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Every so-called gentleman of breeding and refinement you meet is a liar. It takes a real rogue to tell the truth.

A Scoundrel's talents depend on a combination of a silver tongue, a bit of luck and a very selective moral compass. Sure, it requires you to be a bit mean, but being mean can get results that even guns and swords can't.

Scoundrel You're a heel.
caret-right Assassin Slay those you know best.
caret-right Discord Cause strife among others.
caret-right Greedo Avoid being blamed.
caret-right Rival Establish negative relationships.
caret-right Taunt Make them attack you.


Social plus-circleWhat You Dread: You have almost a sixth sense for knowing what would upset others. This ability doesn't reveal general things that can be fairly safely assumed that everybody wouldn't want, such as “getting punched in the face” but will reveal to you all of a target's secret phobias, insecurities or noteworthy aversions. Ask the referee and they'll tell you straight up, no guesswork required.

minus-circleNo Anonymity: You don't need to share a common language with a creature in order to learn what it doesn't want, but you do need to have some sort of exchange in which your subject is aware of you and vice versa. Fighting totally counts as an interaction, as does a stare-down in the street.
Social plus-circleProvoke: By spending a procedure interacting with a target, you can make them angry with you. While you are the main target of their anger, they are likely to act rashly or take it out on others as well depending on the circumstances. The referee is the ultimate arbiter of how any given creature acts when upset (other than player-controlled adventurers, that is).


Offense plus-circleProfessional Killer: You've turned your talent for deception and social ruthlessness to darker ends, letting you more efficiently slay those you've studied. You can declare any single creature in the game universe to be your “mark”. For every substantial piece of information you learn about a creature after you have declared them your mark, you may treat your level as +1 higher than it actually is for purposes of assassinating them and you gain +1 bonus damage against them with all weapon attacks.

minus-circleSubstantial Information: Substantial pieces of information shed some amount of light on the mark's personality, background, or motivations- things like “collects rare pornography”, “takes their coffee with two creams and no sugars”, or “has a pet cat named Mr. Boopsyfloof” are all good pieces of information, but things like “has two eyes”, “doesn't like being punched”, or “is taking a bath right now” are not good pieces of information.

minus-circleSingular Target: You can only have one mark at a time. If you declare a new mark before finishing off the old one, you lose any accumulated bonuses.

minus-circleThe Hunt: Only information you find out about a creature after declaring them a mark counts for this ability- if you already knew a bunch of information about a creature before declaring them a mark, you can't use any of it for a bonus.
Offense plus-circleBetrayer: You deal +5 damage with all attacks against any creature that you have achieved a relationship of Friend with.

plus-circleFratricide: You deal +5 damage and always automatically critically hit with all attacks against any creature that you have achieved a relationship of Bond with.


Social plus-circleSchemes: By spreading rumors, planting evidence, and provoking action you can damage the relationship between two people. People with a Bond have it degrade into a Friendship, Friendships disappear and targets with no pre-existing positive relationship become enemies.

minus-circleWheels Turn: Social strife is a much slower type of warfare than the crude physical kind. Setting your schemes in motion takes one in-game day. You can only sabotage any given relationship a maximum of once per game session.

minus-circleSocial Range: You must have regular social contact with both parties whose relationship you are trying to sabotage. You can't turn the King against Lord Toastwanker if you don't have the proper social status to get anywhere near the palace to begin with.

minus-circleDifficulty: Roll a trigger die when you're trying to sabotage a relationship. Making two acquaintances into enemies always succeeds, but making friends into acquaintances requires a result of 5+ and making bonds into friendships requires a result of 9+. If the attempt fails, your meddling is noted and your personal relationship with both parties is degraded instead.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleFalse Innocence: If your social sabotage fails, you can avoid suffering any relationship degradation with the aggrieved parties yourself.

minus-circleMojo: Every time you avoid seeming responsible for an act of social sabotage, you must spend 1 Mojo.


Social plus-circleHe Shot First: If you should find yourself in a situation where you need to beat, rob, murder or otherwise exploit somebody but there are witnesses around who might disapprove, you know how to spin it to make yourself look vindicated and your victim seem like the aggressor.

minus-circleSorry About the Mess: You must spend 1 Mojo to make your deception look good. Your deception is fleeting and won't hold up to intense scrutiny, but will totally buy you enough time to flee the scene if necessary.
Social plus-circleThe “I Didn't Do It” Boy: If you get caught red-handed in any sort of trouble that isn't too serious (stuff like vandalism, petty theft, and so on but probably not murder or arson) you can protest innocence so convincingly/comically that you don't have to face any real consequences for it.


Social plus-circleSworn Foe: You know how to leave a lasting impression, even if it's not a fond one. After having a negative experience with any creature, you can roll to establish a relationship with them as a rival. This has the same odds (9+) as establishing a friendship with a creature after a positive experience, only it sometimes can be much easier to have a negative experience than a positive one. Rivals won't aid you the same way friends will, but will always treat you with respect and will hate the idea of anyone except them getting to defeat you.

plus-circleNemesis: You can increase a Rival relationship to a Nemesis one with a further negative interaction and die roll of 11+. A nemesis hates you so much that they also kind of love you.

doubledLuminary Synergy: If you also have levels as a Luminary you can treat rivals and nemeses as friends and bonds respectively for all game-mechanical effects, including a higher chance to establish them and the ability to use Mojo to improve the odds even further.


Protection plus-circleCome At Me Bro: As an action, you can taunt any enemy within 10 meters. That enemy cannot make a weapon attack against any target except you until the beginning of your next turn.

plus-circleFloating Butterfly: A taunted target's attacks have a special failure chance of 3 against you until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleNo Secondary Protection: The taunted target can freely attack other targets if they're using a multi-target weapon (such as Shotgunner or Grenadier) that also includes you as a target.

minus-circleAttacks Not Enforced: A taunted target is not required to make any attack actions if they'd rather do something else, like moving or supporting their allies.
scoundrel.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/07 09:07 by kyle