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Fighting dirty? There's no such thing. If somebody comes at you, use every advantage you can get.

Wrestlers are exceptionally talented when it comes to desperate, close-quarters struggles for survival. The archetype primarily enhances grappling ability, providing a powerful control option for combat use regardless of what one's weapon of choice is. It's also conceptually very low-tech and inexpensive, making it available in practically every campaign setting imaginable.

Wrestler Grab better.
caret-right Clever Wrestling Tackle and exploit.
caret-right Deathgrip Never let go.
caret-right Debilitate Inflict extra conditions.
caret-right Hostage Shield Redirect attacks to grabbees.
caret-right Multigrab Grab more targets.


Offense plus-circleGrapple: When you use the Grab universal action, you no longer need to roll a trigger die to succeed; it always works.
Utility plus-circleReposition: After you've inflicted the Grabbed condition to a target with a Grab action, you can reposition them to any other space adjacent to you that you like as an action. This can be handy for giving yourself cover or moving your target into danger.

minus-circleWeight Limit: You can only reposition a target if you're capable of carrying them (under normal circumstances, this means only targets that are your own size or smaller).
caret-right Alternative plus-circleFree Reposition: You can move a target you've grabbed as a free action any time during your turn.

minus-circleExertion: Repositioning a grabbed target as a free action costs a point of Energy instead.
Condition Explanation
tentacle Grabbed minus-circle Grabber and grabbed are connected in some way; neither of them can move without dragging the other along for the ride. The distance between grabber and grabbed is always at maximum the same as the range of whatever ability caused the grab in the first place.

minus-circle If grabber or grabbed are small enough for the other to carry, they can be dragged. This causes encumbrance if both are the same size.

minus-circle The grabber can choose to end the effect as a free action during their turn.

minus-circle The grabber ignores the effects of cover and concealment in regards to the target they've grabbed.

plus-circle Unlike other conditions, the target can choose to skip the automatic recovery roll at the end of their turn for Grabbed if desired.

minus-circle Unlike other conditions, the Grabbed condition stacks. A single creature can be grabbed by multiple different other creatures and thus have multiple versions of the Grabbed condition in place on them at once, all of which are recovered from separately. Everybody in an interconnected grab-pile has to carry the weight of everybody else.

minus-circle Although a single creature can be grabbed by multiple other creatures at once, they can only grab up to one other target at a time.

Clever Wrestling

Offense plus-circleGoliath Lugger: You know how to use a creature's own momentum against them. You treat any creature you have inflicted the Grabbed condition to as being one size smaller than they actually are for purposes of how much they encumber you.

doubledThrower Synergy: If you know the Fastball Special ability from the Thrower archetype, Clever Wrestling allows you to throw creatures with it that would normally be too large.
Offense plus-circleTackle: You may use the Grab action as a free action immediately after moving. Your grabbed target must be adjacent to the space in which your move ended.


Offense plus-circleLike Iron: Wriggling loose from a Grabbed condition that you've inflicted is significantly harder than normal. Grabbed targets throw off the condition when their trigger die is 11+ instead of 9+.

plus-circleEven You, Slinky: You can (briefly) inflict the Grabbed condition even to creatures that know the Unbound ability from the Escapist archetype, which usually makes them completely immune. Such targets must make a recovery action or wait until the end of their turn to throw off the condition as normal, but always automatically succeed in recovery.
Offense plus-circleLiteral Deathgrip: If you die while grabbing somebody, the condition is not removed automatically. They still have to carry your corpse around until they manage to escape it.


Protection plus-circleCheap Shots: When you grab somebody, you also inflict a random standard status effect on them (roll on the below list to find out which one). The additional condition inflicted by Debilitate cannot be recovered from.

minus-circleGrapple-Linked: As soon as your target recovers from the Grabbed condition, they also throw off the additional condition inflicted by Debilitate automatically.
caret-right Alternative plus-circlePocket Sand: You can choose any standard condition you want from the list instead of rolling randomly.

minus-circleExertion: Picking a condition instead of rolling one randomly costs a point of Energy.
Condition Explanation
1 desert-skull Afraid minus-circle The first action every round must be spent getting physically further away from the source of fear. If no avenues of escape are available, take actions as normal.

plus-circle Second (and beyond?) actions each round are unaffected.
2 bleeding-eye Bleary minus-circle Treat all spaces as having partial concealment. Spaces that already have partial concealment are treated as having full concealment.
3 cut-palm Bleeding minus-circle When rolling to remove condition at the end of the round, lose 1 Flesh if result is 1-4 and lose nothing if result is 5-8. Rolling to remove as an action during the round does not cause damage regardless of trigger die result.
4 noose Choking minus-circle Lose 1 Energy at the end of each round. If no Energy remains, lose Flesh instead. Successfully throwing off the condition prevents damage for that round.

minus-circle Making a recovery action no longer restores 1 Energy (but still allows a check to remove a condition as normal).
5 cracked-helm Cracked minus-circle Maximum Flesh is reduced to 4. Lose any excess Flesh when gaining the condition. Regain any Flesh lost to the condition when it is removed. When inflicted by a weapon attack, Cracked is applied to the subject immediately after damage is dealt.
6 snail Crippled minus-circle The maximum distances of all movement and abilities that grant movement are reduced by one step on the standard distance scale (10 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 0).
7 broken-bottle Deprived minus-circle Cannot use/spend resources in any way.

minus-circle Cannot use any ability that requires unspent resources.
8 ringing-bell Dizzy minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy.

minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action.

plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected.
9 turd Nauseous minus-circle All weapon attacks cost 1 Energy in addition to any normal costs they may have.

minus-circle Cannot double attack during a round.

plus-circle Weapon attacks made for free (without spending any actions) are unaffected.
10 aura Numb minus-circle Treat Escalation as 1 for purposes of attack damage dealt regardless of its true level.
11 player-pain Sore minus-circle Do not automatically regain lost Attention at the beginning of each round.
12 falling Vulnerable minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage.

Hostage Shield

Protection plus-circleHostage Shield: When you are grabbing a creature, you can use them to protect yourself from incoming Melee or Remote-type attacks in your visual arc. This automatically redirects the attack effect from you to the creature you're grabbing.

minus-circleConservation of Action: Every time you choose to redirect an attack to a creature you've grabbed, you get one less action on your next turn. You cannot redirect attacks in this way more than twice per round.

minus-circleLimits: You cannot redirect attacks whose trigger die is 10+, nor can you redirect any Whelm-type attacks using Hostage Shield. You can only redirect attacks if you can see the attacker.


Offense plus-circleGroup Hug: You no longer are limited to only grabbing one target at a time. So long as a creature is adjacent to you, you can use Wrestler to inflict the Grabbed condition on them even if you're already grabbing somebody else. Everybody in an interconnected grab-pile has to carry the weight of everybody else.
Offense plus-circleFull-Body Tackle: You can inflict the Grabbed condition to multiple creatures as a single action (so long as they are all within range).
wrestler.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/13 14:42 by kyle