A lot of the more wickedly supernatural types of beastie are claimed to be invulnerable to everything except a pure heart, but it turns out a point-blank blunderbuss to the face can also do the job in a pinch.
Shotgunners wield a different sort of firearm than Gunslingers do: the kind that disperses a small cone of painful bits across an area instead of singular, well-aimed bullets. The weapon described by these rules cleaves more closely to a videogamey conception of shotguns than the real-life article, but if that kind of thing bothers you then how did you make it this far into the rules anyway?
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Shotgunner | Fire a spread of shrapnel. | |
caret-right | Carnage | Increased target potential. |
caret-right | Intimacy | Increased damage at short range. |
caret-right | Heavy Spit | Longer falloff distance. |
caret-right | Pump-Action | Reloading's not an issue. |
caret-right | Pushback | Knock targets away/down. |
Offense | plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make an Whelm attack against a number of targets within an equilateral triangle, one corner of which must be adjacent to your position. plus-circleVariable Targets: This weapon can hit a different number of potential targets in its area of effect depending on the trigger die, up to a maximum of 4: - If the trigger die is a 1-3, only the closest target is hit. - If 4-6, the closest two are hit. - If 7-9, the closest three. - If 10-12, the closest four. If multiple creatures are equidistant and the attack cannot hit all of them, select which will be hit randomly. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Cracked, Sore, or Vulnerable conditions to its target. plus-circleArea Weapon: This weapon does not suffer failure chances from concealment and failure chances from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12. plus-circleClose Bonus: This weapon deals +2 damage to all targets within 5 meters. minus-circleRange Falloff: This attack has a special failure chance of 6 against targets within 11-20 meters. It cannot be used against targets further away than 20 meters at all. minus-circleConstrained: The attack's effect emanates outwards from its starting point (the corner of the triangle that's adjacent to you). Walls and solid barriers can prevent its spread and protect things behind them. Failure chances from cover apply fully if one target is behind another. minus-circleLoud: Attacking with this weapon creates a loud noise that gets the attention of everything in the general area, especially when used multiple times in succession. The consequences of this will vary depending on the circumstances, but in any case makes this weapon an exceptionally poor choice for stealth. minus-circleSlow Reload: In order to use this weapon, you need to reload it first. Reloading happens automatically when you take a movement action, or costs an action by itself if you don't want to move. Once reloaded, the weapon can be used to attack with another action as normal, but will then need to be reloaded once again. minus-circleAmmunition: When the trigger die rolled with the attack is 1-3, mark off 1 Supples. This weapon cannot be used if you have no Supplies remaining. |
Condition | Explanation | |
cracked-helm | Cracked | minus-circle Maximum Flesh is reduced to 4. Lose any excess Flesh when gaining the condition. Regain any Flesh lost to the condition when it is removed. When inflicted by a weapon attack, Cracked is applied to the subject immediately after damage is dealt. |
player-pain | Sore | minus-circle Do not automatically regain lost Attention at the beginning of each round. |
falling | Vulnerable | minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage. |
Offense | plus-circleMore Targets: The maximum number of targets the weapon can affect per attack is equal to the number on the trigger die (1-12 instead of 1-4, basically). | |
Offense | plus-circleLonger Falloff: The weapon's maximum range and effectiveness at close range are further enhanced, as such: - Against targets within 10 meters, the attack deals +2 damage. - Targets within 20 meters are attacked normally. - The attack has a special failure chance of 6 against targets within 21-50 meters. - Targets further away than 50 meters cannot be targeted at all. |
Offense | plus-circleReverse Hugs: At point-blank range, your gun is absolutely devastating. The bonus damage against targets at close range is increased from +2 to +5 against targets 1 meter away. minus-circleAdjacent Only: Bonus damage is still only +2 against targets 2-5 meters away. plus-circleIntimate Spit: If you also know the Heavy Spit ability from this archetype, bonus damage is increased to +5 out to a range of 2 meters instead of 1 meter. |
Offense | plus-circleCh-Chick: Advanced construction means you no longer need to reload between shots. | |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleBoth Barrels: You can choose to fire off multiple shells per attack to really make sure the job gets done. When giving them both barrels, the attack always deals +2 bonus damage to all targets struck. This bonus damage is in addition to the normal bonus damage from close range, if any. minus-circleAmmo Eater: Every time you choose to use Both Barrels for extra damage, Supplies are consumed on a trigger die roll of 1-6 instead of 1-3. |
Offense | plus-circleHella Kick: Creatures damaged by the weapon are physically moved 2 meters directly away from you. minus-circleHuge Exemption: Exceptionally large creatures that occupy multiple spaces are immune to this effect unless every space they occupy was in the shrapnel cone. |
Offense | plus-circleRip And Tear: Your attacks no longer suffer failure chances from cover granted by creatures. Cover granted by solid objects such as walls still applies, but creatures do not. | |