealment, or similar. It is simply a bare minimum that cannot be overcome in any way.
Movement plus-circleLeaf Rider: You know how to take advantage of the considerable force being brought to bear against you. Every time a creature at least two sizes larger than you makes an attack against you that fails for any reason, you can immediately take a movement action for free. This movement action happens immediately after the attack that provoked it, even if it's not your turn.


Offense plus-circleThe Hidden Mouse: Larger creatures have a tendency to simply not notice you. So long as you hold still and don't do anything that would draw attention to yourself, you are effectively invisible to any creatures at least two sizes larger than yourself.

minus-circleThe Jig's Up: Larger creatures that have already noticed you for whatever reason and are actively paying attention to you can't be fooled by this ability.
mite.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/02 12:33 by kyle