The real purpose of not looking at the sun is to avoid giving it a reason to look back.
Possible Keystones | 1. Mask with spiral design. 2. Ornate hand-mirror with eye emblem on the back. 3. Statue fragment of a snake-haired woman's head. 4. Handheld camcorder etched with runes. 5. Blindfold with reflective interior. 6. T-shirt printed with a large hamsa. |
This is a weapon and subject to universal weapon rules.
Visage | To look upon you is death. | |
caret-right | Gorgon | Pierce defenses and insta-kill. |
caret-right | Imagist | Create and attack through images. |
caret-right | Lock Eyes | They can't look away. |
caret-right | Splendor | Strike multiple targets. |
caret-right | Stink Eye | Sometimes counterattack. |
Offense | plus-circleAttack: As an action, you may make a Remote attack against any target within 20 meters. plus-circleConditions: When the trigger die is 10+, this weapon inflicts its wielder's choice of the Afraid, Numb, or Vulnerable conditions to its target. plus-circleSize Adapted: All failure chances with this weapon from mismatched sizes between attacker and target are reduced by 12. plus-circleActive Choice: Your attacks with this weapon are active, meaning you choose when and who to hit with them. Just looking at you casually does not cause targets to be attacked automatically and your allies are always safe. minus-circleClear Sight: In order for you to attack a target with this weapon, they must be able to see you clearly. This means that you must be somewhere inside their visual arc and cannot have any concealment or cover at all in relation to your target. If the target has their back turned or if you have any cover/concealment (including from the target currently having the Bleary condition) then your attacks automatically fail. plus-circleOne Way: While you cannot have any concealment relative to your target if you wish to attack them, the reverse is not true. If you can't see your target (due to you having your back turned, them lurking in the darkness or you having the Bleary condition) you can still freely attack them with this weapon so long as they can still see you. You ignore any of the usual failure chances from concealment in such a case. minus-circleWater Capable: This weapon works just fine underwater (so long as the water in question isn't too murky, anyway). |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleLonger Range: You can attack subjects further away than 20 meters, up to a maximum of 200 meters. minus-circleAccuracy Drop: Attacking very distant targets carries a failure chance since you're much smaller and fuzzier in their vision. Failure chance is 3 for targets within 21-50 meters, 6 for targets within 51-100 meters, and 9 for targets within 101-200 meters. |
Condition | Explanation | |
desert-skull | Afraid | minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal. plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected. |
aura | Numb | minus-circle Treat Escalation as 1 for purposes of attack damage dealt regardless of its true level. |
falling | Vulnerable | minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage. |
Offense | plus-circleFace Of Death: Your grim visage slays the weak. When the trigger die is a 12, your attack instantly kills its target if their level is equal to or less than your own. This is considered an assassination effect and any effect that protects a subject from assassination also protects them from this. | |
Offense | plus-circlePiercing Gaze: Armor won't help long. When you attack a target with the Tank archetype, they automatically lose the protection of their armor until the beginning of their next turn. They don't even get to roll for it as normal. | |
Offense | plus-circleThrough the Veil: Your attacks have no special failure chance against targets with the Spectre archetype. If you have the Spectre archetype, your attacks have no special failure chance against targets that do not have it. | |
Offense | plus-circleEgo Projection: Looking at images of you (photographs, paintings, sculptures, on a TV screen, through a telescope lens, whatever) is the same as looking at you in the flesh. You can freely attack anybody that's currently looking at something that bears your likeness. Range, concealment, and similar factors are calculated from the position of your likeness rather than your own position. minus-circleWill and Fury: No matter how many people in the world are looking at your picture, you can only attack them if you know both A: that they exist and B: that they are looking at you right now. |
Utility | plus-circleFor The Fans: You have access to a large supply of images of yourself. As an action, you can pull one out and place it anywhere within throwing range (0-10 meters). You can then attack anyone looking at one of your images as normal for Imagist. minus-circleMaterial Price: Every time you pull out an image of yourself, roll a trigger die. If the result is a 1, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. |
Offense | plus-circleI'm The Captain Now: When you successfully attack a target with this weapon, that target becomes unable to take their eyes off you. Until the beginning of your next turn, the subject can take no actions that would cause them to lose sight of you (including turning their back or moving to any location that would block their line of sight, either partially or completely). minus-circleInterference: A target's allies that aren't currently affected by Lock Eyes can still break line of sight between their ally and yourself, such as by moving to an interposing position. Only your target is compelled to keep themselves open to you. |
Offense | plus-circleMy Eyes, The Goggles Do Nothing: Looking upon you burns an afterimage into the target's mind, allowing you to continue attacking them even if they manage to look away somehow. minus-circleFading Memory: If a subject has not seen you during the current round, attacking them has a failure chance of 3. If your attack succeeds, you can keep attacking them this way. If it fails, you can't attack them any more until they see you again. |
Offense | plus-circleAll Shall Love Me, and Despair: When you attack with this weapon, you can choose to affect every target currently looking at you at once. Roll a single trigger die for all of them. minus-circleIndiscriminate: Splendor-enhanced attacks hit allies and neutral bystanders as well as enemies. You can’t control this kind of power, and nobody who can see you is safe. minus-circleMojo: Making a Splendor-enhanced attack costs 1 Mojo. |
Offense | plus-circleVengeful Glare: The thing about attacking you is that generally people have to look at you first. Every time you are the target of any offensive action (including weapon attacks, having conditions inflicted on you, being pushed around, or whatever) you may roll a trigger die. If the result is 7+, you may make a Visage attack against whoever targeted you as a free action that is resolved immediately after the attack that triggered it. There is no limit to the number of times this can occur each round except for your luck. minus-circleReroll That: Your free attack from Visage uses a different trigger die than the one that enabled you to make it in the first place, e.g. if you rolled an 11 to be able to make a Stink Eye counter, your counter doesn't necessarily have a trigger die result of 11. Reroll the die when you make the attack like normal. |