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1 Executioner plus-circleLiving Sacrifice: Living creatures can be executed here, which grants +1 XP to whoever performs/orders the execution.

minus-circleWorthy Offering: An executed subject must be of at least equivalent level to the executor in order to provide XP. Executing lower-level subjects here never provides any XP.

minus-circleUnderstanding Death: Subjects with the Simple weakness (including all animals) do not have much, if any understanding of death and their execution is therefore less impactful. Such creatures act as if half their true level for purposes of whether executing them grants any XP.

minus-circleUncooperative: Obviously, a creature can only be executed for XP here if it is helpless or willing.

minus-circlePretty Dark, Bro: Executing people is generally not a good-guy thing to do (except maybe if they definitely for sure deserve it). Take a moment to think about the general tone/direction of your campaign world before getting too slaughter-happy.
scourge.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/16 07:52 by kyle