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We're not poaching! I asked the wood's owner for permission. I'm not talking about the Queen, here- I mean the real owner.

Most creatures in a campaign world are probably assumed to be animal/artificial in nature, but taking levels in Verdant almost requires being plant-based instead. That said, being a Verdant isn't just being a plant. Verdants transcend mere taxonomic definitions and biology, taking the basic plant theme and pushing it much further in order to become something more.

Verdant You're a plant.
caret-right Bounteous Provisions freebies.
caret-right Fundament Spread elemental conditions.
caret-right Greentongue Speak with plants.
caret-right Innocuous Blend in with your dumber brethren.
caret-right Prosperity Boost bases' Vitality.


Utility plus-circlePhotosynthesis: If you spend most of your day outside in the sunlight, you don't need to spend any Provisions to feed yourself that day.
Protection plus-circleRegrowth: Spending a day outside in the sunlight removes one (non-permanent) injury from you.
Utility plus-circleEnergized: If you spend the day outside in the sunlight, you don't need to sleep during the following night.


Utility plus-circleValuable Crop: You are a valuable source of food, medicine, and even poisons. Any time you use a point of Provisions for any reason, roll a trigger die immediately afterward. If the result is 9+, then you did not actually consume any Provisions at all.


Offense plus-circleBiomagnify: When conditions change your nature, effects ripple outwards and nature itself is changed. You've learned how to do this on a much smaller, faster scale. While you are suffering from the effects of any elemental condition, you effectively gain the matching elemental archetype.

plus-circleSpecifically: When you make any weapon attack and the trigger die is 10+, you inflict one elemental condition you are suffering from of your choice to the target.

plus-circleAnd Also: As an action, you can also choose to automatically inflict any single elemental condition you are suffering from to any target within throwing range (0-10 meters). Roll a trigger die when you do this; on a 1-3 it costs 1 of a specific resource that varies depending on the condition in question: Provisions for Overloaded and Poisoned, Mojo for Cursed and Confused, Supplies for everything else.

minus-circleEquilibrium: When you remove an elemental condition from yourself, you also stop inflicting it.


Social plus-circleBotanical Communication: You can communicate with non-sapient plants. Plants are generally happy to talk about the local soil conditions, flora and fauna but might want a favor from you before telling you anything particularly juicy.

minus-circleSlow: Asking a single question and getting an answer from a plant requires an entire procedure of time. Non-sapient plants just don't have much processing power.

minus-circlePlant Psychology: Plants are generally kind of dumb as hell and incredibly aggressive, particularly against other plants. Their world is one of constant slow-motion life-or-death struggle for access to resources and many of them will probably ask you to kill/trim back other nearby plants to give them an advantage. If a plant is satisfied with its current resource situation, it will likely ask you to spread its seeds for it/help it reproduce in some way instead. If a plant produces fruit, they will probably insist that you eat some (to the point of being kind of creepy about it).

plus-circleYour Call on Fun, Guy: Depending on how scientifically/conceptually rigorous your campaign world is, this ability might also let you talk to fungi. Ask your referee if that's a thing or nah.


Utility plus-circleBlend In: While not invisible, you look so much like the local non-sapient plants (either naturally or through selectively growing/shaping yourself for this purpose) that nobody gives you a second thought. You can hold still as long as you like, and nobody can tell the difference. Creatures don't view you as another creature in any way (bandits will pass by you, nobles will gossip near you, monkeys will climb on you) unless they see you move or take an action.

minus-circleObvious Plant: This ability makes you look like a normal, non-sapient plant. If you hang out somewhere it doesn't make sense for a plant to be, people will still be suspicious.

minus-circleThis is Treant Country: Once you give yourself away to a creature they won't be fooled again during the same session.


Utility plus-circleWellspring of Life: Any base you are in has its Vitality rating increased by +1, allowing you and your teammates to make use of all of its Vitality-related establishments with greater efficiency.

minus-circleLimits: This bonus only applies to bases whose level is equal to or lower than your own. The bonus does not stack with multiple creatures present that know this ability.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleOvergrowth: You can choose to increase an affected base's Vitality rating even further.

minus-circleProvisions: For every +1 you wish to add to a base's Vitality rating beyond the standard +1, you must spend 5 Provisions.

minus-circleShort-Term: Additional Vitality created by spending Provisions disappears at the end of the current session.
verdant.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 13:53 by kyle