Anybody with a bit of practice in the nimble arts thinks we're so jealous of how cool they look all the time. They're right, too, the bastards.
The Acrobat archetype focuses on graceful movement. An adventurer that chooses to become an Acrobat can expect to have much less trouble with rough or weird terrain obstacles, to the point that there will not infrequently be places you can get to that no one else in your party is capable of.
Acrobat | Move with skill and grace. | |
caret-right | Aerialist | Reduce falling damage, redirect force, skip over hazards. |
caret-right | Dodge | Avoid incoming attacks. |
caret-right | Spider Climb | Climb as easy as walking. |
caret-right | Steady | Ignore difficult terrain, immunity to Dizzy. |
caret-right | Stunt | Move quickly and with style. |
Movement | plus-circleClamber: You have the ability to climb up and down surfaces roughly equal in difficulty to a rope or rough stone wall. minus-circleVulnerable: While you are climbing, you have an impairment to your movement and attackers gain +2 damage against you with all forms of attack. |
Movement | plus-circleJump: You can take an action in order to make a jump of up to 5 meters in distance and/or 1 meter high. You can only jump in a straight line. | |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleFlying Leap: You can choose to jump up to 10 meters in distance and/or 2 meters high. minus-circleExertion: Jumping further costs a point of Energy in addition to an action. |
Protection | plus-circleLand on Your Feet: Falling damage (1 point per 3 meters fallen) is applied to your Energy first instead of directly to your Flesh. | |
Limitation | minus-circleStay Light: You cannot benefit from any ability in the Acrobat archetype while carrying anything more than a light load. doubledPowerhouse Exemption: If you also have the Powerhouse archetype, you can ignore this limitation. |
Sidebar: Non-Acrobats |
Any creature without the Acrobat archetype can only climb surfaces literally made for climbing (like a ladder). They may jump up to 2 meters horizontally as an action, or 5 meters horizontally and/or 1 meter vertically if they spend a point of Energy. When they take falling damage, it gets applied directly to their Flesh. Sucks to be them. |
Protection | plus-circleSoft Landing: Falling damage (1 point per 3 meters fallen) is applied to your Attention first instead of directly to your Energy. | |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleParachute: You can choose to completely negate all damage from a fall of any height. minus-circleThey Cost Money Tho: Completely negating all fall damage costs 1 Supplies. |
Protection | plus-circleRedirection: When you are moved against your will by any effect, you can choose to be moved in a slightly different direction (one hex deviation, your choice whether to the left or right) than what your attacker intended. You still move the entire proscribed distance if possible, only your direction (and destination) is changed. This might prevent an attacker from being able to do anything else bad to you (such as if they use the Sucking Maw ability from the Devourer archetype and you don't end up next to them, they can't actually eat you at the end of it). | |
Protection | plus-circleJump Clear: When you are targeted with an attack, you can choose to dodge it after seeing the dice result but before actually suffering the effect. Dodging lets you move up to 2 meters in any direction you like. The attack targets the place you were, not the place you are (and thus has no further effect). minus-circleArea Weakness: Attacks that strike a whole area (such as many Whelm-type attacks) cannot be successfully dodged unless you managed to move completely outside of the target area. minus-circleGotta See It Coming: You can only dodge attacks when you can clearly see the attacker (they must be within your visual arc and have no concealment/cover from you). If you also have the Whirl ability from this archetype, you totally can dodge attacks that you successfully spun around to face. minus-circleThat One's Gonna Land: You cannot dodge attacks whose trigger die is 10+. They're going to get you regardless. minus-circleConservation of Action: Every time you choose to dodge an attack, you get one less action on your next turn. You cannot dodge more than twice per round. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleBullet Time: You can choose to move up to 5 meters when dodging instead of only 2. minus-circleExertion: Every time you choose to move 5 meters as part of a dodge, you lose a point of Energy. |
Movement | plus-circleCliff Scaler: You can climb anything the approximate smoothness of a brick wall or less. plus-circleVulnerable No More: While you are climbing, you take no impairment to movement and attackers do not gain the normal +2 damage against you. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleCeiling Clinger: You can cling to and climb on any ceilings or overhangs rough enough that you could climb them if they were vertical. minus-circleVulnerability Returns: While you are clinging to a ceiling, you have an impairment to your movement and attackers gain +2 damage against you with all forms of attack. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleSuction: You can climb any surface up to the smoothness of a pane of glass. minus-circlePricy Gear: Suction is difficult to maintain, especially for larger creatures. Every round in which you wish to use this feature, roll a trigger die. If you roll a 1-6, you lose 1 Supplies. You cannot use this feature if you have no Supplies remaining. plus-circleCheaper For Shorties: If you are size 4, you only lose Supplies when the trigger die is 1-4. If size 3, on 1-2. If size 2, only on a 1. If size 1, you never lose Supplies and don't need to have any to use this feature. |
Movement | plus-circleIgnore Difficult Terrain: You ignore difficult terrain (rough, sticky, slippery, etc) by just walking across its surface without sinking in or losing your balance. You take no impairment to movement when on difficult terrain and enemy attacks against you do not get the normal +2 damage bonus. minus-circleLand Only: This benefit only applies to land-based difficult terrain- if you're swimming through water-based difficult terrain like thick weeds or whatever you still have to suffer the downsides. |
Movement | plus-circleTightrope Walker: You can freely walk on suspended horizontal ropes (or similar incredibly difficult balancing acts). | |
Protection | plus-circleConfident Stance: You cannot lose your sense of balance by any means. You are completely immune to the Dizzy condition. | |
ringing-bell | Dizzy | minus-circle Every time a movement action is taken, lose 1 Energy. minus-circle Cannot dash (travel further in exchange for Energy) during a movement action. plus-circle Movement made for free (without spending any actions) is unaffected. |
Movement | plus-circleThat's Impossible! As an action, you can pull off something impressive and maybe a bit crazy (such as swinging on a chandelier, riding a shield down a staircase, or using an ogre's backswing to launch yourself through the air) to move up to 10 meters from your current position while ignoring terrain and obstacles other than those that completely block progress (such as walls). If you can describe it at all, you can do it. minus-circleHeavy Exertion: Attempting a Stunt always costs a point of Energy. minus-circleWipeout: Stunts are dangerous and unpredictable as well as awesome. Every time you do one you have a chance to totally screw it up, resulting in you stopping your movement at the worst possible point along your planned route (referee chooses; if you weren't stunting through any particularly dangerous terrain you simply don't move at all from your initial point). Screwing up your stunt does not refund you the lost Energy you spent to make it. Roll a trigger die: if the result is a 1, you wipe out while attempting your stunt. |
caret-right | Alternative | plus-circleSwashbuckle: You can make another (non-movement, non-jump) action of your choice as a free action at any point along your planned route you want. minus-circleEpic Fails Likely: If you choose to gain the extra free action while stunting, you wipeout on a 1-3 instead of a 1. If your stunt fails, you don't get the free action you wanted either. |